In Enemy Hands

This pic is what prompted the story

 ~Please keep in mind that this copy is a rough draft. And as such, things are going to be changed, deleted, or expanded. There *are* questions left at the end in this version, yes. When the book is finally released, those questions will be answered. As with every story, I make edits on the rough draft, and this is no exception. Some ideas didn't pan out like I wanted so they were deleted. Varo's men didn't make the cut in the final version. :( 

Chapter One - Varo

“Stars-cursed planet.”

Snarling, Varo stomped into his private Bridge Office. Jerking his luxurious cowlarium hide desk chair around, he flopped down. Long blond hair fell over his shoulder. Irritated, he shoved it out of the way. He should’ve braided it this morning, but he’d gotten up late.

Chin resting on his knuckles, he stared out the port window into the unrelieved darkness that was space, scowling. Planet Helkan was his focus—with its permanent swirling cloud cover that more times than not denied their in-depth scans.

Its classification was that of an Evernight planet. Thanks to the cloud cover, only a sliver of light filtered through, resulting in two hours of feeble daylight per day. As such, its ecosystem either didn’t require much sunlight to live, or its fauna created its own photosynthesis.

No one knew much about the planet’s race since they were isolationists. Reports said the inhabitants were tall, pale-skinned, with long black hair, pointed ears, and specially adapted slit pupils.

And were probably the most hated race in the known galaxy.

The com on the outside of his door beeped suddenly. Varo turned in his chair, his messy desk between him and the door. Stars, he really needed to clear it. “Enter.”

The door slid open and his Second in Command, Artan, and Science Officer, Joff, joined him.

“Captain, I’ve detected an asteroid field coming this way,” Joff said.

Varo touched the small com screen on his desk. He called up the report, and scanned it quickly. “I see. Report says it should arrive in one unit hour. Is there any danger to us?”

“No, sir,” Joff replied. “Our shields will protect us from dangerous debris. But it might not be a bad idea to move closer to the planet Jux. We can use that as a barrier too.”

“Understood.” Varo stared at the screen. He requested a map of their solar system, which consisted of the planets Melix, Ventura, Yesri, Draknor, and Jux. He wanted to see how far out was the threat.

“Do you want me to handle it?” Artan asked.

“Give the order to reposition the ship closer to Jux.” Varo pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. “This is the only action we’ve had in days, so I’ll come to the Bridge before the fun starts.”

Artan’s lips twitched. “This is your idea of fun?”

“Best I’ve had since we got here.” Varo winked.

It was a sad state of affairs, but he spent his time studying the planet Helkan—a more vicious and unreasonable race he’d ever seen. Their reputation was one of violence. They rebuffed every species seeking trade treaties in the most insulting manner, including the Yesrians, his people.

The king of Yesri had tried to form an alliance with the Helkans. Their scathing reply offended Varo’s father to the point he declared war on the other race. Which was why Varo was sitting here, bored off his ass, monitoring the planet.

Varo pulled the mantle of captaincy around his shoulders again. “Set our long distance scanners to monitor how the Helkans’ Satellite Surveillance Network handles such a large group of asteroids hitting it. Make sure the Helm knows to stay at maximum range. We certainly don’t want to get too close.”

The Satellite Surveillance Network, or SSN, was a system of satellites that formed an energy mesh around Helkan. The satellites incorporated their own shields, so asteroids wouldn’t destroy them, but neither could a starship’s weapons system. They’d tried in the past. When ships encountered the mesh, the main computers shorted out, leaving the crippled vessels to crash land on the planet.

“That’s the last thing any of us wants,” Artan agreed. “I’ll tell Helm to be aware of distance, Captain, and I’ll send a reminder before the hour is up.”

“Thank you.” Varo waited until the door silently closed before returning to his study outside his port window.

Bedamned irrational Helkans. No one had any idea what became of the survivors. When ambassadors tried to open talks about prisoners, the Helkans made it painfully clear they didn’t release hostages. Questions arose. Were the survivors used as sexual slaves? Or did they want them for something much worse?

There were rumors they had fangs and drank blood. The whispered rumors were they took prisoners and used them as a food source. Varo shivered. Who knew what was true? Many reviled—and feared—the Helkans.

“Animals,” he whispered, as he stared at the planet.

Lost in thought, he jumped when the reminder beep alerted him the asteroid field was close. Where did the time go? He opened the door to his private office and stepped out onto the Bridge.

Settling in the captain’s chair, he quickly glanced at the floor-to-ceiling ship’s screen. “Update.”

One of the helmsmen tapped a few buttons on the sprawling computer board in front of him. “All systems operational. Asteroid field approaching, and shields are up. We are—”

A shrill beep from another com center caught his attention. “What the stars?” Varo jerked around to glance behind him at his Security Chief Haus. “Status?”

Haus stabbed at a com screen. “I… I… the sun just experienced a solar storm. The first flare of superheated plasma is incoming.”

Vargo spun around. “Helm, are we in danger? Can it—”

“Captain, instruments are showing that wasn’t a flare,” Artan interrupted from his station. “It’s a coronal mass ejection cloud. The CME is gaining speed as we speak.”

Varo kept his face passive, not that it mattered. Everyone on deck knew how dangerous the clouds were. “Time of impact?”

“Seven unit minutes.”

“Are we going to lose the main computer?”

Artan studied his control panel. “I’m not sure, but I don’t think so. The planet Jux has an iron core. It should block most of the CME cloud. The disruption, as it passes, may result in a bumpy ride, maybe short out a few lower level electrical panels, but that’s all. All electrical systems should be okay.”


Artan shrugged helplessly. “Should. Or it may fry every system we have and shut down completely. Sorry, Captain. That’s the best I can do.”

“Code Red.” Varo glared at the screen. “Send a message by private sublink to the Yesri Defense Center. Inform them what we are facing and that we may need assistance.”

This was bad. His starship wasn’t a battle class carrier. Including him, there were only twenty men on board. They were here to observe and report any changes to the DSSN. Gods, his ship was small enough it could fit in a battle class cruiser’s hangar. And there in the distance was Helkan. It was attractive and peaceful.

Varo wanted to blow it out of the sky.

“CME cloud arrival in five… four… three…”

Varo gripped the arm of his captain’s chair

“… two… one…”

His ship bucked and shuddered. Numerous alarms sounded through the ship. An ominous creaking sounded across the Bridge. Varo glanced up. Oh stars, was that a crack? Were the ship’s shields failing? If they lost integrity, they’d all die instantly. Internal lights flashed then shut off.

Blackness swallowed them. Several circuit boards on the helm exploded, sparks flashing and smoke filling the Bridge. Bodies flew from the impact. Varo found himself on the floor in front of his chair. Moans and cries echoed around him. The generator finally reinstated power, and a cold wash of red illuminated the Bridge.

“Report!” Varo struggled to stand, gripping his chair. The main viewing scene was snowy.

“Are you injured?”Artan demanded.

“No! Now report.”

Artan listened to the information pouring in from all stations. “Outgoing planetary communications are offline, but we do have station coms working. Several computer systems were down, but secondary power has restored some, for now. Life support is working. Sensors, both long and short, are still online.”


“Weapons we have are offline. Warp engines are offline. Shields are operational, but functioning at thirty per cent. Medical is operational and has wounded. Incoming reports are broken bones, laceration, and electrical burns.” Artan sighed. “Plasma burns too. I’m sorry, sir. We have casualties.”

“How many?”

“Three, so far.”

Varo said a quick prayer for his men. “Okay, someone get the portable foam extinguishers and put out the electrical fires.”

“Yes, Captain!” Haus yelled.

“Injured report to Medical at once.” Varo was pleased to see only two men left. “Okay, man stations and someone report on time to asteroid field arrival.”

“Now, Captain!” Joff replied.

Stars and curses, really? The aft of the ship faced Jux, which acted as a shield. He glared at the main viewing screen, which was still offline. He wished he could see how the SSN handled the incoming asteroids. Since Jux blocked them, their shields were holding.

“Confirmation that sublink message was sent?” Varo asked.

“Message sent, sir. We didn’t have long enough to log a reply.” Artan stepped next to the captain’s chair. “Sensors are recording reactions from the SSN. It appears the system is holding.”

“Understood.” Varo refused to allow his disappointment to show. Nothing seemed to defeat that system.

“And Captain, report from the Engine Room says warp is going to be offline a minimal twenty-four unit hours. We’ve also lost thrusters.” Artan lowered his voice. “We’re dead in the water.”

Varo replied just as softly. “Are we far enough away from Jux? We’re not going to get caught in its planetary pull, correct?”

“Correct. But we are floating aimlessly.” Artan stepped to Helm and fiddled with the controls. After a brief check of the readout, he returned to Varo’s side. “We might have a problem.”


“We’re floating toward Helkan.”

“Cursed planet.”

“I’d say cursed solar storm.” Artan stared at the blurry main screen. “We’re blind too.”

Varo resisted the urge to pound his fist against something. “How about I curse the whole useless mission?”

“Works for me,” Artan quipped. He cleared his throat, a shrill beep catching his attention. “Hmm, that’s interesting.”


“Scanners show a sudden flux of energy at the SSN.” Artan’s scowl increased. “I’m not really sure what is… Great galaxies! I don’t believe it. We have a massive breach in the system. Repeat, a massive breach in the SSN! The energy net that protects the planet is down. I repeat it is down. Captain! What do we do?”

Varo cursed under his breath, furious. They finally got a break, and his ship was useless. “Nothing. We can’t do anything, Artan. We have no weapons or any way to maneuver. We observe and document for future reference only. If that net came down once, maybe we can get it down again.”

“A chance of a lifetime, and we’re helpless,” Artan whispered. “Do you think the CME cloud had something to do with it? It was powerful.”

“Possibly. That, along with getting battered by huge chunks of rocks right after the cloud hit, may have contributed to it going down.”

“Captain, we have an incoming message.” The Communications Officer Sarik grimaced. “The Helkans demand we withdraw from their immediate planetary air space. Stars, they want us to move behind Jux. If we do not retreat, the message says they will send their warbirds.”

“Are outgoing communications still down?” Varo asked Sarik.

“Yes, sir.”

Artan snarled at the com center. “If they scan us, they’ll see we’re damaged and can’t respond or depart.”

Varo stared at the still snowy main screen. “Scans can be misleading, as you know. Shutting down systems will just show as systems down. They can’t tell whether we did that on purpose, or if we really have problems. That CME cloud didn’t leave any external damage that I’m aware of, either.”

“It’s stupid to think it didn’t affect us if it affected them,” Artan argued.

“True. And I doubt they care. Refusing to answer and refusing to move, especially while their defenses are compromised, could be seen as a threat. More importantly, there’s the fact we’re at war with them.”

“What do we do?” Artan asked.

“Keep trying to get Planetary Communications up and hope they don’t blow us out of the skies.” Varo paged the Engine Room again. “Can we at least get thrusters?”

“Sorry, Captain. That’s a negative. It’s a fried mess down here,” the Head Mechanic, Darn, answered, her voice stressed.

“There’s no way our ships will get here in time to help, Captain.” Artan glanced around the Bridge.

“I know.” Varo looked at the blank screen. They were blind and helpless, with no way to communicate, not that anyone could with the Helkans. There was only one choice.

“Sir! I’m picking up several smaller ships—fighters I assume—and one massive ship. Probably the warbird they threatened,” a female crewmember at the Helm declared. “Time of arrival is thirty unit minutes.”

Varo took a deep breath, then released it. “Well, that settles it then.” Varo typed in a code on the com that opened a shipwide speaker. “This is Captain Varo. Our ship is disabled, and the Helkans have deemed our presence a threat. They are likely to attack. Captain’s orders: Abandon ship. I repeat, abandon ship. Everyone but Senior Staff report to escape pods immediately. Senior Staff report to the Bridge. Varo out.”

“Everyone not Senior Staff evacuate the Bridge.” Artan yelled. “May our Goddess Ruim deliver you safely home.”

Varo watched his crew leave the Bridge. “Artan, can you monitor the pods to Yesrian space?”

Artan stabbed at a couple of buttons on one of the damaged Helm’s panel. “Sorry, Captain. That’s a negative. Certain parts of the panel aren’t functioning properly. I can tell you pods are vacating the ship, but I can’t track them to safety.”

“Understood.” Varo glanced at Artan. “Sarik, keep an eye on the pods for as long as possible.”

“Yes, Captain.” Sarik bent back over the panel.

“And Haus, are you able to track the enemy ships?” Varo asked.

“Yes, sir, but not visually. All I can access is a sonar map of the area.” 

“That’s better than nothing, I guess.” At this point anything was a gift.

Darn entered the Bridge. Her uniform was in disarray and a dark stain marred her cheek. The ponytail she usually kept her white-blond hair restrained in was a mess. “Reporting as ordered, Captain.”

“Good. Start checking nonfunctioning com panels. Maybe you can salvage some of the systems.”

“Yes, sir.” She hurried to the nearest panel.

Satisfied the other officers were busy, Varo motioned to Artan. Together they moved away from the other men. “Artan, am I correct in remembering there’s one extra pod?”


“Good.” Varo worked to keep his breathing level. “This is going to get nasty. I want Darn and Joff on that last pod. They have the least experience in warfare, and they’re the youngest. Thoughts?”

“I agree we should send them. Joff has a child on the way, and Darn has two mates at home. The rest of us aren’t mated and have no children.”

Varo nodded. The two were going to disagree, but he was Captain. His word was law. He knew what they were facing. If he could save the majority of his crew, then he would die happy. He’d heard too many vile rumors about the Helkans. He wasn’t going to become a slave if he could help it.

“Status?” Varo asked.

Sarik checked the Helm panel. “All but one pod gone.”

Haus frowned at his viewing screen. “The warbird is staying close to where the net went down. The fighters are approaching, but slowly. They are still quite a distance out.”

“Good.” Varo readied himself for the arguments coming his way. “Joff and Darn, I want you to take the final pod and go.”

“What? Sir!” Joff jerked around. “No, sir. I will not—”

Darn’s shout drowned out Joff’s. “Not going to happen, Captain. I refuse to leave the rest of you—”

Varo held up his hand and silence descended. “That’s an order.  I do appreciate the thought, but… You can go to the pods under your own steam, or I can have Artan stun your asses then put you in the pod. Either way, you will leave this ship.”

Both officers grumbled, loudly.

“Time’s running out. Go, or I’ll have you taken.” Varo nodded at Artan, who held his stunner. “I’m trying to save your fool lives, so get going.”

“Captain.” Joff’s lips trembled. “I would gladly stay, you know this.”

“We both would,” Darn added.

“I know, and I am honored by your willingness to give your lives. But…” Varo clutched both crewmembers by the shoulder. “I refuse, refuse, to allow those animals to take any more of us than necessary. I will not have one drop of your honorable blood shed by our enemy. Go back, and tell my father what you saw here. Tell him how the SSN collapsed. Maybe something good will come from this. Now, go.”

“May the Goddess Ruim keep you safe.” Joff clasped Varo’s hand.

“Sir.” Darn nodded. “We will tell your father how brave you were. Many voices will be raised in honor of your sacrifice.”

“I can’t ask for more.” Silently, he watched Darn and Joff leave the Bridge, with Artan closely behind them.

Sarik rested his hand on Varo’s arm. “They will live to fight another day, Captain. It was the right thing to do.”

“Too bad I couldn’t stuff you, Haus, and Artan on there too.”

Haus snorted. “Artan would have stunned you if you tried.”

“There is that.” Varo lowered his body into his captain’s chair. “Now we wait for the end, my friends.”

“It’s a good day to die,” Haus agreed.

“Be that as it may, don’t you hate just sitting here, waiting for them to decide our destiny. I wish… If I’m going to die, I’d rather it be on my terms.” Sarik waved his hand toward the blank screen. “We won’t even know if they plan to blow us up until… well, until they blow us up.”

Haus snickered. “Still so articulate I see, even in the end.”

Sarik narrowed his eyes at Haus. “Speaking of ends—”

Haus blanched, quickly glancing at Varo.

Varo rolled his eyes. “We’re about to be incinerated, and the both of you are worried if I’m aware you’re bouncing on each other? Not that it matters now, but officially I’m unaware. Unofficially? Neither of you are as stealthy as you think.”

Haus groaned.

Sarik just laughed. “Sorry about that, sir.”

“If I thought you were doing more than fucking, it might have been a problem. You know committed couples can’t serve on the same deck levels.” Varo shrugged. “But since it isn’t, I ignored it.”

“And glad we are you did.” Sarik slapped Haus on the back, a smile on his face. “Even if Haus is slightly embarrassed by you knowing.  I however, am not.”

Varo chuckled. “Sarik, you wouldn’t know embarrassment if it bit you on—”

“Captain?” Artan’s voice cut off Varo’s words.

Varo hurried to his captain’s chair and hit the in-ship com “Go ahead, Artan.”

“Darn and Joff are off.”


“Also, did you know Darn fixed the shuttle? She told me before they entered the escape pod.”

“I didn’t, no. When did she finish the repairs?”

“This morning, right before the cloud hit and everything went ass up.”

Excitement flooded Varo, and he glanced at Sarik. “Sarik, you may have just gotten your wish.” This was the break they needed. “Artan, stay there. We’re on our way to you.”

“Yes, sir. Artan out.”

Haus glanced at Varo. “What…?”

“Let’s go.” Turning, Varo ran to the elevator lifts, Sarik and Haus behind him. “We’ll have to take the shafts down to the shuttle bay since the cloud knocked out the lifts. Make it quick, gentleman, time is not our friend.”

Sarik jerked a panel off, exposing the shaft. One after the other, they descended the ladders in the narrow tubes that ran from deck to deck.

“Okay, what’s taking the shuttle going to do for us?” Haus huffed as he carefully positioned one hand after the other on the ladder. “The shuttle’s warp drive is probably messed up, as is weapons.”

“But it also runs on good old fashion fuel,” Varo volunteered.

“So?” Haus shook his long hair out of his face. “There’s not enough to get us home.”

“No, it won’t. But it will get us to the surface of the planet,” Varo said.

Haus jerked his hand out of the way before Sarik’s boot landed on it. “Why in the Goddess’ name would we want to get to the surface? Once they get the SSN up again, we’ll be trapped there. They’ll hunt us down like animals. And I hate the dark too. It’s nothing but darkness there!”

“I know. They call it a Nightshade planet for a reason. I said it would get us to the surface. I didn’t say I wanted to land on the surface.” Varo stopped at the deck labeled Shuttle Bay and kicked out another side panel. “We’re there.”

Haus climbed out of the shaft after Varo. “Then what are you planning, sir? And why do you think they won’t just shoot us out of the sky?”

“Because, I’m hoping you can hotwire the shuttle so we can activate stealth mode.”

Haus’ eyes widened. “But, Captain, that’s more Darn’s job. She’s the engineer.”

“I’ve seen you hotwire more than one com panel, Haus.” Varo nodded to the shuttle.

Haus swiped a hand over his face. “Okay, so maybe I can, but what good will that do?” Haus walked to where Artan stood by the open shuttle door.

“The net is down, and that’s an opportunity I can’t pass up. If you can manually activate the shuttle’s stealth mode, we can go invisible and get past them. We set coordinates and aim for their capital city. With any luck, we can use the shuttle as a weapon and blow up their royal family.”

“Oh,” Haus breathed. “Suicide mission.”

Varo paused at the shuttle door. “I won’t order any of you to join me. If you can get the stealth mode working on the shuttle, you can stay here if you wish, Haus. Same goes for you, Sarik and Artan. Slavery or death is the only option we have now. I choose death. Hopefully, I can take a few of their royal family with me.”

“I’m in.” Sarik nodded. “But they live in places literally carved directly into cliff faces.”

“And can you imagine what a shuttle with a warp engine exploding on contact would do to that rock face? I promise you, that explosion would be seen from space,” Varo answered.

“What a morale booster that would be if we could pull it off.” Haus pursed his lips. “At least death would be quick.”

Artan crossed his arms over his chest. “You don’t really think I’m going to let you have all the fun, do you? Of course I’m in.”

“I’m in too, Captain.” Haus stepped onto the shuttle.

“Well then, let’s tinker with this beauty and get her set up.” Varo slapped Haus on the back. “Go work your magic. We need to leave like five unit minutes ago.”

Activity picked up around the shuttle. Haus lay flat on his back, with a panel off under the Helm, busy with the wires. Artan monitored the approaching Helkan fighters. Sarik sat in the pilot’s chair, checking the systems.

Varo leaned over Sarik’s shoulder. “How it’s coming?”

“I’ve…” Sarik tapped the screen a few more times. “Yes! Son of a dirty comet, he did it. We’re a go, Captain. Haus, you big sexy goof, you did it!”

“Oh goddess, would you stop that?” Haus wiggled out of the guts of the Helm and sat up. “You are such a perv.”

“You’re just now figuring that out?” Varo shook his head and sat in the co-pilot’s chair, thankful his officers had loosened up a bit. He was about to die, and he wanted to be around friends, not subordinates. “Okay, Sarik, you’re the best pilot we have on board, so let’s go stealth and get out of here.”

“Yes, sir. Everyone strap in.” Sarik tapped the Helm controls. “Closing shuttle doors and releasing Shuttle Bay dampeners. And here goes nothing…” Sarik engaged stealth mode. “Good. Our systems are limited, but we do have some operational, Captain.”

Varo activated his part of the Helm panel. “Requesting coordinates for the last known location of their royal family and…”  The screen jumped, static disrupting it. Varo smacked it with his fist. “There we go. We have a location.” Varo manually typed in the information. “Excellent. Course laid in, Sarik, and good news is it’s not on the other side of this stars-cursed planet. According to the flight path I’m reading, we’re right on target.”

“Let’s hope this is accurate.” Sarik tapped a button, and then tapped it again until it responded. Finally a hologram appeared in front of Sarik.

With a swipe of his hand, the shuttle bay doors opened. Another tap and the smaller ship lifted off the flight deck. Moving his hands in connection to the hologram screen in front of him, he gently eased them toward the open end of the bay and the blackness that was space.

“Even if it’s not, at least we can cause some damage.” Artan held his breath as the shuttle moved farther down the runway, then outside and away from their ship.

“And we are clear of the main ship and on course,” Sarik said.

“Fighters incoming.” Varo expanded his sonar screen to view their distance from the enemy.

“Noted. They don’t appear to know we’re here.” Sarik kept his eyes on the Helm. “They are scanning the main ship. Wonder what they’ll think when scans show no life forms?”

“If they aren’t stupid, they’ll scan the surrounding area for life forms that match ours.” Varo watched the Helm’s screen. “Let’s hope they think we abandoned ship. They should when the scan shows missing escape pods. Come on, come on,” he muttered to the little blips on the screen. “Nothing to see here. We’re all gone, so just go on about your business while we slip down to the planet and blow your asses up.”

Sarik snorted at Varo’s whispered mutterings. “They are indeed scanning the surrounding area.” Our scans show they aren’t powering weapons. Yet.”

“Good. Continue course to the planet.”

Silence reigned in the cockpit, no one uttering a word as enemy fighters circled the abandoned ship. As they watched, the warbird moved away from where autobot ships worked on the satellites that were part of the net surrounding the planet. The warbird dwarfed the ship they’d abandoned.

He growled softly when he saw a tractor beam attach to his ship. He really wished the main computer system had been operational so he could’ve set the ship’s autodestruct. It would have been a pleasure to watch the Helkan’s warbird blow up. Only thing better would have been blowing up and taking out the SSN.

They piloted on, slowly making their way to where the net’s satellites were down.

“Okay, here we go,” Sarik said. “If the SSN is nonfunctioning—and scans say it is—then we should slip through the hole in their defenses undetected.”

The tension climbed in the shuttle as they drew closer.

“We will be entering the net in five… four… three… two… one… and it’s a go.” Varo held his breath. So far, so good. Once they passed the net, they could—

A bright, sparking flash jumped from one satellite to another. The energy produced electrified the surrounding air as the SSN reactivated.

“Stars and curses! No, no, no. This can’t be happening. Not now, not yet!” Snarling, Varo slammed his hand on the com. The light leaped from one satellite to another, then hit them with a hard blast of energy that shook the shuttle. Varo was grateful he was strapped into the chair. Alarms sounded through the cabin, along with harsh voices cursing.

“All systems down! I repeat, all systems are down. Helkan’s Satellite Surveillance Network is operational, and the bedamned thing caught us. Stealth mode is offline. We are visible, Captain, and have incoming ships. We’re on an uncontrolled descent toward the planet with no way to use thrusters to reduce reentry heating.”

“Are we going to burn up?” Haus yelled, leaning forward as far as he could to see Sarik.

“I…” Sarik shouted back as he bounced in his seat while fighting to control their descent. “I don’t think so, but it’s going to get very hot in here.”

“Any chance of getting to the destination we programmed in?” Varo hollered, heat already seeping inside the shuttle.

“Negative, Captain. We don’t have the speed to make that now.” Sarik wiped his forehead, then snarled at the Helm that blinked with a multitude of nonworking lights. “As unbelievable as this it, we’re going to crash-land in an area of the planet that isn’t rocky. There’s no mountains with lovely Helkans for us to blow up anywhere around us, unfortunately.”

“Figures,” Varo yelled above the screaming alarms.

Artan huffed, fighting to breathe in the stifling heat. “It’s getting rather warm in here.”

“Master of the understatement, as always.” Haus snorted from his chair.

“Gentlemen, hold onto your asses, we’re going in hot,” Varo roared as the dark clouds gave way to an even darker rolling, rocky landscape.

Between the screaming alarms, he heard voices praying. Varo added his as they barreled down toward the unforgiving ground. “Goddess, please take my men quickly. Don’t let them suffer.”

Chapter Two -Varo
Varo’s eyes snapped open, then he slammed them right back shut. A sharp pain stabbed through his head, and little aches made themselves known everywhere. Bouncing his head off the loading dock on his ship during a game of spaceball hadn’t hurt this bad. A long, tired sigh escaped Varo. Well, one question answered—he was still alive. He leaned back against the headrest, body strumming with anxiety as he took stock of his body.

One galaxy-size headache appeared to be the worse of the damage he’d sustained.

It appeared his goddess wanted him to live, so best to get on with it. On the second go-around, he took his time opening his eyes, not that it made any more of a difference. His head still throbbed like a rotten tooth. Blinking repeatedly, he tried to clear his distorted vision. The objects around him swam, gently rolling up and down on unseen waves.

His stomach didn’t appreciate the sight, and showed its disapproval with a mighty heave. Saliva flooded his mouth, and after a brief, desperate discussion, he talked his stomach back down to where it belonged. That settled, he took note of how sounds were weird, distorted. Distant. Whatever was blaring around him, he wished it would stop.

He stared out of the shuttle’s main window, the vision before him not making much sense. As far as he could see in any direction, a light mist covered the land—land covered in tall trees and vegetation. A multitude of purples greeted him, as did vibrant, almost glowing, shades of blue.

He was unaware the planet could support large, lush jungles. How interesting that scans penetrating the protective cloud showed mountainous ranges, but not the thriving jungle that Helkan…


“Stars!” Reality snapped back, his fascination with the surrounding area gone.

The horrific blaring was the alarms inside the shuttle. How could he forget they’d crash-landed on the planet? Even now their enemy must be tracking them. That got his attention.

He leaned over and shook Artan, shoving Artan’s long, honey blond hair out of the way. “Artan! Answer me. Haus? Sarik?”

Not a word. Frantically, Varo unbuckled the straps that held him secure and lurched from his co-pilot’s seat. Varo checked Artan, then the other two men. All were breathing. Artan groaned, drawing Varo’s attention.

Varo hurried back to the front of the shuttle, toward Artan. “Artan, come on, I need you to wake up.”

“Varo?” Artan opened his eyes. He rubbed at his face, a line of blood winding down from his scalp. “What happened?”

“We crashed. Don’t move around much—”

“I’m bleeding?” Artan held his hand in front of his face, bewildered.

Varo grabbed the bloodstained hand and lowered it to Artan’s lap. “And yes, you’re bleeding from the head, but it doesn’t look bad. I’m going to get the portable mediunit. I’ll clean the blood just as soon I know you’re okay.” Varo stumbled to a cabinet that held medical supplies. The mediunit was a small device that checked the body for injury and reported health stats.

Varo retuned and ran the mediunit above Artan’s body. “No internal bleeding or broken bones. Heart rate elevated…”

“Not surprising since we just crash-landed on enemy soil,” Artan commented.

“I’ll say.” Relief flooded Varo.

Artan sounded more coherent. He finished the scan and applied a thick gel that would act as a bandage to the cut. Then he handed Artan a medically treated wet wipe to mop the blood off his face, staring into Artan’s startling jade green eyes. Eyes that were clear now, no longer shaded with confusion.

“The cut wasn’t bad. The gel will disinfect it and help promote healing. Your scan was fine.”

“Fine,” Artan echoed, rolling his shoulders. “Tell my sore body that.”

“Okay… that.” Varo snorted when Artan chuckled.

“Captain, your sense of humor still sucks dead space.”

“I’m aware.” Varo grinned, but let the moment slip away as he shoved several shattered pieces of equipment aside to get to the rest of his crew. Would this be the last time Artan got to tell him how bad his jokes were?

Varo squatted down next to Haus, mediunit already scanning his officer. Varo touched Haus’ arm. “Okay, Haus, talk to me.”

Haus grunted. “That certainly was not my idea of fun, Captain.”

Varo’s lips twitched. Several strands of long dirty blond hair had come loose from the braid he wore. Soon, Haus would be griping about the curls he called untamable. He was one of the few Yesrians who didn’t have straight hair.

Varo scanned Haus, and the bruises already blooming across his face, one of Haus’ moss green eyes starting to swell shut. “The fun isn’t over. Now stay still until I know you haven’t damaged anything.”

Varo finished checking Haus. “You’re okay too.” Varo turned to Sarik, who was already staring at Varo, waiting. “Your turn, Sarik.”

Small particles of debris covered Sarik’s golden blond hair, but his azure blue eyes were clean and calm, even if he was slightly pale. All of their people had darkly tanned skin, thanks to the abundance of sunlight their planet received.

Another quick check, and Varo was satisfied. His men were beaten up and sore from the crash, but alive. Nothing was broken or damaged. Thank the goddess, none of them had serious injuries, which was a testament to Artan’s piloting skills.

“Okay, look lively, men. I’d like to hear suggestions before I decide on a course of action.”

That got their attention. Harnesses were unbuckled and moved out of the way. Each stood, moving uneasily in the confining shuttle, staring out the main window into the dim jungle. There was muted lighting, but it was light.

“Did we know they also had jungles?” Sarik frowned at the landscape. “It’s beautiful, but it’s so… Is it daytime?”

“I assume so, such as it is.” Varo glared into the twilight. Daylight here didn’t remotely resembled daylight on his planet. They had twenty-two hours of beautiful, warm sunlight.

“So, what do we do?” Artan asked.

“Well, we can stay here and wait for them to arrive. Or, we take what supplies we can, and make them hunt us.” Varo glanced around the shuttle. “Not that there’s much to take.”

“The shuttle has several survival paks.” Haus walked to the back of the shuttle, opened the storage area, and retrieved them. Returning, he tossed one to each officer. “Here you go. The pak employs a retractable mesh strap. There are places to attach the weapons to the outside as needed.”

“Huh.” Sarik handled the pak. “It’s heavier than I thought.”

“It has dried prepackaged foods, minor medical supplies, and weapons—some of which are not electronic.” Varo removed the mesh backpack, put the pak inside it, and slipped in on his back.

“That reminds me, I also need to check the stunners to see if they’re operational.” Haus removed his stunner from his belt and started running check on it. “Hmmm, they’re not working, thanks to the net.”

Artan tapped the computer console. “We have the same problem here. There’s no way to access information about the planet, so we don’t know what’s dangerous and what’s not.”

Varo scanned his body with mediunit. He felt fine, but better to make sure, especially if they were going to try to make a run for it. There was no chance to escape, but they certainly planned to make a stand. With any luck, before they’d take out a couple of Helkans before things ended.

“We’ve all had survival training, remember that.” Varo looked at each man before him. “The only question left is if we stay together or split up.”

Artan had his pak on. He’d strapped the knife that came in the pak on his thigh. “I say we split up.”

Haus nodded in agreement. “That means they’d have to split up too.”

“I love this little beauty.” Sarik grinned at the personal brass knuckle weapon he slipped on his hand. The contoured rubber-coated action grip handle squeaked as he tightened his hand. In the tip of each knuckle there was a sharp point, a deadly metal, razor-sharp tip. “I agree. One male is harder to take down than a group.”

“Okay, we split up then.” Varo held out his hand. “May the goddess lead your weapon truly.”

“May your strike be deadly,” Artan added, placing his hand over Varo’s.

Haus and Sarik covered Varo and Artan’s hands. “Let the blood of our enemy flow freely.”

Varo looked each male fully in the face. “It’s been an honor serving with each of you. Good hunting.”

Varo stood guard while his men left, each spreading out in a different direction. Glancing up at the sky—the smoky gray sky filled with even darker fluffy clouds—he shivered. His black uniform jacket was sleeveless, made to show the various tattoos on his arms. Instead of medals given for awards, his people tattooed their success on their body.

Needless to say, he displayed his arms with pride. Now he wished he had sleeves. The lightweight material of his uniform wouldn’t be much good if the temperature dropped much more. At least the dark pants would blend in, and his black boots were sturdy. The bloodred sash around his waist, that signified his title as a Yesrian prince, had to go.

The ground around the area where they crashed was a mess. The shuttle had left a trench as it slid, roughing up the grass and throwing mounds of dirt. He surveyed the area, an idea forming. Yes, indeed, that would work quite nicely. Quickly, he dug a hole. Unwrapping the cloth from his waist was harder than he imagined, but he did it.

Odd how he now felt… stripped. A strange chill caressed his body as he stared at the sash. The feeling he would never again wear it settled deep within him—it scared him to the darkest corners of his very soul. Hands trembling, he buried the proof of whom and what he was, then arranged the messy soil to appear undisturbed.

Stars, he couldn’t shake the feeling he’d just buried part of himself in that shallow grave.

Desperate to shake off the unsettling premonition, he quickly scouted the surrounding area, making sure his men hadn’t left any sign of flight. He had no doubt the Helkans would seize the shuttle, and go through it. Let them. They would find nothing of the males who crashed it there.

Turning, he ran toward the jungle, the mist enveloping him.

In the fading twilight, the jungle glowed with vibrant, misty blues, smoky grays, and luxuriant deep purples that blended with the surrounding landscape. A nearby waterfall shimmered as the water splashed gently into a small pool lined with lush plants and wind-smoothed pewter rocks. The dim sliver of light cast a bright radiance over the surrounding water.

How odd that various plants sparkled in the encroaching darkness. He had no idea the landscape was so stunning and well-maintained. Never would he have imagined the Helkans had such ties to the environment, which obviously they did, from what he saw around him. How could violent people live in such beauty and be so devoid of warmth themselves?

After securing his pak, Varo knelt at the waterfall. His hands hovered above the gently rippling waves. The water had such a sweet, clean scent. He noticed his refection staring back at him. As odd as it was to think in such terms, he was prey. As such, he needed to blend in as much as possible. His dark skin would help hide him, but his hair color was nothing more than a beacon in the night.

He plunged his hands into the water and grabbed fistfuls of mud. Wrinkling his nose, he rubbed the muck into in his hair, covering his blond tresses. He kept at it until he was sure there was no blond remaining. Of course, now his head was damp, and it was getting chiller as the thin streams of daylight receded. 

It was so calm and… peaceful. Peace was a commodity he hadn’t enjoyed in a long time, thanks to the uproar on his planet. His thoughts returned to why his planet was in an uproar, and the answer led straight back to the Helkans. Everything came back to them. And he didn’t have time to lose himself in the usual sorry thoughts about his enemy.

Confused and disheartened, Varo shoved the thought away and wiped his damp hand on his pants leg. Kneeling there, lost in dire thoughts, wasn’t doing him any good. In fact, it was dangerous. It was easier to take prey down at a water source. Only this time, he wasn’t the predator.

“Just call me prey,” he muttered to the surrounding jungle.

An abrupt displacement of air next to him drew his attention. A lone, dark purple vine with a silvery, delicate flower reached out toward him. Varo stood quickly, stepping away from the waterfall. Nothing was as delicate as it seemed. He’d learned that lesson at his father’s knee.

The vine hesitated, shivering slightly. It bobbed slowly, weaving in place as if searching for whatever had just been there. It was oddly hypnotic, but the compelling movement was nothing more than a trap. Varo studied it, wondering if the vine used infrared to track prey. As he debated the thought, a small, winged pest buzzed past. The vine struck. The petals acted as a mouth, snapping closed on the struggling insect.

“Lovely and dangerous. But I’m a little larger than a bug.”

The vine withdrew, coiling itself back toward a large bluish purple oblong plant that glowed from within. He watched as the bug, still wiggling, traveled down the vine. Dinner was served. Lucky plant.

Varo scanned the area. This wasn’t where he wanted to make his last stand. In fact…. He glanced upward, toward the top of the trees—the nice, full treetops.

“Hmm.” Varo turned in a circle, judging the area. “Nice. Very nice. I might as well put the jungle to use since it’s here and all. And maybe, with a little luck, I can take out a few Helkans.”

Varo moved away from the waterfall. As he walked, he moved deeper into the tangled mass of trees and planets, careful not to disrupt the environment around him. Sounds of wildlife came to him. A steady chirp, chirp, chirp followed by a deep, throaty grunt from some sort of large animal.

Varo scowled at the jungle. “Or it might be me taken out, is that what you’re saying?”

A lone, shrill cry filled the night. Chill bumps raced over his body. The cry sounded astoundingly like a scream. Answering calls bounced all around him, climbing in crescendo until they peaked. Silence fell, a heavy weight that lasted for several heart-stopping units of time. 

Varo would have sworn on one of their most sacred artifacts that the jungle just answered him. “Well, not without a fight, I promise you that.” Varo fingered the knife strapped to his leg.

Steadily moving deeper into the jungle, he sought just the right tree. He needed something full and thick, but with branches not too far from the ground. His scouting paid off when he finally found what he needed. With a thick base and a full canopy, this was perfect. Grabbing a limb, he swung himself up.

He barely cleared the first branch when he suddenly snarled in pain. “Bedamned!”

Blood dripped from a ragged cut across the top of his right hand. Glaring, he settled on the branch, holding his injury against his chest until he was sure his seat was secured in the tree. Then he tore a strip off the bottom of his uniform shirt and wrapped the cut. He’d treat it just as soon as he stopped the bleeding.

“What a rookie mistake. Gods and goddess, I deserve to get caught.”

Varo studied the nearby foliage. The hand-size broad leaves had a jagged edge, something he hadn’t thought to check before he started climbing. That was what had cut him, and it was deep enough he’d bled—which any predator with a decent nose could now smell. He had to get the blood stopped, and he refused to think about infection.

If the bedamned Helkans didn’t get him, the planet just might.

Staying there was no longer an option now that he was bleeding everywhere, which was too bad since it had been the perfect place for an ambush. Who knew how much farther he’d have to travel before he found another tree that met his needs?

Disgruntled, he climbed down. Or he attempted to. Instead, he found his body swaying precariously. He threw out a hand to steady himself as his vision blurred then cleared. He grabbed at another branch with his injured hand, and horror filled his head. He couldn’t make a fist.

He felt nothing at all in his right hand, and the numbness was traveling up his arm. Panicked, he shook his hand, trying to get the feeling back. Sweat broke out across his forehead as another wave of dizziness swept over him. The light was gone, taking what measly heat it had offered with it. He knew it was too cool for him to be sweating.

He fought back the fear that threatened to rise. There was no time for that. He yanked the pak off his back and ripped it opened. There was standard issue antiserum inside, but he had no idea if it would work. He pressed the metal tube to his arm and tapped the button on the bottom. There was a hiss signifying automatic injection of the antiserum into his arm. Now all he could do was wait.

Whatever sap the leaves contained was affecting his body, and he was losing control of his movements. Was he safer in the tree or on the ground? Another wave of dizziness hit him, and this time when it receded, his vision didn’t return.

Darkness that had nothing to do with the planet’s source of daylight crept up on him. He was about to pass out. Well, that answered that. No way could he get down now without breaking something. Frantically, he wedged himself into the bend of the tree, hoping when he woke, he’d be okay.
At this point he just hoped he woke.

Chapter Three - Adlar

“Frack.” Adlar’s loud snarl echoed through the battle shuttle he piloted toward the Yesri crash site.

The SSN suffered a complete failure, something that hadn’t happened in recent memory. It was pure chance nothing more than a small Yesri shuttle managed to penetrate their defenses. But even that was a danger, as every spacefaring race knew. Shuttles had warp engines, and when they blew, the damage was massive. Fortunately the SSN had reactivated as the shuttle passed through, shorting out its main controls.

Helkan Strategic Command had scanned the shuttle immediately and reported one male life form. Since the shuttle was helpless to wreck whatever destruction planned, they didn’t blow it up. That wasn’t to say the person in it was helpless. He wasn’t. He was a Yesri, a species who enjoyed a battle as much as the next race. But it was their superior, egotistical attitude that caused some to back away from committing to new trade agreements with them.

Then the Yesri had turned their greedy eyes toward Helkan. They desired to trade for the Black Phospolrock his people, the Helkans, controlled. The fact the Helkans didn’t trade with any species didn’t seem to matter. The Yesris refused to accept the Helkans decision not to sell, trade, or discuss mining rights to the Black Phospolrock. Both races exchanged unpleasantries, and then the Yesri declared war.

“The gall.” Adlar shook his head as he remembered the flood of insults, then threats, from the Yesri king. “It’s our planet to do with as we please. That does not include appeasing your kind.”

Adlar tapped the holographic helm in front of him, bringing up the distance to the crash site. As he drew nearer, he had to admit he was impressed. Whoever piloted the shuttle was talented. He’d give his enemy that. Such a controlled entry took unshakable nerve and the blessing of a goddess.

Which he could use a little of too, since he was next up to land in the small restrictive space. Adlar called in the location to The Helkan Strategic Command. Most soldiers called it Command. Their scans had showed the Yesri had abandoned their starship, using the escapes pods to return home.

They’d let them flee.

But not this one. For some unknown reason, this male targeted the planet instead of fleeing. He would find that was a mistake. Adlar maneuvered the battle shuttle, swearing under his breath, as he lowered the craft not far from the crash site. Unstrapping from the pilot chair, he opened the shuttle’s bay area.

He didn’t believe the hunt would take long. The Yesri intruder was unused to the darkness that covered their planet the majority of the time. As such, he hadn’t developed adaptations like elongated ears to catch the faintest of sounds, or slitted pupils that adjusted to both low and bright levels of illumination like the Helkans.

Due to the amount of sunlight the planet Yesri received, it inhabitants were all tanned. They were also all blond—which would draw attention in a land full of darkness. Stepping outside, Adlar’s pupils enlarged, and he removed his stunner. He scanned the area, satisfied all was as it should be. He moved steadily through the jungle, caution leading his steps.

Approaching the abandoned Yesri shuttle, he crouched behind a twisted lavender tree with weeping limbs. Listening carefully, he searched for any sounds that did not belong. The wildlife chirped and called in its usual song of nightfall. Outside of the normal noise, he heard nothing to indicate his enemy was nearby.

Surveying the area, he saw the enemy shuttle had left a long gorge where it slid before coming to a halt, throwing dirt everywhere. He hated the scar on the landscape. Environment was an issue of the upmost important to his species. It was the main reason only they mined the Black Phospolrock in the most noninvasive method possible. Adlar knelt and touched the destruction. The land would heal itself—they’d make sure of that. A flash of something—a color not found in the landscape—caught his eye.

Frowning, he shifted the rich dirt through his fingers. As he dug, his hands touched something. Grasping it, he slowly uncovered what the dirt hid. “Well, well, well. What have we here?”

Adlar pulled the red sash from the grime. A hard smile covered his face. He looked out at the jungle, eyes narrowed. “So, we have one of the three Yesri princes stranded on planet.”

More than likely the prince was the third son—not as valuable as the heir or the spare, but still worth something. Adlar brought the cloth to his face and sniffed. At first, all he smelled was the richness of the dirt. He shook the sash to clean it and tried again. Closing his eyes, he blocked out disruptions as he attempted to catch any hidden scent of his enemy.

He took a deep breath… and yes. There. That was what he was looking for. Adlar memorized the light, breezy fragrance that held just a hint of maleness. The scent wrapped around him, teasing his senses. Clutching the sash, his fingers crushed the velvety fabric as a sudden stab of desire raced through him, leaving him aching.

His fangs throbbed as the thrilling scent invaded his body. Maddened, he opened his eyes, staring at the sash he held, his cock hard. Shock’s icy fingers danced along his spine. In an effort to clear his thoughts, he shook his head. No! This can’t be happening. This was his enemy, not some lost lover to caress and hold. Adlar squeezed the sash as he tried to dampen his reaction to that scent. The Yesri prince would find out exactly how the Helkans treated invaders.

A silent snarl marred Adlar’s mouth. “Ah, my princeling, I hope you make my hunt interesting.” He smirked at the jungle. “Because I will find you.”

He folded the sash and slipped it inside his shirt, then moved away from the wreck site. He scouted the surrounding area, checking the jungle for signs of retreat. His eyes narrowed at the slight disturbance he noticed in the surrounding fauna not far from the crash site. Nearby was a waterfall and Adlar strode to it, a frown on his face.

The water splashed gently into a small pool. Lush plants and wind-smoothed pewter rocks surrounded the falls. A slim sliver of light from one of the two moons cast a bright radiance over the surrounding water.

Adlar stood at the waterfall, frown deepening. “Scent leads here, of all places.” He glanced around him. “Why here? Of all the directions you could’ve chosen to run, why did you have to pick the path that led you to my special place?”

Just that morning he’d been here, relaxing in the waters. What if they’d crashed while he was there, in the water? Alone. Naked. Shaking off the thought, he studied the tracks. Whoever he was following had done a good job of trying to hide his movements, but he’d left little mistakes behind.

While darkness was an excellent cover, it had no affect on a predator used to it. Adlar set off, following the trail. The sounds of the jungle chirped and called around him while he walked. He unsnapped his stunner and gripped the weapon. He wasn’t the only predator out there—danger came in all shapes and sizes.

In the distance, he heard the low, warning grunt of a batar, a large feline-type animal, alerting Adlar something was amiss. The smell of blood drifting on the air currents was his second hint.

“Frell.” Every predator in a ten-mile radius would be approaching.

Tension griped his shoulders as he hesitated. The safest thing to do was retreat and go in another direction. Otherwise, things could get nasty. But what if the prey was the Yesri prince? He sincerely hoped that wasn’t his princeling bleeding out. Any blood his enemy shed would be shed by him.

Adlar upped his pace, following the scent of blood, stunner at the ready. Once he found the source, he’d find the batar. The beast was over seven feet long and almost four feet high, with a three-foot long tail. They weighed around six hundred pounds. The animal’s fur was either black as night, or a deep, dark purple… and he really didn’t want to battle it.

It was a majestic creature who didn’t deserve to die just so he could get his hands on his enemy. That wasn’t to say he wouldn’t give it a small zap with his stunner so it would move along. He followed the batar’s call, the sense something was wrong hurrying him along. The heavy, wild scent of the animal hit him first, followed by the metallic odor of blood. Adlar stopped and kneeled.

An unusually large dark purple batar paced under a large, thick based tree with a full canopy. Even though the feline had claws, it hadn’t attempted to climb up. Smart animal. The hand-size broad leaves had a jagged edge, and the tree’s sap acted as a numbing agent. Adlar shook his head as he examined the scene in front of him. On a lower branch, where the leaves parted, he spotted a boot. His people knew what the leaves were capable of, so that left one possibility.

One of the invaders.

The batar crouched under the tree then roared, the call a deadly promise. Adlar tensed, his body readying itself for battle. Abruptly, the batar’s head snapped around. A long scar meandered down its face. The feline’s large black eyes stared straight in his direction. Adlar stood. With sure steps, he strode forward toward the tree the batar guarded. He stopped.

Still maintaining eye contact with the beast, he let loose a chuffing grunt that sounded as though it came from his gut. The primal sound filled the vicinity. The big feline cocked its head, its tail still swishing madly. It too stood to its full height and prowled toward Adlar. He too bared his fangs. It stalked straight at him… then reared up on its hind legs, its body draping Adlar’s, a giddy purr bellowing from the animal.

Laughing, Adlar holstered his stunner and hugged the massive animal. “Dar!”

He laughed again as he stumbled thanks to the animal’s weight against him. He vigorously petted the big feline. The animal dropped back down on four paws and rubbed against Adlar’s leg. Several years ago, Adlar had found a juvenile batar abandoned by its mother. It might’ve survived on its own, if it was lucky.

Instead of luck, the cub had been hunted by something bigger than itself. The encounter left the batar with the scar down its face. Adlar spent a month in the jungle playing nursemaid to the feline, trying to get it healthy without taming it. He’d succeeded. The batar remained close to Adlar, even establishing its territory near Adlar’s private home. 

“What have you found, boy?”

Adlar followed the big feline back to the tree. Wedged into the bend of the tree was one of the most beautiful males he’d ever seen. Long hair framed a spectacular face that sported high cheekbones and full lips. He wondered what the Yesri had done to himself to hide the brightness of his hair. All Yesri had different shades of blond, and he couldn’t wait to see what this one’s shade was.

Too bad he couldn’t see the color of his eyes since they were closed. That would answer many questions about the identity of his foe. Swirls of numerous tattoos graced nicely defined arms. His gaze traveled down the decorated arm to the blood that had dripped down the tree from the wound in his hand.

Adlar shook his head at the sight. “Guess we found the source of the blood.”

Now the problem was getting the enemy down. Adlar stood under the tree, staring up at the other male. He knew the sap caused numbness, but why was the Yesri so quiet? Was he unconscious? That sap shouldn’t have caused that. But until he got the other male down, he wouldn’t know. Slightly worried, he glanced around. Dar head-butted him, glanced at the tree and then back to Adlar.

“Are you sure, boy?” The batar could support his body weight with no problem, but he wasn’t going to attempt to climb on the feline’s back without permission.

Dar grumbled back at him, but still didn’t move.

Adlar eyed the tree then the animal standing under it. “You do realize he’s mine. He’s not a meal for you.”

Dar rolled his eyes and grunted.

Chuckling, he slapped Dar on the back as he climbed up. “Just making sure we understand each other.”

Now he was high enough to reach the Yesri stranger. He reached up, careful of the leaves, grateful his long uniform sleeve was made of a sturdy material. That light, breezy fragrance he’d picked up from the sash enveloped him, and he smothered an aggravated moan.

Frelling scent was driving him mad. After some very cautious maneuvering, he managed to get the other male down from his perch. Holding him in his arms, Adlar eased them off Dar’s back. The other’s weight sent a tingle through his body. Annoyed at the reaction, he lowered his enemy to the ground.

The first thing he noticed was the captain’s bars on the collar of his sleeveless shirt. Hmm, that’s interesting. Leaning down, he plastered his ear to his foe’s chest and listened. The other male was breathing fast. Concerned, Adlar checked his pulse. It, too, was more rapid than it should’ve been. Then Adlar saw the standard issue injector of antiserum on the ground next to them.

“Hmm, how very curious. You must’ve had a reaction to the sap. I’ll have to make note of that since it’s unusual.” Still kneeling, Adlar brushed back the dark, tangled hair. Feeling the dampness, he withdrew his hand. His foe must’ve used mud from the waterfall to hide the brightness of his hair. He was impressed.

He feathered his fingers over the stranger’s pulse again, taking a minute to stroke the soft skin, as the stranger’s pulse returned to normal. “Good. That’s good.”

His mind agreed, but his body had other ideas. He removed the pak from the other male’s back and dropped it to the ground. Then he unclipped the cuffs from his belt and slipped them on his prisoner’s wrists and ankles. There wasn’t a chain to attach to connect the cuffs—that could be added later—but they did demote the wearer as property.

This was the first time he’d taken a slave. The collar came next. This was how he’d control his prisoner. The navy blue metal was actually very smooth, lightweight, and flexible. It was also practically indestructible. After he placed it on the other male’s neck, he locked it. It was better for the wearer to be conscious before activation. A sudden shock to an unconscious mind could cause distress. Since he was unsure why his prisoner had passed out, it wasn’t a good idea to activate the collar yet. 

Once that was finished, he checked for other weapons in the pak. He removed what there was and hid them on his body. Then Adlar settled on the ground, Dar sitting next to him. He held the other male in his arms so he could monitor his breathing and restrain him, if needed. But even he wasn’t fooled by such a flimsy excuse.

He was attracted, and as horrifying as that was, he couldn’t deny his half-hard cock. He touched the collar, admiring how it lay against his foe’s neck. Such a lovely, long neck it was too. Adlar let his fingers wonder down the soft skin. So, so pretty. The deep, rich skin tone fascinated him. It was such a contrast to his paleness. He suddenly removed his fingers. This was not the place to examine his prize.

A low moan came from his prisoner.

“Come on then, open your eyes.” Adlar lowered the other male to the ground.
The male’s eyes twitched then slowly blinked open. “Who… who…?”

Adlar saw the confusion. His grin was as sharp as a knife’s blade as he stared into brown eyes—big, beautiful brown eyes. By some odd twist in genetics, the males of the ruling Yesri family had brown eyes. They were the only ones. All other Yesri’s either had green or blue eyes.

Although his species didn’t interact with others, they did stay abreast of current affairs in their galaxy. He knew the youngest Yesri prince captained a starship. Things just kept getting better and better.

Adlar waited until those puzzled brown eyes focused on him. “Greetings, Prince Varo Kutchif of Yesri.”

“Wh-what? Why am I lying down? You’re using the Universal Language Standard to speak to me, right? You sound funny. Or is it me? And how… how do you know my…. Who are…?”

Well now, he had confirmation who indeed his captive was. “I’m Adlar Mondur, leader of the D’noir, and older brother to King Omori, ruler of Helkan.”

“Helkan? But….” Varo sat up.

Adlar grasped Varo’s chin. “And you, my dear princeling, crash-landed on my planet. I claim you as my prisoner.”

“P-p-prisoner?” Under his tan skin, Varo paled.

He watched as the confusion cleared and… was that fear in those brown eyes? How delightful. “And as I’m sure you know, my people do not release our prisoners.”

Adlar smiled at Varo, letting his fangs show. He’d prepared himself for many reactions; he wasn’t ready for Varo to head-butt him. The force of the blow rocked him backward, breaking his grip on his hostage.

“Oh, frack!” Adlar yelled as he sprawled on the ground. Pain exploded in his face, spreading quickly.

Varo was on his feet and running.

From off to the side, he heard a rolling chuff. He lifted his hand and gently touched the tender, swollen area. He bet a bruise was already forming. He glared at Dar. “Too busy laughing at me to help, I take it?”

Dar yawned, showing off huge canines. He licked his lips, his whiskers twitching as he stared in the direction Varo fled. Then he laid his head between his paws.

Well, he had his answer. “Fine!” Snarling, Adlar launched to his feet, stumbling slightly as he followed Varo. Maybe his head wasn’t as hard as he thought.

Even with the pounding in his ears, he could still hear the harsh breathing of Varo in front of him, as the other male crashed through the jungle. Well, there was certainly no attempt to hide his trail now. His frantic rush left a swath of destruction Adlar could follow easily.

Varo probably had training for such situations, but apparently, he’d forgotten it. Fear and a probable reaction might be affecting Varo’s judgment. If he’d had had a reaction, then the last thing he should be doing was running. Adlar needed to end this.

“Stop!” Adlar yelled. Then a new thought hit him. “All this noise will draw predators straight to you!”

Receiving no answer, he dug deep, pushing his body to move faster. That was his prey, and when he caught that other male he was going to…. A sudden flash of purple streaked past him. Oh, so now the temperamental batar decided to help?

Adlar growled as Dar’s long strides ate up the ground as he closed in on Varo… then flew past him. He didn’t bother to question why Dar bypassed Varo. The irritating feline must have a reason. He was within arm’s length of Varo when an emat burst through the jungle, the horn on its forehead obliterating any hanging veins.

The large, thick-skinned, hoofed mammal barely took a step toward Varo when Dar slammed into it. Its dark blue coloring blended so well with the surrounding jungle, he’d never detected the dangerous animal—a mistake which could get him killed.

At least he knew why Dar had ignored Varo. Adlar grabbed the back of Varo’s shirt just as the angered feline slammed into the emat, both animals knocked off their feet by the impact. The ground shook as they rolled. Taking a page from Dar’s book, Adlar yanked Varo off his feet. Both males tumbled to the ground, curses painting the air.

“Stop fighting me!” Adlar barked, grabbing Varo’s arms as they rolled into undergrowth, out of the way. Adlar ended up on top of Varo. “Do not draw the emat’s attention more than what you already have, you brain-dead—”

Varo bucked his body, trying to dislodge Adlar. “Then get off me, you stars-cursed—”

Adlar grasped Varo’s wrists and slammed them to the ground. Why couldn’t this blasted Yesri understand they were in danger? The emat’s skin was tough and hard to stun with his weapon. If it attacked them, he’d have to kill it, and he didn’t want to. The animal was doing what the goddess created it to do—hunt. Only this time, it picked the wrong prey to track.

“Shut. Up.” Fangs showing, he leaned over Varo, their faces inches apart. They had to be quiet.

“I said get off me!” Varo surged up again.

How dare this Yesri speak to him in such a way? Adlar didn’t think, just reacted. His lips crashed down over Varo’s. Determined, he tightened his grip on Varo’s wrists, his hold sure to leave bruises. Anger and frustration screamed through him. Varo was going to get them killed. His flight through the jungle might end with Dar hurt or even dead.

Why was it everything having to do with the Yesri ended up swamped in violence? He was so tired of the other race’s sense of entitlement. Someone needed to teach them a lesson. A growl escaped him as Varo dropped back to the ground, and then heaved up again. Adlar rode Varo’s thrashing body, struggling to stay on top of him.

Then Varo collapsed. He barely caught the trace of a whimper from Varo as the fight suddenly left him. With their lips still mashed together, Adlar gentled the kiss, tracing the seam of Varo’s mouth. Instead of the iron hold on Varo’s wrists, he eased his touch, even while still restraining Varo. Then Varo opened, and Adlar’s tongue swept inside.

Varo moaned again, and pleasure exploded in Adlar’s mind. Never had he tasted such raw desire in another, such need. Under that desperation, there was a sweetness which surprised him. Enticed him. Adlar delved deeper, wanting more. He ached to bury his cock inside the male under him.

Varo’s moves were now more sensual, less violent. His moans were driving Adlar to distraction. As Varo settled into the kiss, Adlar heard Dar’s warning roar. He jerked his head up to see Dar scream straight in the face of the emat. It didn’t affect the bulky animal in the least. Scrambling to its feet, it lowered its horn and charged.

Dar danced out of the way. As the emat passed, Dar raked its long claws alongside the other animal’s side. Bellowing, the emat continued on its way, crashing through the jungle as it escaped. Snarling, Dar took a step in the direction the emat had fled.

“Dar!” Adlar yelled.

Dar stopped and looked at Adlar.

“Stay, please.” Adlar glanced down at Varo then back up at the feline. “Please?”

Turning, Dar stalked back to where Adlar sprawled on top of Varo. He flopped down next to the two males, complaining.

Varo stared up at Adlar, his eyes wide. Adlar returned his stare, watching the passion from the kiss seep away.

Varo narrowed his gaze then… spit. “Animal.”

Adlar thrust his hips against Varo, rubbing their erections together, proving he wasn’t the only one hard. Then leaned down and wiped his face against Varo’s, smearing the spit between them. “I’m not the animal here,” he whispered, eyes narrowed. “You might want to remember that.”

Varo gulped, his gaze jumping between Adlar and Dar. “What… what is that thing?”

“A batar. A feline indigenous to the planet. And yes, they are meat-eaters.” Adlar noticed Varo’s trembling.

Varo froze, staring at the animal lying close to them. “How did you get it to obey you?”

“I don’t. One does not command a batar. I asked—a concept you seem unfamiliar with.” But that did remind him. Flipping open the comm unit on his arm, he lifted it to his mouth and let loose a short, sharp screech.

Varo jumped, his breathing picking up. “Oh stars, what was that?”

A beep sounded, and Adlar grinned. The collar would respond only to his voice now. “Voice copy and activate unit.” After he finished speaking into the comm, a little red light at the seam of the collar around Varo’s throat glowed steadily, indicating it was working.
 He touched the collar resting against Varo’s throat. “This is a slave collar. With it, I can control you. I promise you this, you won’t run again.”

Chapter Four - Varo
Varo lay stunned. Prisoner? Control collar? He was a prince. He was royalty. Who did this creature think he was? The arrogance of the Helkan before him stole his breath… and his lack of breath had absolutely nothing to do with that pale skin, large, deep amber eyes, or the yards of long, black hair.

Adlar wore a black long-sleeved shirt, and over that a vest with flared shoulders. His pants were black, as were his boots. Even his hair was black, which made his pale skin all the more noticeable. A slightly pointed chin and a sharp nose, along with those pointed ears, gave the Helkans a unique, almost fey, look.

Stars, how could he find Adlar sexy?

“I answer to no one, Helkan.” Mustering everything he had, he bucked hard, trying to dislodge the body that covered his. If that failed, maybe he could dislodge this horrible attraction.

He twisted and turned, kicking and squirming. The hands on his wrists didn’t budge, and neither did the body—the nicely muscled body—covering him. Horrified at the thought, he fought harder, for all the good it did him.

No matter what he did, he couldn’t dislodge the male above him. He struggled until he exhausted himself. Panting, he finally grew still. Trails of mud covered his face from strands of his muddy hair, and his wounded hand throbbed. His head hurt, as did every part of his body.

“Are you done?”

Varo glared at Adlar, but didn’t speak.

Adlar sighed. “Might as well get started, I guess.” Adlar sat up, then released a shrill chirp.

The high-pitched chirp made him cringe, but that was nothing compared to the pain exploding through him. He thrashed on the jungle floor, desperate to get away from the torment as wave after wave rolled over him.

The agony took away his ability to think, and keeping the screams inside took all he had, but the anguish was sharp blades carving up his brain. He needed to bring this to a halt before he lost his mind. He was desperate for it to just end.

“S-stop,” he gasped, tugging frantically at the collar, the source of all his suffering. “Goddess, s-s-stop!”

Ask me instead of demanding, Varo.”

Feeling as if he was being twisted inside out, Varo heaved another breath, his body desperate for the frightening torture to end. But to ask? That’s what his enemy wanted, but he asked for nothing. He’d never had to. He captained a starship. He didn’t ask—he commanded.

“Princeling, this is the lowest setting. Do you want me to show you higher ones?”

The thought sent sheer terror through him. That was the lowest setting? Anything higher would kill him, he was sure.

“Stop it…” Varo shuddered as anguish rolled through him, gritting his teeth until they threatened to crack. “Please.”

“Very good.” Adlar made another high pitch screech.

The agony ended as fast as it started, leaving Varo wheezing as he stared up at the canopy of the jungle. He only thought everything ached before.

“Now you understand how the collar works. Obey me, and you won’t have to feel that pain again. I won’t make you hurt unless you refuse to comply with my orders. Understand?”

All Varo could do was nod his head since he was still sucking air.

“When I address you, you must verbally answer me. Nodding isn’t sufficient. Again, I ask you if you understand. I will not ask again.”

I’d like to stick your understanding straight up your ass. “I-I understand.” Varo croaked, still sprawled on the ground. If he never heard that sound again, it would be too soon.

Varo slowly sat up, waiting to see if any residual pain lurked. Satisfied he was okay, he turned his attention to Adlar, although he was unsure which of the two predators he needed to keep an eye on.

“In case you forgot my name, it’s Adlar. Now, I’m very pleased. I knew you’d be intelligent, seeing as you’re a starship captain, and a member of the royal family.” Adlar pulled the red sash from his shirt. “I believe this is yours, is it not, princeling?”

The way Adlar said princeling sent chills through him. He just wasn’t sure if they were good chills or bad… or maybe he was just cold because of his damp head. And why was he holding onto his sash as if it was some sort of… trophy? The thought scared him almost as badly as the earlier pain.

“I—My father will pay for my return,” Varo blurted, shoving his dirty hair off his face.

He’d convince his father to bargain for his crew, too, even though that would leave him indebted. He refused to leave his crew here while he went free. Once the Helkans opened up a communication channel, he’d—

Adlar stuffed the red sash back in his shirt. “We do not release prisoners, as I’ve told you.”

Varo bit his lip to contain the snarl that wanted to escape at Adlar keeping his sash, but suddenly Adlar’s words grabbed his attention. He knew as a rule they didn’t, but… he was a prince. “What?” 

He shook his head. Adlar sat there, no emotion on his face. Varo didn’t seem to be getting through to Adlar. Maybe he didn’t understand the wealth his family controlled. “But… but… he’ll pay. He’s the king of Yesri. Do you understand what I’m saying? Just send him a—”

“He has nothing I wish to trade for.”

By the stars’ fading light, what did Adlar mean? “But—”

“Enough. We do not trade. Even if we did, I do not wish to trade with your king. You don’t seem to understand that I have what I want.”

Varo spluttered. How dare Adlar dismiss him in such a way, and so effortlessly? “But… but… but… you can’t do this. I’m a prince and… and… What do you want with me?”

Adlar raised an eyebrow, a smirk on his face. Before Varo could react, Adlar reached out, snagged him behind the head, and jerked him forward. Shocked, Varo didn’t fight. Adlar’s lips covered his again, a demand to submit.

A large part of him rebelled, but a spark ignited inside him. Adlar certainly knew how to kiss, not that Varo had much to compare it to. And now there was no denying the first kiss had been a fluke. He responded again just as much as the last time.

Adlar pushed his way inside and passion bloomed again… oh goddess, Adlar could kiss. He was so male, and so overpowering. Adlar held his head still, his hand buried in his hair. Such strength.

Varo relaxed, letting Adlar explore him. The male sure knew what he was about, and it was so nice to let someone else take over and… A feeling so foreign he didn’t know what to make of it rose in Varo.

What was he thinking? He was always in control. As ship’s captain, he had to be. Lives depended on him. He had an obligation to his farther to…. Who was he kidding? His father didn’t care for him outside of being a backup to the spare heir to the title.

Adlar’s mouth slashed over his, and his fangs nicked his tongue… and all thoughts left his head even as his cock filled. His toes tingled. Stars and curses, that was hot. Then Adlar brushed against his dick, and he nearly came in his pants, something he hadn’t done since he was a youngling.

The wild call of a native bird snapped Varo’s attention back to what was happening, to what he was doing. This was his enemy he was allowing to maul him, a being who was going to try to turn him into property. Him. He didn’t bow to any man, much less to a male who wanted to own him. He needed to have a discussion with his dick soon.

He shoved Adlar off him. He wasn’t the only one gasping for air, he noticed.

Adlar took a deep breath. “I think that should tell you what I want from you.”

He’d known that, he had. But hearing it, having it spoken, was another thing. It brought everything crashing down on him. This wasn’t someone he could dally with. This was his enemy. What was he thinking? He wasn’t, that was the problem. At least, the organ doing the thinking was the wrong one.

“Never,” he swore. “I’ll never submit to you. Tell me, Helkan, do your brutal ways include rape?”

Adlar’s face clouded, but then slowly cleared. “Rape? Oh, I don’t believe I’ll have to rape you, Varo. Not from what I just experienced. You desire me.”

Varo reared back, horrified. “I do not! That was… that was—”

Dar suddenly sat up, ears twitching.

“I know what that was and so do you.” Adlar stood. “Up with you. I let you distract me, and that can be dangerous in the jungle.”

Varo slowly stood also, glancing around. He muttered under his breath as he brushed himself off. “Considering we didn’t even know you had a jungle…”

“There is much you don’t know about us. We prefer that. Now come.”

He was right. Varo abruptly saw just how right Adlar was. No one knew much about the Helkans, and here he was with an excellent opportunity to learn as much as he could. That information would be priceless. Or it would be—if he ever had the chance to relay it to his people.

“Where are we going?” Varo asked.

“Back to the general area of your shuttle.” Adlar motioned for Varo to precede him. “Dar, are you coming?”

Dar yawned and rose to his feet.

Varo caught himself taking a step back. He couldn’t help it. The animal was huge, and he was defenseless.

They started the trek back, and as they moved though the jungle, he noticed he felt better. He hoped the antiserum had cured whatever reaction the leaf sap caused. He also noticed the jungle around them fell silent as they passed. The wildlife seemed to know there was a predator in their mist.

As they returned to the crash site, Varo kept an eye out for his men. He hoped they were okay. How could he ask Adlar? Should he? There was a slim chance the Helkans didn’t know there were others in the shuttle with him, and Adlar hadn’t mention anything about his men. Maybe he didn’t know.

“I, ah… you said you were the leader of the D’noir, is that right?” Varo called over his shoulder.

“That is correct.”

Adlar was close enough Varo could hear him perfectly. “So, what is the D’noir?”

“The D’noir are ten assassins who protect our leader.”

Varo’s stomach dropped to his knees. Adlar led a group of killers. If he led assassins, how much of a killer was he then? Not only that, the male who’d placed a slave collar on him was older brother to their king. Adlar was royalty himself… and a killer. He just couldn’t get over that part.

What in the two moons of Helkan was he going to do now? He fell silent as they walked, lost in thought. So many questions fought for priority in his mind. They were nearly to the waterfall before the splashing water caught his attention. The batar raced past them to the edge and dropped down to drink.

“I’m assuming this is where you got the mud to darken your hair.”

Varo stopped by the pool created from the waterfall. “Yes.”

“Lovely place, isn’t it?”

Varo glanced around, taking in the lush landscape. “It very much is. You’re lucky to have such areas. My planet did at one time, but...” Varo shrugged.

“Your use of factories and mass production led to a depletion of certain natural resources that has left your environment damaged.”

“You make it sound like we purposely set out to destroy our—”

“Your leaders had to know what the result would be.” Adlar waved at the surrounding jungle. “A perfect example of this depletion is deforestation. Forests help emit oxygen and refresh the levels of healthy gases in the air, which your people need since factories emit poisonous emissions. But you eliminated that source of oxygen.”

“But we are an industrialized planet, and as such—”

“As such nothing.” Adlar rolled his eyes. “Your people neglected your planet. The pollution that has resulted from your factories involves not only airborne emissions, but land and water pollution as well. Your people don’t seem to realize you can have industry without destroying everything around you.”

Varo clamped his lips shut. He wasn’t going to get into an argument over the environment, or the way the leadership ran their planet. His planet was a highly advanced society. But then, so were the Helkans. They had a space program, complete with warships, and their Satellite Surveillance Network was an example of their advanced technology.

“It’s no wonder you find our jungles fascinating.”

“You do realize we have more water than land on my planet, right?” Varo asked.

“A planet can support many different ecosystems as I’m sure you realize.” Adlar shrugged. “We care for our environment, something your kind can not grasp. Obviously. Ah well, it matters not. Come, we’re close to my landing site.”

Now, what did that mean? He forgot the question as Adlar motioned for him to continue. He was still in front of Adlar, which while smart, wasn’t necessary as long as he wore that cursed collar. Dar followed along beside them, stopping along the way to sniff at plants. They drew nearer to where his shuttle crashed and passed it.

“Keep going, it’s not far.”

Varo ignored the presence at his back because in the distance he could hear voices. His step slowed, but a gentle hand against his back kept him going. He’d noticed Adlar handled him carefully. He hadn’t been abusive. Yet. The fact the other male was a killer stayed in the forefront of his mind.

As they drew nearer, he saw why he heard many voices. Near what he assumed was their shuttle, there were four males, standing around. That didn’t surprise him, and neither did the fact his men were there, too, sitting on the ground.

He was greatly relieved they were alive. But on the other hand, every one of them had a collar around his neck, as now he did. He wasn’t sure death wouldn’t have been preferable. Adlar made a strange chirping noise as they drew closer. Varo saw the other males stop talking as they entered the clearing near their shuttle.

A shout went up when they saw him and Adlar.

They walked to the center, where Adlar’s crew was standing. Fists thrust into the air and a blend of voices rose to the sky. Even Dar pranced around, telling Varo the Helkans were used to seeing Adlar’s batar. Adlar could say what he wanted, but the animal wasn’t completely wild. Varo gritted his teeth as they celebrated their victory.

As he looked around, he took note that some of Adlar’s crewmembers had.... He grinned. If he wasn’t mistaken, some of the males had field dressings. As their enemy congratulated themselves, Varo visually checked over his men. They appeared unharmed. As he made eye contact with each, he saw anger burning in their eyes.

“Any injuries?” Varo whispered, not wanting to draw the Helkans attention.

“No.” Artan answered, his voice also soft. “They’ve allowed us to speak freely, so I checked with each person here. I’d hoped you’d managed to…. Since you weren’t here we thought maybe….”

Varo noticed Artan had dropped his title. “The one that found me is called Adlar. He’s the older brother to their king. He also knows who I am.”

Artan hesitated. “He knows all?”

Varo nodded. “Yes. He found my sash, and well, the brown eyes are a dead giveaway.”

Artan frowned. “I see you’ve been collared too. That makes my blood boil. You’re a starship captain and royalty. The insult is one that can’t be overlooked, Captain.”

Varo glanced back at Adlar, and tried not to jump when he found the other male watching him, even while he celebrated with his men. A tendril of desire snaked down his spine. He had to find a way to stop the flare of passion that tackled him every time he looked at Adlar.

“Insults aren’t our most pressing worry, I’m sorry to say,” Varo said.

“They’ve taken us as slaves.” Haus shook his head. “Which is bad enough, but to collar you too? They can’t do that. Your father will pay for your—”

“Well, he might, and he might not. But it matters not since Adlar has made it clear he isn’t interested in trading or releasing me. And even if he would, I would not abandon my crew to such a cruel fate. If I go, then we all go.”

“We all knew the risks when we joined the space program,” Sarik said. “We made the decision to try this, Varo. We knew what could happen if we failed.”

Suddenly Varo noticed Adlar standing next to him. How long had he been there?

“As I told Varo, and I’m sure my men told you too, we do not release prisoners. Ever. The ones who collared each of you will take the responsibly of owning a slave seriously.”

Varo jerked around to face Adlar. “We are not some sort of… of…. We think, have feelings… needs. We’re sentient being. We are not things. We”—Adlar snarled—“are not the animals here.”

Adlar jerked Varo to him until they were practically nose-to-nose. “Indeed you are not things, but you are now owned. That’s not going to change, so I suggest you adapt. At least we know what the word ‘no’ means, which your race does not. Now sit. We have a few things to do before we leave. I don’t think I need to tell you that escape is impossible, but if you feel the need to test the collar, please do.”

Adlar released Varo and stalked off. Varo glared after him. Who was Adlar to get peeved at his question? What did he mean they knew what the word ‘no’ meant? Apparently they didn’t, since there he sat in a collar. He hadn’t agreed to that. Adlar certainly wasn’t the one in a collar. He could speak when he pleased and not worry about punishment. Varo lowered himself to the ground.

“Do you think angering him is a good idea, Captain?” Artan asked.

“Probably not.” Varo didn’t add that angering Adlar wasn’t the only problem. There was the unwanted attraction between them.

“Did the rest of you notice the fangs?” Sarik asked.

“They’re kind of hard to miss.” Haus blew out a breath, then seemed to will himself to speak. “Especially when they kiss you.”

No one said anything for a moment, then Artan huffed. “He just kissed you?”

“Yes.” Haus rubbed his hands up and down his arms, shivering. “The one… Do you see the one by the shuttle, the shortest one of them? His hair’s shoulder length. He’s the one that put this thing on me and kissed me. I felt the fangs then.”

“Did he do anything else…?” Varo asked.

“No.” Haus stared at the ground. “I mean, when he activated the collar I thought I’d die. I guess their native language is comprised of those high-pitched squeals and grunts.”

“Maybe,” Artan said. “But they’re using the Universal Language Standard to speak with us.” 

Varo sighed. “Which we created. So they can understand us, but they have a language we can’t decipher.”

“It looks that way,” Haus bit his bottom lip, frowning. “Anyhow, he’s been very careful with me. I… ah… I… Gods. Maybe it’s something to do with the collar, but I responded to his kiss.”

“Anyone else kissed?” Varo asked.

A chorus of no’s answered him.

It appeared Haus was the only one, outside of him. After Haus made such a hard announcement, Varo felt he should do the same. Haus sat on the ground, shoulders hunched with a defeated air to him. Varo didn’t want that.

“Haus? You weren’t the only one kissed. I was too, and yes, I responded too. So don’t sit there thinking you betrayed us by reacting as you did.”

Haus’ head snapped up. “Really?”

Varo nodded. “Really. And believe me I’m not any happier with the situation than I imagine you are.”

“More like horrified,” Haus whispered.

Varo knew the feeling. They hadn’t discussed the other issue, even though they’d touched on the subject. They knew now the Helkans had fangs. Did they also really drink blood?

“I understand that too.” Varo patted Haus on the back, even though he couldn’t offer Haus encouragement. Why was there an attraction with some of them, but not all? What did that mean for the men who didn’t have some sort of attraction with the one who collared them? No one spoke as they watched the Helkans talk among themselves in their native language.

Finally Varo walked back to where they sat. “Your shuttle is inoperable. We’ll have to send others to retrieve it later. We were concerned it might be putting out emissions that could damage the environment, but it’s not. We’ve called in the exact location of the crash-site. Come.”

Varo stood as did the rest of his crew. “So what happens now?”

“Now you get to see our capital city and your new home.”
Chapter Six - Varo

Varo jerked his gaze from the shelves. “W-what?”

“We’re going to bathe. Strip.”

Those strange yellow eyes of Adlar’s pierced him. Strip? In front of Adlar? He didn’t know if he could. But if he didn’t, Adlar would think he was resisting and activate that cursed collar. He knew that, he did, it was just… his body didn’t want to move.

“I-I-I…” Varo gulped, waiting for the pain to slap him to the floor.

Adlar narrowed his eyes. “Did you hear me?”

“I-I…” Varo cringed at the slight growl in Adlar’s voice. He heard, he did. He just couldn’t move. He didn’t want to hurt as he did earlier, but his body wouldn’t respond. Struck dumb and frozen, he whimpered, waiting for the pain to come. At least that might snap him out of this.

Adlar rubbed his hand up and down his arm. “Ah, I see. You want to, yes?”

Varo nodded frantically, hoping Adlar understood.

“I told you, I won’t rape you.”

And that was why he was standing there doing a fine imitation of a statue. He wasn’t afraid of Adlar’s reaction to his naked body.

He was afraid of his own.

Adlar stepped closer, staring into his eyes. “I want you to take your uniform blouse off.”

The gentle command swept through him. Unable to resist, he lifted his hands and pulled the sleeveless vest over his head.

“Put it on the bench for me, Varo.”

He dropped it where Adlar pointed. A shudder ripped through him—he certainly couldn’t blame it on the cold this time. It was actually very warm and slightly humid in the bathing chamber. No, the shudder came from how gently Adlar spoke to him, and his reaction to it. That velvety soft voice wound like smoke around him. Goddess, he had no idea Adlar could sound so, so… sexy. And his body reacted; he was hard.

“Good. Now, I need you to sit and take off your boots.”

Varo found his ass on the bench before he had a chance to think about it. If Adlar had shouted the command, he could’ve resisted. Fought. But he had no defense against the low, sexy voice that tempted him to want things he had no business wanting.

“You can do it, Varo.”

Hands shaking, he leaned over and unlaced his boots. Questions flitted though his mind. Was this some sort of mind control the Helkans were capable of?  He hadn’t heard of such, but then, what did any of them really know about the species as a whole? Flimsy excuses, nothing more. You know you could resist. You don’t want to.

And the truth of that scared him to the bottom of his soul.

He pulled off his socks and looked up at Adlar. “I….”

“I know. Stand for me.” Adlar held out his hand, patience written on his face. “Come on.”

Varo took his hand and let Adlar pull him to his feet.

Adlar continued to stare into Varo’s eyes. “Now the uniform pants.”

Unable to look away, Varo reached for the buttons. His mind was curiously blank—no thoughts to distract him as he unbuttoned. Those odd eyes of Adlar’s held him trapped as he finished unbuttoning and slid his pants down his legs.

“Good, very good.” Finally Adar broke eye contact.

Varo stood trembling as Adlar’s gaze slowly worked down his body. Every spot on his body Adlar paused at warmed. His cock stood proud, nearly reaching to his belly button, eager for attention.

The stupid thing never had much sense, but this was on the outer edges of ridiculous. How could he yearn for his enemy’s hands on him? An enemy who had collared him? But he did, and now Adlar knew it.

“You are….” Adlar shook his head. “Simply stunning.”

A warm flush rose on Varo’s face. No one had ever told him he was stunning. Hardheaded? Yes? Arrogant? Absolutely. But stunning? Never. His own father barely considered him worthy as the third heir to the throne. The words threatened his battered heart, and that was dangerous. As Adlar finished his examination, he looked back into Varo’s eyes. Varo was surprised at the glazed look in Adlar’s eyes.

Adlar blinked several times. A small, bemused smile lifted the corner of his lips. “And yes, I’m as surprised as you by that. Now, let’s get you cleaned.” He lifted a bottle off one of the shelves.

Still unresisting, Varo allowed Adlar to lead him to the waterfall. At a guess, he figured the falls were five feet across. He wasn’t sure there was enough force in the water coming over the edge to get his hair clean. He’d just have to make do, somehow.

Adlar flipped a hidden switch and the water stopped crashing over the edge of the fall and suddenly came tearing out of a showerhead he hasn’t noticed since it fit into the hardscape so well.

Openmouthed, Varo stared.

“Go ahead. And here, use this on your hair.” Adlar handed the bottle to Varo, then patted Varo’s ass. “You’ll learn not everything here is as it seems.”

Varo snapped his mouth closed even as he flinched at the touch on his bare ass. Indeed, he was finding that out. For one thing, he hadn’t expected Adlar to be so… nice. Maybe if he weren’t quite so nice, he wouldn’t have this problem.

Turning, he stepped into the water, relieved at the pounding warmth. Quickly he squirted the liquid in his hand, the smell pleasant and light, something else he hadn’t been expecting. Regardless, he didn’t dally. He worked up a lather. The sooner he washed his hair, the sooner he could get out of there.

So when a warm body pressed against him, he nearly jumped through the ceiling.

“Shhh,” Adlar whispered. “Let me help. I’m going to anyway, so there’s no point fighting.”

Chills raced over his skin as Adlar’s hard cock rubbed against his ass.

“Hand me the bottle, Varo.”

Mindless, he handed it to Adlar over his shoulder. That light scent teased his nose as Adlar got a lather going. He held his breath, waiting, his heart thumping in his chest. When Adlar’s hands worked their way into his hair, he reached out toward the walls of the waterfall for support.

Adlar scrubbed his scalp, just hard enough to feel good. Closing his eyes, he relaxed into the feeling. Gods, he had no idea such a thing could feel so decadent. He never dreamed Adlar would pamper him. He’d expected force; what he received was seduction.

“Okay, now turn. Time to rinse.”

He could withstand torture. But seduction? Seduction was much more insidious. Varo opened his eyes and stared at the stone in front of him, unable to deny that it was working—he was still achingly hard. Adlar tapped his hip, startling Varo.

“Come on, you have to get the shampoo out. Turn around for me.”

How perfectly reasonable that sounded, but he knew it wasn’t that simple. The grip on his hip tightened, reminding him that he really had no choice. Slowly he turned, afraid of what he’d find. But another part of him knew, and couldn’t wait. How in the galaxies had he missed this dark, twisted side to his nature?

Pale, pale skin greeted him, stunning in its purity. He knew the lack of sunlight, along with living in caves, was the reason, but he had no idea he’d find it so tempting. Adlar’s long, black hair was tied back in an effort to keep it dry.

“Very good.”

Facing Adlar, he tilted his head back so the water could do its job. He stood silently, eyes closed through the rinsing. Water rushed over his trembling body. As much as he wished the trembling came from fear, he knew better.

Adrenaline jack was one thing. That wasn’t what was happening here. Adlar finished rinsing his hair, and Varo opened his eyes, unable to hide any longer. He found himself staring at Adlar, focused on that perfect body in front of him. He desired Adlar.

He hadn’t really paid attention to how long his hair truly was. His gaze traced Adlar’s face. And those eerie yellow eyes were so different from his, with their slitted pupils. The pointed ears were odd too. Long and lean was a perfect description of the male standing in front of him.

Long, lean, and hard as stone.

For him. Adlar was hard for him. The idea both thrilled and scared him. Lost in thought, he flinched when Adlar ran a pale green sea sponge, heavy with suds, over his chest. His gaze snapped up to lock with Adlar’s.

“There’s nowhere to run.”

He was well aware of that. Regardless, that didn’t stop him from backing slowly away. His mind screamed that allowing Adlar to touch him was wrong, that he should fight, even though he knew what the result would be. He wasn’t one who actively sought pain, and the cursed collar around his neck promised just that.

For every step he took back, Adlar followed, pacing him as they danced around each other in a predatory game of give and take. Eventually, Varo found his back pressed against the stone wall of the shower with Adar inches from him.

Trapped, Varo waited to see what would happen. He shuddered when Adlar casually wrapped his fingers around his throat, every ounce of blood draining to his cock. Adlar stood in front of him, not touching, but close.

Adlar held him trapped there while he lazily worked the sponge slowly over his body. Chest heaving, he dropped his graze… then threw his head back when that soapy sponge trailed down over his stomach toward his groin. Oh stars, don’t… don’t…

“Careful. You knock yourself out, and I won’t be happy,” Adlar said.

don’t stop. A strangled groan escaped Varo as the sponge bypassed his dick and continued down one leg as far as Adlar could reach. Varo clutched the stone walls, desperate to keep himself grounded.

The next several units of time passed with Adlar touching every inch of skin he could reach. Varo struggled not to react to the passion rising in him, but it was as useless as trying to stop the tide. The grip on his throat wasn’t tight, but the threat was implied. Which was silly with the collar, but at the same time, he couldn’t deny it thrilled him.

Adlar finally tossed the sponge and pressed his body against Varo’s. “Mmm, so nice.”

Varo closed his eyes again in an effort to escape his very blatant reaction to his enemy. He didn’t understand why this was happening.

Adlar tightened his fingers on Varo’s throat. “And you make me hard too. No more hiding. Look at me, Varo.” Adlar shoved his groin forward and rubbed his cock against Varo’s. “You make me need.”

Shocked, Varo’s eyes flew open. The press of a hard dick against him sent his desire sprawling out of control.

“Tell me no.” Adlar wrapped his free hand around their cocks, stroking slowly. “Tell me no, and I’ll stop. But you have to tell me no.”

Varo opened his mouth to do just that, but a long, needy moan slipped out instead.

“That doesn’t sound like no to me.” But still, Adlar held back.

Varo knew Adlar waited to see if he would speak, if he would say no. If he would say something.  Instead, he strained in Adlar’s grip.

“Last chance to tell me no.”

Varo whimpered.

“So be it.”

Adlar, still holding both their cocks, stroked his hand over them. Friction built, and Varo wished desperately they had lube, even though he leaked precome like mad. They both did. Adlar’s fingers on his throat, his hand on their dicks…. The need to come grew.

Adlar was so near to him, and his scent teased Varo ruthlessly. Adlar’s breath fanned over his cheek as water still pounded at them. Panting, gasping, they both stared into each other’s eyes, neither willing to back down. Adlar jerked them off faster.

Varo wondered if passion showed in his eyes as it did in Adlar’s. That pale skin was flushed pink from the heat and pleasure. Varo thrust his hips, unable to stay still any longer. He needed to come, wanted to come. The pressure built. Nothing else mattered. Nothing else could.

But by the gods, he refused to be alone in this. If he was going to lose control then so was Adlar.
Small whimpers fell from his lips, demanding more. Thrusting hard in the tunnel of Adlar’s fist, he mindlessly sought his pleasure.

Adlar leaned closer, plastering their bodies together, but somehow still stroked them. Varo moaned when Adlar nuzzled his throat. He was going to come; all he needed was just a little more pressure… then fangs scraped his throat. Fear slammed his mind even as his orgasm roared through him. 

Reality faded, and all there was to see was whiteness, and a buzz was all he could hear. His breath froze as his body jerked and twitched, as his balls emptied. In the distance, he heard a rumbling yell and heat covered his groin. Time stopped.

Had anything ever felt this good?

Everything came crashing back as Adlar held him. Goddess knew, that was the only reason he was still on his feet. He was boneless and satisfied in a way he’d never felt. And wasn’t that a soul-sucking conclusion to come to?

“Frack. Are… are you okay?” Adlar asked, still leaning against Varo, his breath rather rough.

Varo was relieved to hear Adlar sounded as affected as he felt. The small tremors were satisfying too.

“I’m fine,” he gasped.

They both stood there.

“Thank the frack.” Adlar huffed and a chuckle crept out. “I’d bend you over right here, but I’m afraid we’d both end up on our asses.”

A bucket of cold water couldn’t have sobered Varo quicker. He’d let his enemy jack him off. Stars, he practically threw himself at the other male. All he had to say was no, and he hadn’t. Instead of saying no, he nearly humped Adlar to death.

Horrified, he shoved at Adlar. “Get off me.”

Adlar stepped back, eyebrow raised. Oh, Varo was starting to hate that arrogant look.

“I guess it was too much to hope you’d be docile after coming.”

Varo fumed, the heat of his glare should have made the water steam.

“You didn’t say no, princeling.”

Of course Adlar threw that in his face. “I’m well aware of that!”

Adlar paused, staring at Varo. “Indeed. Well, come on then, I think it’s time to get out.”

Varo followed, wishing they’d gotten out before he made such a fool of himself. The problem was, he knew it was just a matter of time before this happened again. He couldn’t, couldn’t, allow himself to forget again that Adlar was his enemy. 

Adlar led him to cabinets along one of the walls. He opened one and handed Varo a towel. The material was just as soft as any he had at home. After they dried off, Adlar wrapped the towel around his waist, so Varo copied him.

Adlar walked out of the bathing chamber, and Varo followed him to another room. Immediately, he saw this was Adlar’s sleeping chamber. Again, instead of starkness, he found wealth and luxury.

A bed on a platform dominated the room. Over the bed a large, sheer white netting encased the bed, hung from the ceiling. The bedding was also white. The stone walls had been whitewashed. Even the furniture was white, and there were white rungs strewn around the floor.

Stunned, he looked around. “This is amazing. I thought you’d, ah….”

Adlar smirked. “What? You thought what?”

“Well, I was expecting darker colors, more masculine woods. Not this light and, ah… well, delicateness.”

“I live my life in darkness, Varo. But even I want a retreat. This is mine.” Adlar walked to the door in the room and opened it. “Come on.”

Varo followed him through the door and into a closet that might have even been bigger than his. He snorted out a laugh. Again, he was surprised. He’d assumed Adlar wouldn’t have many clothes. The male just didn’t seem the type. What a wrong assumption that turned out to be. Rack upon rack of clothes took up the space.

While most of the colors were dark, as he’d imagine they would be, Adlar also had dozens of things in bright colors too. Vibrant reds, emerald greens, sunny yellows… he was frankly surprised at the amount of silky fabrics to shiny, unbending ones.


“Well, yes.”

“I told you things weren’t often as they appeared.”

“Yes, you most certainly did.” He needed to remember that. Assumptions were dangerous, and as he kept finding with Adlar, often wrong.

Adlar handed him a pair of black pants. “Try those. I think we’re close in size, but they might be somewhat long on you.”

The pants looked amazingly like his uniform pants. For some reason, that too surprised him. His enemy wore the same kind of uniform pants as he did. Why having that in common bothered him he didn’t know. Maybe because it made Adlar seem more… normal.  More like him. But he wasn’t; Adlar had fangs. There was nothing normal about that.

He tried the pants, and they did fit, if a little long. Once he tucked them in his boots, it wouldn’t show.

“Hmm, this may be tight, but it’s all I have.”

Adlar handed him a black long-sleeved shirt. Since it was cooler than what he was used to here, he was glad to see the sleeves. He slipped the shirt on.

Adlar frowned at him. “It’s a shame to cover up the tattoos on your arms, but you may be more comfortable until you adjust to the cooler weather. It is tight, I see. You’re bigger in the chest and arms than me. We’ll need to get your measurements too.”


Adlar stepped into a pair of pants and buttoned them. “Why? For clothes, of course.” Adlar slipped on a shirt but then paused, an amused look in his eye. “Unless you’d prefer to be naked?”

Varo scowled. “I’d prefer to be on my own world.”

The amusement vanished, and a shuttered look dropped over Adlar’s face. “Well, unfortunately for both of us, you didn’t stay on your own world. You took a shuttle, penetrated our shields, and crash-landed on my planet in some harebrained attempt to cause harm, I assume. Now we have to live with your actions.”

“But your people—”

Adlar held up a hand. “And I do not wish to get into another discussion as to why that’s my people’s fault.”

Varo pressed his lips tightly together.

Adlar handed Varo a pair of socks. “Let’s get your boots. I need your size for footwear too. Come.” Adlar turned and walked out of the closet.

Varo was tempted to see what would happen if he didn’t follow along, but decided it wasn’t worth it. He was sure he’d find plenty to take a stand over later. Plus, he was hungry and wanted information on his men. Angering Adlar wasn’t the wise thing to do right now.

They returned to the bathing chamber and retrieved his boots, which he quickly laced. The room was almost too warm with so many clothes on. They then went to the kitchen. He noticed a small communications center off in a corner.

Adlar sat. “Give me your sizes, please.”

Varo rattled off the numbers. “Oh, and underwear. Don’t forget that. I, ah, feel odd without them.”

“Better get used to it, princeling. I prefer my access unobstructed.”

Varo goggled at Adlar. “But that’s… that’s…” sexy, deviant?

“That’s how it’s going to be.” Adlar typed in a security code then let out a small high-pitched screech.

“No! Please, wait!” Varo yelled, stumbling back, fear slamming him. He grabbed at the collar, desperately dreading the pain to come. Why had Adlar activated the collar?

Adlar jerked around to look at Varo. “What? Oh.” He held his hand, palm up. “Easy, easy. It’s okay. I was just activating the computer, that’s all. That’s not the command for the collar.”

Panting, Varo glared at Adlar. “Is that your language?

“You heard my warriors and me speak to each other at the crash site, so you know it is.”

Fury quickly replaced anger. “It just sounds like a bunch of screeching to me. How am I supposed to tell the difference from one command to the other?”

“As far as the collar goes, it’s simple. If you’re disobedient, I’ll give a verbal warning first in an effort to allow you to correct the behavior. If you don’t, then I’ll activate the collar and correct you myself. But I will give you a chance first.”

“I’m not a child, you know. I’m a certified captain of a starship. Do you have any idea of the years required to achieve that?”

“I do, yes, and I admire you for earning such a title. I know you’re smart, Varo, but your personality is that of a spoiled child. For that matter, so many of your ruling class is the same. You want, thus you take. Or try to. Your sense of entitlement is astounding.”

Adlar rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Well, your pigheaded lack of foresight and financial savvy is appalling. Guess we’re even.”

“No, Varo, we are not ‘even’. While I admire the accomplishments I see you’ve earned from the numerous tattoos on your arms, you are not my equal. I own you.”

A red haze filled Varo’s vision. He wished, desperately, for a weapon.

“Before you do something you’ll regret, let me remind you I own you because you crashed on my planet. It was your own doing, not mine. If you follow through on the intent I see in your eyes, I will punish you. And I won’t bother checking on how your crew is settling.”

“Of course you hide behind this collar instead of facing me like a true... oomph!”

Varo found himself on the floor, one arm twisted behind him. Never had he seen another move so fast. One moment Adlar was at the communication center, and the next he’d rushed Varo. Adlar slid effortlessly between Varo’s legs and came up behind him.

Before Varo could react, Adlar grabbed one arm, hooked Varo’s foot, and put Varo on the ground, face first. Varo barely had time to blink before Adlar had his knee in Varo’s back, and his arm behind him. The soft whisper of a knife leaving its sheath froze Varo.

“All I’d have to do is shove this into your neck at the base of your spine.”

Varo squeezed his eyes shut.

“Princeling, I am an assassin. I train others to be assassins. I can kill with a touch, but I like the blade best. I like to get close to my target.” Adlar stood and returned the knife to the ankle sheath. “We are not equals. Don’t ever think that we are, and don’t test me again.”

Calmly, Adlar returned to the communications center and returned to placing clothing orders.

It took Varo a little longer to stand. Calm was the last thing he felt. Adlar had told him, but he hadn’t believed it. Now he knew better. Adlar’s attack had been silent and swift. He hadn’t had time to react, not that it mattered. Adlar had him helpless on the floor in no time. And when had he put the knife sheath on? He’d missed that.

Adlar was a killer.

Varo slowly stood, unsure what to do with himself now.

Adlar finished and turned to face Varo. “Are you hungry?”

“I… yes, I guess so.” Varo searched Adlar’s face.

Adlar didn’t look mad, or even annoyed. If it weren’t for the fact he’d just been kissing the floor, he’d never know anything remotely scary had happened. Adlar acted as if it was nothing. The thought was sobering. To him, maybe it was nothing. Maybe life held no meaning to Adlar at all.

“Have a seat at the table then. I’m famished.”

Adlar listed several different ideas for a meal. Many of the meats Varo had eaten before and knew. A few things he’d never had since the vegetables were indigenous to Helkan. He was slightly stunned he wasn’t required to cook since he was the slave, but he kept his mouth shut.

Adlar soon had the kitchen smelling delicious. Varo had to admit the man certainly seemed to know his way around a kitchen. He was almost jealous.

“So, you like to cook, I take it?”

“Actually, yes. We have reduplicators, just like many advanced cultures. It’s nice to program a meal and have it ready in moments. But it takes away the satisfaction of creating something by hand.” Adlar shrugged. “Besides, I like cooking. It relaxes me. Do you cook often?”

Varo flipped his hair over his shoulder. “Honestly, no. I don’t have…” He waved his hand around. “I have a room in the palace, but no private residence. I spend most of my time on the ship. I have my own quarters. More often than not, I’m on a mission. I prefer that.”

“I see. That’s a shame. Would you like to learn how to cook?”

“Are you asking me or telling me?”

“For now, asking.”

Varo glanced around the kitchen at all the things it held… all the lovely, shiny, sharp things it held. He looked at Adlar. “Okay, I’d like that.”

“Excellent. We’ll start first thing tomorrow. I’m too hungry tonight.” Adlar checked the meal one last time. “And speaking of the meal, it’s ready.”

Adlar fetched plates and silverware and put them on the table. Varo waited until Adlar finished serving the meal and sat. As they ate, Varo looked around the kitchen again. Oh yes, he couldn’t wait to learn how to cook.

Chapter Seven -Adlar

As Adlar ate, he watched Varo’s secretive glances around his home, and more importantly, his kitchen. Subtlety was not one of Varo’s strong points, which was surprising since he was a starship captain.

It appeared his princeling was plotting something. Silently he sighed. He’d hoped the little demonstration earlier had proved to Varo how useless resisting was, but apparently not. As disappointing as continual resistance would be, he couldn’t really blame Varo.

If their roles were reversed, he’d do whatever he had to in order to escape… which was something he needed to remember. It was much too soon for Varo to abandon hope. He might get discouraged, but that was to be expected.

He was sure he’d have to impart yet another lesson to his princeling. He too glanced around the kitchen. Funny how he’d never noticed how many sharp objects there were. While he was certain he could disarm Varo, that didn’t mean he relished the thought of waking up with a knife to his throat.

That would annoy him. For the time being, it might be prudent to remove temptation and lock up the knives.

“This is good,” Varo said, taking another bite of the meal.

Adlar refocused on the male across from him. “I’m glad you like it. It’s fast and filling.”

Silence again settled between them as they ate, and Adlar’s thoughts returned to the shower they’d shared earlier. One thing plainly stood out: Varo hadn’t said no. Adlar had made sure Varo had plenty of chances to stop the situation.

And Varo hadn’t. Oh, after the flush of passion had cooled, it was obvious Varo’s actions left him horrified. That came as no shock to Adlar, because he himself wasn’t too pleased by this irritating ardor that flared between them.

But it existed, and there was no ignoring it.

The more time he spent with Varo, the more he found he didn’t want to ignore it. The sooner he broke the other male, the better, though. Varo had to learn to obey him, and seeing as he was a crown prince, Adlar knew that wasn’t going to be easy. But oh, how he looked forward to it.

Varo set his eating utensils down and wiped his mouth.

“Finished?” Adlar asked as he sipped his drink.

“Yes. Again, that was an excellent meal. I thank you for sharing.”

“My pleasure.” Adlar stood, holding his plate and drink. “I have no intention of starving you, Varo. No indeed, I like you just the way you are.”

A blush tinted Varo’s ears as he too stood, holding his plate and cup.

Adlar watched as Varo ducked his head and followed him to an area in the kitchen used to wash dishes or food. Adlar washed and made Varo dry. Yes, he had a machine that would clean the dishes, but cleaning by hand meant they had to stand close together.

He was slowly accustoming Varo to his nearness. He also had to wonder if anyone had ever given Varo a compliment. The other male didn’t appear to know how to react.

Now that they’d fed themselves, there was paperwork he needed to finish in his office.

“Come with me.” Adlar led Varo down a hallway.

“Where are we going now?”

“Here.” Adlar stopped before an open a door. “This is my office.”

Adlar led Varo inside. There was his desk, several chairs, bookcases filled with volumes, and a long, armless black relaxation couch set low to the ground with a small personal entertainment screen.

“Stars,” Varo breathed as he examined the space. “I’ve never seen so many books before. You don’t have them saved to your personal storage in your EED?”

He looked at the small, square black entertainment electronic device, or EED as they were called. “I have some logged on there, yes, but I like books.” He gestured to the room. “Take a deep breath, Varo, and tell me what you smell.”

Varo pushed a long stand of hair behind his ear. “I, ah… seriously?”


Varo eyed him warily, but did as told. Adlar watched as Varo took a deep, deliberate breath in and held it—then released it slowly.

“And what did you smell?” Adlar, enjoyed the way Varo’s chest expanded, making the shirt he wore even tighter.

“Staleness. Mustiness.”

“Oh, Varo.” Adlar shook his head sadly. “What you smell is history. The written word is something we, as advanced cultures, tend to forget. And if you forget your history, then you repeat your mistakes.”

Varo stood in the middle of the room, staring.

Adlar laughed softly at the confused look on Varo’s face. “Sorry about that. I love books. I love the feel of them in my hand, the smell, the scent, and the chance to escape.”

Varo jerked. “W-what do you mean?”

Adlar walked over to one of the shelves, running his hand over the spines as he looked at the titles. What kind of childhood had Varo had? “Have you never read for pleasure, Varo? For entertainment?”

Varo scowled. “Reading is for absorbing information and for learning. Where’s the pleasure in dissemination of facts, of stats?”

“I see.” A small smile lurked around Adlar’s lips. To learn, huh? I can work with that.</i> He pulled a violently red book from a shelf. “Here.” He held it out to Adlar.

Varo frowned at the book Adlar held, unsure.  “What?”

A smile broke over Adlar’s face. Varo had all but tucked his hands into his pits, almost as if he was scared. “Come now, it’s not going to bite you.”

Varo stood, still glaring at the book and not moving.

“Surely you aren’t afraid of a book?” Adlar teased.

A belligerent look raced across Varo’s face, but he reached for the book.

Well, that got him moving. “Take the time to feel the weight of it, the texture of the cover, to enjoy the color.”

Varo shrugged as he took the book. “It’s not heavy, and it….” Varo lips tightened. “I don’t know what it is you want. It feels like a book, it looks like a book, and… well, I guess the cover feels like it’s expensive. This is just stupid!”

Adlar stepped behind Varo, standing as close as he could, his body pressed against Varo, chest to back, ass to groin. Varo stiffened immediately, but didn’t try to move out of Adlar’s arms.

“Just bear with me.” His chin rested on Varo’s shoulder, his lips inches from Varo’s ear, as he ran his hands down Varo’s arms, over muscles that tightened as his hands moved ever so slowly… until he covered Varo’s hands with his own.


“Open it,” he whispered. This close to the other male, Adlar couldn’t help but feel the shiver that raced through Varo’s body.

Varo slowly opened the book. The first thing he saw was two males, passion highlighting their features.

“By the sun’s fading light!” Varo spluttered at the drawn picture of a male tied to a bed. Red ropes pulled his knees back toward a fancy lattice headboard. More red ropes tied his hands to the headboard, and a gleaming red blindfold covered his eyes.

“See how the position opens him up to whatever his lover desires? Such helplessness portrayed there.” Adlar let one of his fangs brush against Varo’s earlobe. “He’s so hard, and his hole is displayed perfectly, just begging for something to fill it. See the need on his face?”

“This, this…” Varo panted. “This is pornographic material!”

“This is erotic art drawn by a race who knew what the frake they were talking about.” Adlar pressed his rapidly hardening cock against Varo. “The Monease take a certain select few to train in the pleasures of the body and mind. They’re sought after and courted by the most powerful rulers in the universe. I can’t believe you’ve never seen the artwork they produce somewhere.”

“My—my—my father was more concerned with battle strategy than—” Varo stammered as Adlar flipped through the book. “God gods! Is that position even possible?”

“You’d have to be very flexible.” Adlar answered on a wispy breath in Varo’s ear as he cupped Varo’s groin.

“I…” Varo moaned, his hips thrusting forward.

“Granted, he couldn’t hang upside down for long, and the ropes would have to strong enough to hold him while he struggled with his passion.”

“I….” Varo eased out of Adlar’s embrace. “Is that all you have in here?”

Adlar let him go, subtly shifting his cock. It pleased him Varo was hard too. He replaced the book and turned to face Varo. “My tastes are varied. Why don’t you look around? I have some paperwork to attend to.”

“Check on my men first. I need to know they’re okay.”

Time lapsed as Adlar, eyebrow hiked, stared at Varo. He crossed his arms over his chest. “You’re no longer in a position to demand things. If you want something from me, demanding isn’t the way to go about it. Manners, princeling. Manners.”

“I refuse to beg.”

“Oh princeling, if I want you to beg, you’ll beg, trust me.” Adlar waved his hand, forestalling any comment Varo was going to make. “That’s a discussion for another time. What I’m asking for is for you to be polite.” 

Varo mouth puckered as they faced off. “Fine. Will you check on my men first?”

Adlar shook his head. “Better, but not by much. The warriors who collared your crew are good males. They won’t hurt them anymore than I hurt you—as long as they obey, they’ll will be treated well, such as you will be. They’re not your responsibility anymore.”

Varo clenched his fists. “They’re more than crewmembers. You have to know that. Just because you tell me to forget about them doesn’t mean I’m going to. I might be their captain, but…” Varo ran a hand through his hair, defeat clear in his face. “I’m friends with a few of them. I need to know they’re okay. Please,” he whispered.

“There we go. That’s what I was looking for.” Satisfied that progress had been made, Adlar strode behind the desk and sat. He activated a small, flat screen attached to a high-end data processer. A few clicks on the touch screen and Varo heard a masculine voice answer.

Adlar didn’t waste time as he detailed his reason for the call. The conversation was short and to the point. Varo listened as Adlar called each of his warriors and requested information on the collared men. Varo sank down on the couch, listening.

During the call with the male who collared Artan, Varo made a small, pained noise as he listened. Adlar quickly glanced at Varo, then asked quietly if Artan could come in view of the scene. He turned the screen so Varo could see Artan was perfectly fine. He knew Artan could also see Varo.

After the last call, Adlar folded his hands on the desk. “As I said, they’re okay. As you heard, each has been fed, bathed, and any bruises they had have been treated.”

“T-thank you.” Varo stared at the floor.

“Varo, you and Artan…” Adlar paused, trying to find the right words. He’d heard the small sound Varo made earlier. “Is there something there I need to know about?”

Varo slowly looked up. “Something there? What do you mean?”

Was Varo purposely being dense? “Were the two of you in a relationship?”

“Of course not.” Horror crossed Varo’s face. “He’s my first officer! Not only is that unethical, it’s against the rules. I’m his commanding officer. I would never put him in that position. He and I are just friends, nothing more.”

Adlar didn’t say a word, but he was sure his disbelief showed.

“I’m telling the truth.” Varo scrubbed at his face, his posture slumped. “He’s… He understands the stress of command. I can talk to him, whereas I can’t with junior crewmembers. Do you understand?”

“I do, actually.”

“He’ll make a fine starship….” Varo trailed off. “He would have made a fine starship captain. He’d planned to take the test when we returned. Gods.”

The broken posture bothered Adlar more than he wanted to admit. His reports could wait until morning. Standing, he walked to Varo and held out his hand. “Come, let’s go to bed. We’re both tired.”

Varo slowly stood, swaying slightly. “I…. Do I get to sleep in a bed? My own bed? Or your bed?”

Adlar was pleased Varo didn’t panic at the suggestion of bed. “You sleep with me in my bed.”

“And that’s all we’re going to do?”

“I told you I won’t rape you.” Adlar herded Varo out of his office and toward his bedroom. “That’s not to say I won’t try to seduce you, but all you have to do is say no. One simple word. In that regard, I’ll always give you a choice.”

Varo stumbled as they walked. “I… I don’t want to think about this anymore. None of it. I’m so tired.”

Adlar held Varo’s elbow, steadying him, as they continued down the hallway. “Then don’t. Tomorrow is a new day.” Once they got to the bedroom, Adlar unmade the bed and started stripping.

Varo just stood there. “You sleep in the nude?”

Varo’s body language was one of fatigue and defeat, which alarmed Adlar. He’d found he enjoyed Varo’s sharp wit and quick tongue. Hopefully a good night’s sleep would rejuvenate him.

Adlar tossed his clothes into the dirty clothes bends slot. “Of course.”

Varo bit his lower lip. “Of course. So, I guess I am too?”

Adlar slipped into the bed, fluffing pillows behind him and waited. “Of course. Put your clothes with mine and come to bed. I can see you swaying from here.”

Varo blew out a breath and stripped as quickly as he could.

Adlar held the soft, white sheet up so Varo could join him. He spread the pillows out and lay down. After a softly spoken command, the lights dimmed and flashed off. Darkness covered the room. A light he’d left shining in the hallway slightly lightened the darkness of the room.

Varo immediately moved to the edge of the bed, getting as far away as he could. Adlar didn’t press the issue. He’d get what he wanted soon enough, he knew. As they lay there, Varo’s body relaxed by degrees.

A long sigh escaped the lump under the sheet. Adlar smiled. The sound reminded him of a tired youngling. The description fit Varo. In so many ways, the princeling acted like a child. Adlar stayed still as the moments dragged by until he heard a soft snore from the other side of the bed.

More time passed, then the body across from him shivered slightly. Before Adlar could grin, Varo scooted back, then moved back some more. Adlar’s patience paid off as Varo finally snuggled into him, seeking body heat. Varo wasn’t used to the coolness here, he knew.

Gently, he slipped his arm over Varo, curling his hand against Varo’s chest. One of Varo’s tattoos caught his attention. Whoever had done the work was a master. The line work and shading was some of the best he’d ever seen.

But as stunning as he found them, the tattoos were nothing compared to that spectacularly long white-blond hair currently spread out over his pillows. From the moment he’d seen it, he’d wanted to run his hands through the strands.

He’d just known it would be fantastically soft, and he was right. It remembered him of Naprian silk, a product prized throughout the galaxy. He quietly removed his hand from Varo’s waist. His fingers itched with the need to wrap strands of that long, silky hair around his fist.

What a spectacularly sexy way to control Varo’s movements. His cock twitched in agreement as he had a sudden flash of Varo on his knees, all that striking hair cascading down his back, those liquid brown eyes looking up at him, begging.

“Frack,” he muttered, his hips wanting to thrust as his shaft hardened.

As unbelievable as it was, he was hard once more. What was it about this male that sent his libido into overdrive? He’d never had problems controlling his baser instincts before. Now suddenly all he wanted was to rut like an untried youth with Varo. The distressing fact was that only Varo triggered this need.

His gums tingled, reminding him that his sex drive wasn’t the only problem plaguing him. He knew Varo had not only seen his fangs, but felt them too when they kissed. Interesting that Varo hadn’t brought them up. Adlar needed to approach the subject of his fangs and what they meant soon.

He had to feed, and he intended to do it with Varo.

While his species required food, they also had to have blood. Blood was a fluid rich in nutritious proteins and lipids they needed to survive. Through evolution, their stomach lining had adapted to absorb much of the blood’s nutrients sent into the bloodstream.

There the nutrients traveled to all their cells. There were a very few species they couldn’t feed from, but they mostly preferred their own kind. And while that was true, Adlar couldn’t wait to sink his fangs into Varo. He’d bet Varo’s blood would taste fine indeed.

While the blood was necessary, the act itself could be intense and sexual. As Adlar knew, there were more places than just the neck to feed from. He fully intended to show Varo. The problem was going to be securing Varo’s permission.

There had to be some way he could…. Adlar’s breath caught when Varo’s ass flexed. The movement nestled Adlar’s cock more firmly in Varo’s crack. Adlar rested his hand on Varo’s naked hip then let it slide down Varo’s stomach.

A soft moan from Varo caught Adlar’s attention.

Varo was still asleep, but his body was reacting. Maybe that would be the best thing. Adlar’s hand meandered up Varo’s chest until he reached a peaked nipple. Oh yes, asleep or not, Varo was getting off on this. And Adlar intended to keep it that way.

He rolled one of the stiff nub, drawing a longer, more ragged moan from Varo. So, Varo liked that, did he? Keeping the pressure light, he played with those needy tips, his hand moving from one to another.

Varo seemed to be one of those lucky males whose cock was hardwired to his nipples. One day… one day he’d pierce those stuff nips. How sexy would Varo be with hoops hanging from each nipple?

He could spend hours playing with the hoops, driving Varo insane with need. Varo was now steadily pushing back. Adlar’s cock smeared pre-come, the thrusting motions helping make Varo slick. It wouldn’t be enough for sex, but that wasn’t the goal here. At least, not yet.

Still on his side behind Varo, Adlar let a fang rub against Varo’s neck. He’d done that before and Varo hadn’t panicked. Varo’s breathing abruptly changed, and Adlar knew the other male was waking. Adlar released the nip he’d been worrying and slid his hand down a toned stomach until he encountered a hard cock.


Adlar grasped Varo’s dick and ran his thumb around the top. Stickiness greeted him. The top of Varo’s shaft was just as wet as Adlar’s. Still thrusting his hips gently, Adlar mouthed at Varo’s neck, sucking at the skin while he fisted Varo’s shaft.

Adlar couldn’t stand it. He had to see all that lovely skin. He let go of Varo’s length long enough to fling the sheet from them. The light from the hall illuminated Varo’s tanned skin. Had he ever seen such an exquisite sight in all his life? Quickly he grabbed Varo’s cock and resumed stroking.

Varo’s body tensed, but he relaxed into Adlar’s hold. “Ungh!”

Adlar laughed softly at the slurred speech. He’d wanted Varo consumed with passion, and it sounded like he was quickly getting there. “Want me to stop?”

Varo’s warbling ‘no’ was a thing of beauty.                    

Thanking every god he could think of, Adlar rubbed his fangs more aggressively this time on Varo’s neck as he stroked Varo’s shaft.

“W-what are you doing?” Varo asked, his voice sleep-tinged.

“Making us feel good.” Adlar twisted his hand as he stroked Varo. He wanted Varo as mindless with pleasure as he could get him.

Varo quivered helplessly, his hand clutching at the bedding. “Ad-Adlar…. Gods!” Varo strained against Adlar. “How did…? What was that thing you did with….?”

Adlar licked up Varo’s neck then nibbled at Varo’s earlobe again. “Just a trick I know.”

“That was…. That was…. ” Varo panting breath stuttered out in a whine. “Gods.”

Adlar couldn’t stand it any longer. The sharp edges of his need had sunk its claws in him and demanded more. The scent of sleep-warmed skin and musky arousal was driving him insane. This time Adlar let the tip of a fang nick Varo.

A small bead of blood welled up and Adlar eagerly licked it, the sharp, sweet essence of Varo exploding on Adlar’s tongue. Adlar’s head spun from the minute taste. Never had blood tasted so good, so rich. This… this he could quickly become addicted to. How could one male taste so fracking good?

Panting, he thrust his hips again, his cock nudged Varo’s hole. The overwhelming desire to sink his fangs into flesh rode him hard, but he refused to give into that need without Varo first giving permission.

“What… what….That felt like….” Varo whined.

“Shhh. It’s okay.” Adlar pulled his fangs back then latched on to soft skin, sucking hard. The drive to mark Adlar couldn’t be ignored.

Varo whimpered as he fucked Adlar’s fist. “Please. Please, that’s so good. So good.”

Adlar buried his face in Varo’s hair. “God, you are so fracking sexy. Just perfect. You’re leaking all over my hand, and your body makes me crazy with need and… and this hair of yours…”

Varo moaned. “I want…. Please.”

Adlar did some moaning of his own. “That word… makes me burn.”

Adlar’s shaft ached. He, who prided himself on control, was so close to losing it. Every thrust of Varo’s hips, every moan, every whispered please fanned the flames higher. He scraped a fang across tender skin again.

“Let me bite you,” Adlar whispered against hot, wet skin. “It won’t hurt, I promise. Just let me rub against you like this, and right as you come, let me bite you. It will be unlike anything you’ve ever felt, and I won’t take too much. I won’t hurt you. Let me taste you, Varo.”

Varo jerked in Adlar’s arms. “W-what? Bite? Bite me? Bite me? What in the stars do you…? Oh! Ohhhh, no. You mean you want to feed from me?” Varo’s voice climbed until he shrieked the last few words. “No!”

Adlar found himself with a wildly thrashing body that wasn’t the result of fun, sexy times. “Hey. Hey!” Adlar tightened his hold on Varo. “You said no, so I won’t. Varo, calm down. I won’t take what’s not freely given. Varo!”

Varo stopped fighting. “You… you won’t?”

Adlar dropped his head against Varo’s shoulder. Goddess help him. “No, I won’t. Just calm down. Okay?”

The pleasure Adlar felt fled, leaving behind a cold aftermath. He could pin Varo to the bed and take what he wanted, but he knew he wouldn’t. He’d no more take Varo’s blood without permission than he would rape Varo.

Problem was, he needed to feed. Badly.

Chapter Eight - Varo 
Barely daring to move, Varo lay still, wrapped in Adlar’s arms. His heart pounded, the frantic beat pulsing in his head. thump, thump, thump. Funny how he’d never noticed how loud that sound was. He tuned out the noise and focused on Adlar. He’d seen the fangs and heard the rumors, but until Adlar actually pressed the things to his throat he hadn’t really realized… hadn’t really thought about the actual event.

He was thinking about it now.

Even as the idea struck fear in him, he couldn’t deny his throbbing cock. Stupid thing was running his life more and more lately. Adlar’s head still rested on his shoulder. As tempting as all that long dark hair was, Varo stayed still.

Adlar’s unsteady breath caressed Varo’s bare skin. Afraid to move, Varo waited. Instinct told him they were balanced on the razor’s edge of… something. Time crawled by, but Adlar didn’t shift from his position. But he didn’t attack either.

Varo’s body calmed. Growing more composed, he frowned slightly as he noticed the tension in Adlar’s body as he struggled to level out his breathing. If Varo hadn’t been lying so still himself, he might not have heard the small, broken whimper that escaped Adlar.

Stunned, he realized the other male was hurting. While a part of him jumped in gleeful joy over that, another part cringed. The male next to him was a killer—he still wasn’t sure how he felt about that—and had collared him. He was at Adlar’s mercy, and he hated that.

He detested how helpless he was… and he’d done it to himself. He’d really thought he and his crew would die or be killed. What he hadn’t counted on was the Helkans taking him prisoner. As it turned out, that was the least of his worries. He’d never dreamed he’d be attracted to a Helkan.

Adlar took a deep breath then rolled over to his side of the bed and flopped one arm across his eyes.

Varo turned his head to stare at the other male. There were questions he wanted to ask, but what if he drew attention to himself and Adlar attacked him? But he hasn’t yet, he pointed out to the side of his brain that insisted in providing scene after scene of hypothetical grisly attacks. He did put that cursed collar on you, his brain fired back. Remember how bad his little ‘show and tell’ hurt?

Yes, yes, he did, but Adlar had only activated it once to show him how it worked. He hadn’t used it again, and honestly, Varo had given him numerous reasons to. He couldn’t resist. Being a slave went against everything he knew. Adlar suddenly sat up on his side of the bed, his legs hanging over the side, his head in his hands, and arguing with himself ended.

Adlar’s posture was just so… miserable.

He should know. He often found himself sitting in such a way after speaking with his father. And stars, he was not going to stir up those memories. Instead, he focused on Adlar’s long black hair that trailed down his back as Varo found the insane urge to touch a stand. Adlar thought his hair was interesting? He found Adlar’s black as night hair color and pale, pale skin simply fascinating.

“Um, I, ah… I… Adlar?”


Varo wasn’t sure what to make of Adlar not turning to face him. He was even more surprised Adlar would show what could be considered weakness around him, even if it did make him appear more… approachable… and that scared him to pieces.

So he ignored his thoughts and blundered on. “You really need blood to survive?”

Adlar sighed heavily. “My species requires food just as yours does. But we also need blood.”


“No one really knows why,” Adlar said. “Maybe it was a survival mechanism for our ancestors once upon a time. Our leading scientists have found that through evolution our stomach lining adapted to absorb much of the blood’s nutrients as we drink.”

“So it’s a ‘must have’ type of thing?”

Adlar turned to face Varo. “Indeed. We need blood the same way you need water to live. Blood is rich in nutritious proteins and lipids we need to survive. There’s actually a few species we can’t feed from. Mostly we prefer our own kind.”

“Really?” Without water, he’d die. Would Adlar die without blood? It certainly sounded like it. If he asked, would Adlar give him an answer? Probably not. I wouldn’t confirm such a weakness to an enemy.

“For the most part. Other species tend to react as you did. Plus, we don’t interact much with others if we can help it.” Sudden tension filled Adlar. “And while all that is true, I want to feed from you, Varo. The tiny taste I had earlier still lingers on my tongue. It’s the finest thing I’ve ever tasted.”

Varo couldn’t help the small shudder that racked him. Problem was he still was unsure if he was disgusted or aroused by the idea of drinking blood. He wrinkled his nose as another thought crossed his mind. “Blood tastes good?”

“Oh yes. Yours is like a premium beverage: smooth and sweet, with just a bite, there at the end.”

“I… I have no idea what to say to that. I mean…. Blood is just stuff in my body that leaks out when I cut myself. I’ve never considered it to be like… like a food—something that tastes good.”

Adlar laughed softly as he rose and walked to his closet. “No, I don’t suppose you have.”

Varo didn’t answer. He was too busy trying not to stare at Adlar’s naked ass. Then it struck him that Adlar was getting dressed. Was he expected to rise also?

“What are you doing?”

“I need to feed, Varo. If you won’t allow me to feed from you…”

“Ah, no.” Varo clutched the sheet. Adlar said he wouldn’t force the issue, but what was there to stop him? Nothing, outside of his word.

“Well then, I’ll have to do it the usual way.” Adlar walked back into the room dressed in a long black robe.

“Wait.” Varo watched as Alder moved to his side of the bed and activated a com system. It appeared Adlar really wasn’t going got force him. “You mean you’re going to do this now? But, it’s the middle of the night.”

Adlar programmed a number, and then glanced at Varo. “I should have fed a couple of days ago, but I didn’t make time for it. Then you arrived and…. Well, I’m hungry, and it’s not a good idea to let the hunger build.”

Now what does that mean? In what way is it not a good idea? “Are you saying insufficient feeding can make you dangerous?”

Adlar smirked. “I’m always dangerous.”

Varo squashed the urge to roll his eyes. Seriously?

“And thank you for not rolling your eyes. I could tell that took effort,” Adlar added.

Varo’s jerked, surprised Adlar could read him so clearly so soon. “What…?”

“Princeling, you have a very expressive face. But in answer to your question—yes. If we get hungry enough, we experience something called blood lust. We can be dangerous then. The driving urge to maintain our life force can overwhelm all else. The pain of needing to feed can be deadly.”

“But… but…. Don’t you have like…. I don’t know.” Varo waved his hands toward the kitchen. “Stuff on stand-by that you can use?” It seemed like a reasonable, if creepy, question, even if it did make him feel stupid.

“I have an emergency stock, yes, but I prefer it straight from the source.” Adlar shrugged. “Warm is better, trust me. And there are those who make a living by volunteering their services. They’re called the A’moor.”

“They… really? They let others feed from them?”

“Of course. They provide a service my people need. I can see you think that’s strange, but it really isn’t, not to us. You’re looking at this from your perceptive. Don’t.”

“I’m trying.” He didn’t see that changing, but wasn’t going to argue about it. Just because Adlar said he needed to change didn’t mean he could make him. “So, you just com someone up when you’re hungry? And what? They come to you? You go to them?”

“Usually they come to us. Because of who my brother is, I’m required to use only those vetted by the king. I have two males and a female I call upon when I need to feed.”

Varo continued to goggle at Adlar. “And you’re going to do that right now?”

Adlar glanced at Varo as he waited for an answer. “Unless you wish to volunteer?”

Varo’s mouth fell open and his eyes widened. Snapping his mouth close, he frantically shook his head.

“Too bad. I would have liked to…. Oh, hello? Maylar?” Adlar smiled as another Helkan came into view on the small viewing screen of the com system so Varo could hear him along with Adlar.

“Adlar?” Maylar yawned, but quickly covered his mouth and then giggled slightly. “Oh dear, sorry about that. Greetings, my Lord. How may I be of service?”

“Don’t worry about it. After all, I just pulled you out of bed. I sincerely hope that’s all I interrupted.”

“That’s all, and I’ve been asleep for a while,” Maylar said. “Is all well? Do you require me?”

“I do. Sorry for the latest of the hour.”

“Not the first time you’ve waited too long, my Lord.” Maylar laughed. “I’ll be there shortly.”

“Excellent.” Adlar ended the transmission and glanced at Varo still sitting in bed. “You may wish to dress. He’ll be here soon, and your exotic looks draw attention, Varo. Maylar is a very sensual individual.”

Varo squeaked as he jumped from the bed, fear flooding him. “Are you saying you’d let him—”

Adlar crossed the room, his long legs eating up the distance between them. He buried his hand in Varo’s hair and jerked his head back as he pressed close to Varo’s body. “Never! The only one who shall touch you is me, but let’s not tempt Maylar. I’d hate to have to kill him for laying hands on you.”

Varo stumbled as Adlar released him, his head spinning. Was Adlar serious? He’d kill another Helkan for touching him? It boggled the mind, and he wasn’t sure how he felt. Was Adlar becoming possessive of him? Could he use that?

Did he want to?

He hurriedly made his way to the closet, knowing Adlar’s eyes tracked his naked figure. Once inside, he pushed his long hair out of the way. What should he wear? Adlar only wore a robe, so should he find something like that?

Adlar joined him in the closet once again crowding close as he reached across and snagged a chocolate brown silken robe. A shiver crawled up his back from warmth radiating from Adlar. Why did he react this way every time the other male got close to him?

“Here.” Adlar pulled the robe off its hanger. “Wear this. It’ll do.”

Varo quickly slipped it on, glad Adlar had moved away from him and out of the closet. He fingered the material. It was as nice as anything he had in his closet at home…. Which led him to wonder what was happening in regards to him.

Was anything being done to retrieve him, or had his father abandoned him to his fate, the sadistic bastard? He couldn’t let himself dwell on that that while trying to figure out what he should wear… while hiding in a closet.

He stepped out of the closet to see Adlar scanning a handheld com device. Since he was busy, Varo drifted around the bedroom examining the different knickknacks on the tables and walls. The furnishings spoke of an understanding of art and beauty. There were several paintings done by well-known artists. Such things definitely alluded to the Helkans not being the animals he accused them of being.

Time passed as Adlar did whatever on his com and Varo wondered around the room. A chime rang through the house just as Adlar’s com signaled an in-coming call.

“Good.” Adlar acknowledged the signal as he finished his work. “Stay here. We’ll return shortly.”

Varo pursed his lips. They were doing this here? In the bedroom? If this was similar to consuming nutrients, then why weren’t they in the kitchen? Was there more to this than Adlar had mentioned?

Pacing, he turned the question over in his mind. Was there a sexual connotation to this? Was that why they were in robes? But Adlar swore he wouldn’t share. As he heard footsteps coming closer, it dawned on him that while Adlar said he wouldn’t share, that didn’t mean Adlar wasn’t planning to have sex with that other Helkan.

Far more disconcerting was the fact he didn’t like that thought.

Then the other Helkan walked through the door, and Varo swallowed hard as Adlar’s guest removed the long black wrap he wore. He was simply beautiful. Whereas Adlar had a masculine look to him, this one had an androgynous appearance that was delicate and… sensual, just as Adlar had mentioned.

He was tall and willowy, with lengthy black hair held up in a simple ponytail. Several strands had escaped and framed his face, giving him even more of an ethereal appearance. He wore a long, red sarong with black scrollwork winding around the bottom. On his feet he wore black sandals. 

“Maylar? This is Varo.” Adlar held Maylar’s elbow as he walked him to the end of the bed. “Varo, this Maylar.”

Varo would’ve had to been blind to miss the familiarity between the two, and his stomach dropped. 

“Oh my, Adlar. You didn’t mention you acquired a slave, and such a pretty…” Maylar frowned at Varo, and then his eyes widened. “A Yesri prince?”

Maylar stepped away from Adar and dropped to one knee, his head bowed slightly. “Your Highness, it is an honor to meet you.”

Varo’s mouth dropped. Of all the things he’d expected, that hadn’t made the list. That a Helkan showed him such respect baffled him. According to their own laws, he was nothing more than a slave—property. He was the enemy. He’d assumed… and he really had to stop that.

“Um, yes, thank you.” Varo glanced at Adlar to see his reaction. Of course the other male didn’t so much as blink. “Please rise.”

Grace in motion. That described the Maylar as he stood. And sexy. Very, very sexy. Much too sexy. Varo struggled to swallow past the lump in his throat. Was this jealousy choking him? If so, he didn’t like it.

Adlar laughed quietly as he sat on the end of the bed. “Maylar is used to dealing with royalty.”

“Indeed I am,” Maylar cocked his head to the side as Adlar sat, but didn’t say anything. “Seeing how I serve you and your brother.”

Adlar patted the empty space next to him. “Sit here, Maylar.”

“Yes, my Lord.” Maylar flowed over to Adlar and arranged himself perfectly on the end of the bed, legs crossed. His brilliantly red sarong parted to display long elegant limbs.

Varo gritted his teeth. The insane urge to break those shapely legs hit him. And just what exactly had he meant by serving Adlar and his brother? The images his mind supplied were certainly… disturbingly sexy.

Maylar sat calmly, waiting, his body relaxed, eyes hooded.

Varo wanted to shake the other male… hard. Then he wanted to shake Adlar… hard.

Adlar picked up Maylar’s wrist and nuzzled the skin. Maylar’s soft, needy sigh filled the room as the other male’s body swayed closer to Adlar.

Varo’s jaw clenched. “Um, maybe I should go to the kitchen or, or… something.”

Suddenly Adlar looked up at Varo, fangs displayed. “Stay right where you are. I want you to see that feeding isn’t something to be scared of.”

“I’m not interested in seeing a live sex show!” Varo exclaimed. At least, not between the two of you.

“There will be no sex this time—” Maylar made a small, unhappy sound and Adlar kissed Maylar’s wrist. “Sorry, Maylar, but you’re welcome to use my guestroom to rest before you leave. You’ll have privacy there so you can attend to your needs too.”

“Up to you, my Lord,” Maylar said.

Adlar returned his gaze to Varo. “But you will stay and watch, princeling. Understand? Now sit in the chair across from us.”

Varo stumbled to the appointed chair and sank into it. Already, he noticed the slight change that had come over Maylar. It was almost as if he was dampening his desires. Wish he’d show me how to do that.

Adlar tucked his hair behind his ear. Varo let his gaze wonder up to its point, and suddenly it beckoned to him. How would Adlar react if he ever traced his ear? Would he like it? A slight groan drew his attention. Adlar was rubbing his fangs on Maylar’s wrist and apparently he liked that.

“I’m ready, my Lord,” Maylar whispered.

A small grunt came from Adlar then he sank his fangs into Maylar’s wrist.

Varo grasped the chair’s arms as the tension in the room suddenly ratcheted up. Maylar’s head fell back, that long ponytail of his coiling on the bed behind him, his mouth opened. His eyes squeezed shut as he panted, small puffs of air exploding from him. There was no hiding the erection he sported.

Varo was no fool. He knew what desire looked like, and that was it.

He shifted in his chair. The picture Maylar presented was affecting him so he turned his attention to Adlar. No sooner than his eyes fell on Adlar, the threat of an erection he’d had bloomed into a full hard-on.

A tint of color highlighted Adlar’s cheeks, and his eyes were shut too as he… as he drank. Varo could see his mouth attached firmly to Maylar’s wrist. His throat muscles worked as he swallowed. What did it feel like to have fangs buried in your wrist? Did it hurt? Maylar wasn’t acting as if it did. Instead, Maylar was the very picture of need and desire.

Varo shoved at his wayward cock that stood at attention. He was having enough trouble dealing with this unwanted desire that flamed up between them. The very last thing he needed something else that made him stupid in regards to his action toward Adlar.

The star-cursed robe did nothing to hide his erection either.

Adlar’s odd yellow eyes flipped open and drilled into him. The predatory threat in that gaze froze him in the chair. His heart thumped hard, but his idiotic dick hardened even more. Adlar’s lips lifted. Varo could see those fangs embedded in Maylar’s flesh. Another surge of desire flooded him. Adlar snarled, but somehow he knew the intention behind the sound wasn’t a threat. He glanced down.

No, Adlar was as hard as he was.

The temptation to throw open his robe and stroke himself was huge, but he was afraid that would end up with him on his back, legs in the air with both males on him. That could be hotter than an exploding star or deadlier than a black hole.

Adlar slowly raised his head from Maylar’s wrist, his gaze still locked on Varo as he licked the small wounds. Varo watched as Adlar tongued the small incisions, dragging yet another low moan from Maylar.

“Are you feeling okay, Maylar?” Adlar asked.

Maylar took a deep breath. “Outside of a… um,” Maylar shifted on the bed. “Shall we say a pressing matter, I’m fine.”

“Good. Would you leave us now, Maylar?” Adlar sat up, gaze still on Varo. “Everything you need if you wish to refresh yourself is in the spare bath down the hall. I’ll have payment ready in the morning. And thank you.”

“You’re welcome, my Lord.” Maylar rose. “I wish you both a restful night.” He quickly left the room.

Adlar stood too. “Feeding always leaves me aroused. Not only that, but I can smell your desire.” Adlar held out his hand. “Join me? Will you let me make love to you now? I no longer need to feed, but I ache for relief. And no, not just anyone will do now. That’s why I sent Maylar away. I want you.”

Emotions swirled through Varo. Want, need, desire… and fear. Fear because the temptation to submit to Adlar was strong. But if he did, what would become of him? He’d be nothing more than a thing, not a person. Well according to Adlar, he already was, but he refused to accept that and as long as he fought that label… then he had a chance. He couldn’t lose himself to Adlar.


Varo stepped back, putting more space between him and Adlar. “I… I… no. You said you wouldn’t force me, so… no.”

Adlar dropped his hand. “That’s too bad. I had hoped… but it’s your choice.” Adlar turned to the bathroom. “Why don’t you return to bed? I’ll join you shortly.”

Varo threw his robe over the chair he’d been sitting in while watching Adlar feed. The entire thing left him unnerved… but at the same time he couldn’t deny he’d been aroused. Maylar certainly appeared okay after the fact. This was how he made his living, so feeding must be somewhat safe or why do it? Could he do it? And that was why he was staring at the ceiling while Adlar snored away next to him.

The night passed and eventually he fell asleep. The next thing he knew, Adlar was up and moving around. Gods, he’d just shut his eyes. After they dressed, Adlar credited Maylar’s account for his services, and the other male left after refusing an offer of food.

Varo found himself facing Adlar. Now what?

Chapter Nine - Adlar
Adlar faced Varo after bidding Maylar goodbye. The other male shifted from foot to foot, clearly nervous. Varo hadn’t had much to say this morning, but Adlar caught the quick looks he aimed at Maylar. The other Helkan appeared happy, cheerful, and very much alive.

Adlar hope Varo took note of that, especially the alive part. Adlar was relieved Varo had a chance to see Maylar this morning. It proved his feeding from the other male hadn’t hurt him. He wanted Varo to see firsthand he had nothing to fear.

He’d also noticed Varo had shadows under his eyes and appeared slightly pale under his tan. He was aware the other male hadn’t slept well last night, which wasn’t surprising. The last few days had been eventful for both of them.

“Are you hungry?”

Varo pushed his hair back over his shoulder and shrugged, his eyes on the floor. “I could eat.”

Seeing the action, Adlar frowned. He’d braided his long hair this morning but Varo’s was still all over the place. Come to think of it, he hadn’t found Varo his own brush.

“Huh, we’re going to have to do something with that.”

“W-what?” Startled, Varo’s body jerked, and he looked at Adlar. “Do with what? What do you mean?”

“Your hair.” Well, at least he had Varo’s attention now. “Just hold on. I’ll be right back.”


Adlar left a confused Varo standing in the kitchen. He hurried to his bathroom and hunted around in his own personal toiletries until he found a new brush and hair bands. “Perfect. Varo?” Adlar called from the bathroom. “Could you come here, please?”

Varo appeared. Confusion, and now wariness, showed on his face as he stepped into the bathroom. “Yes?”

“We’re going to have a cooking lesson, but first let’s get that hair under control.” Adlar handed the brush to Varo. “Sorry I didn’t think of this until now. If you need anything else I’ve neglected to furnish, tell me.”

Varo handled the brush almost as if he expected it to bite him. “Um, thank you.”

Adlar had another brilliant idea. “Tell you what. Why don’t you sit here?” He pulled Varo over to a built-in seat neat the mirror in his main bathroom.

Varo willingly sat, confusion still showing on his face. “Um, Adlar? What are you…?”

“Just relax.” Adlar ran his hand over all that long blond hair, and then looked at Varo’s reflection in the mirror.

He sunk his fingers into the mass and gently massaged Varo’s scalp, making sure to work his thumbs into Varo’s neck muscles too. He glanced in the mirror. Varo’s eyes were at half-mast, his mouth partly open. Oh frack, would you look at that.

He was tempted to say something about the obvious pleasure on Varo’s face, but he didn’t. As soon as he pointed it out, the other male would probably wipe such emotion from his features and shut down. Which was a shame. Varo lost in pleasure was a thing of beauty, and one he was determined to see more often.

But he also knew pleasure was a weakness Varo didn’t want to show him. Too bad Varo already had. Adlar knew he could bring pleasure to Varo and didn’t intend to stop. Oh, no. If anything, he fully intended to chain Varo to him by desire.

“Hand me the brush.”

Varo’s eyes snapped open.

Adlar waited. He wanted Varo to offer the brush to him freely. Would he? He held his breath as he stood still, and the tension between them spiked. 

Slowly Varo held it up to Adlar. “Here.”

A wave of warmth rushed over Adlar. It was almost as if the gesture meant more that what it actually was. Would the day come when Varo gave willingly everything Adlar wanted? Varo stared at him in the mirror. Those lovely brown eyes danced with pleasure.

“Thank you.” Adlar spoke softly, afraid to break the spell that held them together.

He skimmed his hand over Varo’s locks, his touch tender. Tenderness wasn’t a concept he often had time for in his daily routine, but he found it was something he could add, willingly.

Varo gulped. “You’re welcome.”

Adlar watched Varo’s throat work as he swallowed, and he yearned, yearned, to sink his fangs into that lovely tanned skin. The day would come, he swore. Instead he took the brush from Varo and, starting at the crown, slowly worked it through Varo’s hair.

When he hit a tangle he took his time to work it out, sometimes even hold the hank of hair in one hand while fighting the snarl. He didn’t want to hurt Varo. One he got to the bottom, he started over at the top, again taking his time to work through any tangles.

There weren’t many, he was glad to see. This was supposed to feel pleasant, sensual even. Adlar glanced back at Varo and found a sight that would tempt the most hardened of souls—Varo had stopped fighting the feeling.

His eyes were closed, and his breath was slightly elevated, but he was relaxed. Now that the snarls were gone, Adlar ran the brush through without stopping, his strokes firm and steady.

“That feels so good,” Varo muttered.

“Indeed. It’s a pleasure we often don’t have time to indulge.”

Varo opened his eyes and stared at Adar in the mirror. “No one… no one has ever done this for me.”

Adlar saw the hazy desire in those eyes. “That’s a shame. But never fear, princeling, this is something I’m only too happy to do for you.”

Varo moaned slightly. “You’re trying to seduce me.”

Adlar leaned forward to whisper into Varo’s ear. “I said I wouldn’t rape you. I never said I wouldn’t seduce you. But that’s not what this is about. You look tired this morning, and I wanted to do something to help you relax.” Adlar ran the brush through Varo’s hair again. “And this does, yes?”

“A kindness?” Varo smothered a sudden yawn.

“We are capable of it, you know.”

Varo narrowed his eyes at their reflection. “Actually, no, it’s not known.”

Adlar glanced at Varo in the mirror as he ran the brush down Varo’s hair one last time. He looked away from Varo’s reflection as he took the silken stands and began to braid them. “No, circumstances being what they are, I don’t guess you would know.”

Varo didn’t speak and neither did Adlar. He’d said what he wanted to say. Now Varo could think on it. And if the blush riding his cheeks were any indication, Varo was thinking about it.

He finished braiding Varo’s hair. “There. That’ll keep it out of your way. Come.”

Varo stood and followed Adlar out of the bathroom and back to the kitchen. “What are we doing now?”

Adlar walked over to the appliance used for storing food and other substances at a low temperature and removed a rather large oval object that was at least six inches in diameter.

“As I said earlier: cooking lesson. Take this please.”

Varo took the object and quickly used both hands to hold it. “What is this?”

“Struthio damelus egg. The animal that laid this is over seven foot tall, with a long neck and even longer legs. They can’t fly, but don’t think for one moment they aren’t dangerous.”

“Oh. Did you buy these?”

Adlar snorted in amusement. “No. I robbed its nest.”

Varo bobbled the egg, shock plain to see on his face. “Stars, are you serious?”

“Of course.” Adlar found a deep pot, placed the three-pound egg in it, and filled it with water. After he was finished, he moved the pot to a black, flat surface which consisted of heat-transmitting glass and ceramic material over heating elements. “The first thing we’re going to do is hard-boil the egg.”

Adlar showed Varo how to activate the cooking device.

Varo eyed the cooking surface then the black pot. The water inside was starting to bubble, and steam rose from it. “You’re boiling water!”

“You need boiling water to boil an egg.” Adlar poked Varo in the ribs.

“Hey now!” Varo grinned at Adlar but then looked back at the pot, a frown replacing the grin. “But why do it this way? Talk about primitive.” 

“We have reduplicators that can recreate any food choice programmed into it, that’s true,” Adlar said. “But I like doing it like this. It’s fun.”

Varo glanced at Adlar, the idea of how this could be ‘fun’ racing across his face. “Fun?”

Adlar checked that the water covered the egg as it cooked. “Oh come on now, surely you know the meaning of fun?”

Varo folded his arms over his chest. “Well of course I do. I just fail to see how this is fun.”

“I love technology and use it in all parts of my life, but becoming dependent on it isn’t a good idea. If for some reason technology became defunct, my people could survive using these primitive methods you turn your nose up at. Could yours? Could you, for that matter?”

“I… I honestly never thought about a world without advances. But I went through survival training just like everyone else. It was required at the Academy.”

Adlar checked the egg again. “I’m sure you did. But did you just go through the program, or did you actually take away knowledge you could put into action? Did you use the skills afterward? Or did you store the information and forget it?”

“While I was in training, we were abandoned in the forest and had to use our training, yes. But, after it was over and I graduated, I… well. I never thought about it again. I didn’t see the point in doing this…” Varo waved at the cooking egg. “I mean, that’s the reason we have reduplicators.”

“Be that as it may, you learned a skill but didn’t use it. If you don’t use it, you lose it. I’m going to teach you how to keep that skill sharp.”

“Great,” Varo muttered.

Oh the look on his face. Priceless. Bet he fears he’s going to starve. “Cheer up, princeling. Learning to cook won’t hurt at all, and I promise I won’t let you starve.”

“Good to know.” Varo uncrossed his arms and stared into the pot.

“Careful. That steam is hot.”

Varo jerked back. “This could be a rather dangerous endeavor.”

Adlar lips twitched. Cooking an egg was dangerous? Okay, the hot water could be. He’d give Varo that. Instead of commenting he checked the time. “That should be long enough.”

Adlar turned the heating surface off then opened a drawer and removed a large metal spoon. He dipped the heavy egg out of the steaming water and used a towel to cradle it as he walked to the sink.

“Now, we let it cool off.”

“Then we eat?” Varo asked.

“Not quite yet.” Adlar ran cool water over the egg for several unit minutes. “Okay, that should make it cool enough. Here. Touch it so you can feel how cool it is.”

Varo shrugged but touched the egg. “Okay. Now what?”

Adlar picked up the egg in one hand. “Now I’m going to use the back of the spoon I used to dip the egg out of the water and crack it. I’m just cracking it, not peeling it.”


Adlar gently tapped the eggshell, cracking it all over. “This is how you marble an egg. The more you tap, the more intricate the design. But do this with a delicate hand so that the shell is kept intact.”

“What’s the point in designing this thing?”

“Just wait and you’ll see.” Once Adlar was finished he went to a rack that held spices. “We need a cup of Mamire soy sauce, two star anise, two tablespoons of Helkan black tea, one Algorian cinnamon stick, one teaspoon of sugar, one tablespoon Sichuan peppercorn, and two strips dried Helkan tangerine.”

Varo blew out a breath. “I’m supposed to remember all that later?”

“No. For each food, there are recipes listed in the reduplicators. Just log on and pull it up. This is called Marbled Tea Egg.”

“Ah! I’ve heard of Marbled Tea Eggs before. Never had one.”

“Really? I’m surprised. They’re a thing of beauty. Okay, next step. In the same pot return the egg and bring the water to a boil.” Adlar returned the pot to the cooking surface and turned the heat up. “Add the ingredients and bring the mixture to a boil then immediately turn the heat to low,” Adlar demonstrated.

Standing next to Adlar, Varo watched. “Okay.”

Adlar then reached below the cooking surface into a drawer, held up a lid, and covered the pot with it. “We let it simmer for twenty unit minutes so the egg can steep, and then I’m going to heat flash it so that it will marbleize faster.”

“Still seems like a lot of work.”

“Anything worth a frack usually is. Here, help me set table while we wait.”

Varo helped Adlar set the table. Adlar had just poured Varo a drink when Varo’s stomach growled. Varo blushed as he held his belly.

“That sounded serious.”

“I am hungry.”

“It won’t be long. Why don’t you sit down?”

Varo sat at the table while Adlar puttered around the kitchen as he waited for the egg to cook.

Adlar checked the egg. “Good, it’s ready.” He heat flashed the water then turned from the pot and walked to the cabinets that held plates. “I should have started this last night, but I didn’t think about it. The longer you steep, the more flavorful and deeply marbled the tea eggs will be.”

Adar set the egg down in front of Varo. The oversized cup had four prongs that held the egg upright. Adlar placed another small plate in front of Varo, along with a fork and a knife. Since the table was small, Adlar set across from Varo.

He had a moment of hesitation about the knife, but he didn’t think Varo would try to use it against him. At least, not yet. Varo would know he was still on guard. No, if Varo ever did try anything, it would come later, when Varo thought Adlar was more comfortable around him. He sincerely hoped Varo wouldn’t do such a stupid thing, but experience had taught him otherwise.

Varo glanced at the knife but didn’t say a word. Instead he looked at the egg. “I see what you mean now. This is simply gorgeous, and the pattern is so detailed.”

“You can create different marbled patterns by using use different sauces or juices.” Adlar used his spoon, cracked the shell, and peeled his side away.

Adlar picked his knife, sliced off a section of the egg, and put it on his plate. Varo picked up his knife and copied Adlar’s actions. The only sign of concern Adlar gave over the knife was a slight stiffening of his shoulders.

Varo set the knife down and using his fork, started eating the egg. “This is good.”

“Thank you. Next time we do this, I’ll watch while you cook,” Adlar said.

Varo didn’t say anything but Adlar saw the look on his face. Enthusiastic he was not. Ah well, Adlar was sure this was not the only thing Varo wouldn’t be pleased with.

They finished eating, and Adlar had Varo help him clean up the kitchen.

“I’m off-duty for a few days and have nothing pressing. Would you like to do some exploring? I thought you might like to see our more mountainous regions,” Adlar asked.

“I would like that, yes. Where would we go?”

“I can show you plenty around here. I often hike this area so I know it well.” Adlar touched the com on his hand then tapped out a message. “Just let me send a message to the palace so they know where I am.”

“Do you often have to check in with your brother?”

“It’s more of a safety precaution. If no one hears from me after a certain amount of time, searchers would at least have a starting place to look from. I rarely go more than a few days without talking to him.” Adlar led Varo to his equipment room.

“So you and your brother are close?”

Adlar unlocked the room and opened it. “Very much so. He’s younger than me.”

Varo’s stunned gaze roamed around the weapon-filled room. Racks and racks lined the walls. “This… this is all yours?”


“Are you expecting an invasion, by chance?”

Adlar laughed softly as he led the way to one of the numerous shelves full of weapons. “Better to have too much than not enough. And by the way, nothing is loaded in here and the safeties are on too, just in case you get any bright ideas.”

“Worried I might attack you?”

“Actually, no. Thanks to the collar, I can put you on the ground before you could take aim.” Adlar took a small phaser and knife off one rack. “But let’s not talk about that. There are wild animals about, and it’s not a good idea to be unarmed.”

Varo glanced at all the different weapons lining every inch in the place. “In that case, what do I get?”


Adlar flashed a smile as he bent over and placed the small phaser in his ankle holder. Then he slid a knife in the top of his boot. Straightening, he removed another phaser from the rack of weapons and added it to the holder around his waist.

Finally another knife was added to an arm sheathe. He grabbed a pair of protective black glass eyewear designed primarily to increase vision in low light.

Varo stuck his hands on his hips and scowled. “Oh, goodie.”

“It is good.” Adlar grabbed a small backpack then winked at Varo. “Come on, let’s get started.” He led Varo out.

Stunned, Varo followed, standing silently as Adlar relocked the room. Adlar went to the kitchen and added bottled water and some freeze-dried food paks to his backpack.


“Do I not get a backpack?” Varo asked.

“You don’t need one.” Adlar motioned to the backpack. “We don’t need much since we’re staying around here, but if you want to carry it, that’s fine with me.” Adlar held the pak out to Varo.

Groaning, Varo took it. “Huh. I have the feeling I was just scammed.”

“I have no idea what you mean.” Adlar patted Varo on the back then led him to one of the house exits. Adlar stood for a moment looking around him. “Let’s head toward the east. There are some interesting landscapes that way I think you’ll like.”

The trail they followed wasn’t difficult at first. Small scrub trees with pointy spines dotted the landscape, and the ground was flat and easy to tread. Small lilac-colored mounds of rocks dotted the landscape along with flowering bushes.

Adlar quickly led Varo to the cliffs and the pathways that wound through the purple rock. Weak light filtered through from the never-ending clouds. Adlar showed Varo several interesting rock formations that water and wind had shaped then finally led Varo to the opening of another cave.

“Is this like yours?”

“Oh no.” Adlar shook his head. “This one has miles and miles of underground cave systems.”

“Could we get lost in there?”

“Most assuredly, but we’re not going in too far. And I’ve mapped this section of the cave.”

Varo stepped inside and noticed how brightly lit the cave was. As he looked around, he noticed glowing crystals in the walls. “Oh stars and curses, is that… is that Black Phospolrock?”

Adlar glanced around the cave, trying to see it through Varo’s eyes. “Yes, there are numerous pockets of the crystals throughout our caves.”

Varo’s breathe sped up as he looked around. “You mean to tell me you have Black Phospolrock just… just practically sitting around? It’s… it’s…. I could virtually just pull a crystal out of the wall with my bare hands.”

Adlar frowned at the walls. “I suppose.”

“You suppose?” Varo gaped at Adlar. “Look at all this! There’s a fortune just sitting there.”

“Maybe, but do you also see the beauty surrounding you, Varo? Look.” Adlar spread his arms out. “Look and see.”

Weak sunlight beamed through a high hole in the cave ceiling, helping dispel the darkness, along with the glow from the Black Phospolrock crystals. Rock formations called speleothems drooped eerily from the ceilings like icicles, or emerged from the floor like mushrooms.

The icicle-shaped formations called stalactites formed as water dripped from the cave roof. Stalagmites grew from the floor, reaching toward the sky, from the end of stalactites. Patches of different shades of purple moss grew along the cave’s floor.

The cave was enormous, the ceiling towering above them. Ledges inside the cave looked to lead off in different directions. A cool breeze ruffled Varo’s hair as they walked and the splash of water drew his attention.

“Open your eyes, and see what’s here in front of you. There are all sorts of riches in this cave. Look! Look up!” A winged animal flew past. “They’re called Gainta Chiroptera. They’re the only mammal that has achieved powered flight. This species lives in these caves. And over there, see that? It’s an Anura, a short-bodied, tailless amphibian that also lives here.”

“They’re just animals.”

“It’s life, Varo. And there’s more to life than just currency.”

“I… okay. It is stunning down here, I’ll grant you that. I guess I never stopped to…. I’d like to do some more sightseeing. You sure you know your way around down here?” Varo asked.

“I do, don’t worry. I’m not going to get us lost. Besides, as I said, we aren’t going very far in.”

“It’s so… huge. It makes you feel so insignificant, you know?” Varo waved his hand at the soaring cave around them. “I mean look at this. No machine did this.”

“It’s amazing what nature can do, I agree. Come on, I want to show you something.” Adlar trudged off with Varo following.

“What is it?”

“Well now, if I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise,” Adlar threw over his shoulder. “But I think you’ll like it.”

Adlar continued to walk ignoring the mutterings he heard behind him. It was amusing, to say the least. As they made their way deep in the cave, Adlar stopped to point out odd rock formations or unique small animals he thought Varo would like.

As they walked, the air took on a coolness that hadn’t been there before. The ground gently sloped downward and, the cave walls began to close in. They slipped through a small opening, and then the cavern opened up.

“Goddess,” Varo whispered. “It’s amazing.”

The glowing walls cast light throughout the large space. Bright violet stones gave way to hot pink, the two colors blending perfectly. But that wasn’t what stunned Varo. The cavern contained a clear pool of shimmering water with a small island in the middle.

“Isn’t it? This pool is actually fed by a hot water spring.”

The rock ledges near the water offered places to sit and dip ones feet in the water. Toward the back of the cavern a hole in the ceiling allowed light and more water to enter. Plants had sprung up and bloomed madly around the water’s edge.

“Really?” Varo bent down and touched the edge of the pool. “Wow, it’s really warm. How nice.”

Adlar glanced down at Varo, who was still crouched at the edge of the pool. He looked around the cave. It was only them here. He looked back at the water and debated asking Varo if he wanted to swim. They’d have to strip down and that meant all his weapons would be unsupervised. Could he take that chance?

He glanced back at Varo. Only one way to find out. “It is nice. The hot water feels very good. Would you like to try it?”

Chapter Ten - Varo

Varo froze, his hand still in the warm water. He couldn’t think of anything he wanted to try more, but Adlar’s words still bounced around in his head. The other male had admitted he planned to seduce him.

The thought scared him but at the same time it thrilled him. And he was deathly afraid it wasn’t going to take too much, either, which disturbed him greatly. Adlar had showed him a bit of kindness, and here he was ready to roll over and show his belly.

“We don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

But he did, that was the problem. Varo stood and wiped his wet hand on his leg. “I’m guessing this would require we take our clothes off?”

Adlar smirked at him. “Of course.”

“Of course,” Varo repeated, his voice soft.

“Oh, come on,” Adlar goaded. “Dare you, Varo.”

Dare him? Dare him? Suddenly he heard his brothers’ voices, shrill and taunting, as they dared him to do whatever lark they’d dreamed up. Even though the events occurred along ago, the pain was still there.

Being the youngest hadn’t been easy. He spent his childhood trying to prove something to his older brothers and his father. As he grew older and learned how to defend himself, the taunting dwelled to nothing… of course that was after he kicked ass a few times. A side effect of that was he never backed down from a challenge. And he sure wasn’t about to start now.

Varo nodded as if he expected nothing else. “Dare accepted.”

Did Adlar think that would scare him off? He’d been naked around Adlar already. Okay, it did worry him, but he refused to give in. Adlar said he wouldn’t rape him, and as unbelievable as it sounded, he trusted Adlar to keep his word.

Adlar had given Varo no reason to think otherwise. In the short time he’d known Adlar, he’d found the other male to be distressingly honest. This was different from the court he’d grown up around. Most of the royals at his father’s court wouldn’t know honesty if it bit them on the ass—his dad included.

So Adlar planned to seduce him. Well then, two could play that game. Grabbing the end of his shirt, he pulled it over his head and dropped it next to him. His nipples hardened immediately. Sitting on the edge of one of the rocks, he removed his boots and socks. Standing, with a grin on his face, he faced Adlar with his hands on the snap of his pants.

Adlar raised an eyebrow as he too stripped. “Don’t stop on my account.”

So help him, if it were the last thing he did, he’d wipe that smirk off Adlar’s face. “I’m not.”

He unsnapped his pants and let them fall to his feet. Adlar’s eyes traveled over his body. With a smirk of his own, Varo kicked them off to the side. Adlar was still staring at him, discarding his own clothes forgotten.

Varo smirked as Adlar just stood there, staring. He had something for that too. “First one to the island wins!” 

“Hey!” Adlar shouted as he finished dropping weapons on the ground. “Cheater!”

With a hoot, Varo turned and ran toward the pool. Diving in, he sank below the warm lilac water. It covered his head, and he sank into the depths. Even below the water the Black Phospolrock crystals glowed.

He felt his braid floated out behind him as he swam toward the center of the pool, and then he heard Adlar hit the water behind him. He twisted around and held himself suspended as he watched Adlar swim toward him. Such grace and beauty. And stars, he moves as if he was born in the water.

The need for air pushed him to the surface. He shook his braid out of the way and swam hard, his sure strokes slicing through the water driving him forward as he freestyled to the island. He could hear Adlar gaining behind him. So the other male wanted to turn this into a race, did he?

That was more than fine with him. He dug deep, legs kicking harder to propel him through the water as he sped up. Needing to breathe, he turned his head and took a huge lungful of air. He absolutely refused to—a hand closed over his ankle and the water cut off his startled yelp as Adlar pulled him under.

Thrashing madly he watched Adlar power past him. He’d almost swear he saw that ever-present smirk as Adlar glided by. Oh, you’re going to pay for that. Determined to catch Adlar now more than ever, he resumed the chase, giving it his all.

The powerful kicks from Adlar churned the water to the point he was almost swimming blind. Just as he was close enough to grab Adlar, he noticed how swallow the water had become. Then the other male sprang out of the water even as Varo swiped at his ankles. He too burst from the water and chased Adlar up the slight hill that was the island.

“I won!” Adlar spun around to face Varo, his long black braid swinging out behind him and a smirk on his face.

Varo prowled up the hill, water dripping off him, to where Adlar stood in the weak light from the hole in the ceiling. His wet skin glowed in the soft light. Varo’s mouth watered as he stared at the beads of water on Adlar’s chest. How could one person be this sexy? And that smirk of Adlar’s! That cursed smirk was driving him mad.

He continued right on the hill. Adlar’s eyes widened. Varo kept coming until he was practically standing on top of Adlar… then he grabbed Adlar behind the head and jerked him close. He’d kiss that smirk right off Adlar.

“Varo, what…?”

The sound Adlar made when he mashed their lips together pleased him. For once, since he landed on this goddess-forsaken planet, he was in control, and he relished the thought.

He cupped Adlar’s face and slanted his mouth over the other male’s.

His thumbs caressed the warm skin under his hands. Adlar stood quietly, allowing Varo to control the kiss. He opened, and Varo thrust in, desperate to taste every inch of Adlar’s mouth. He moaned, and his cock hardened. Adlar pulled him closer, and he jerked in surprise. Their hips were flush, and Adlar’s hard cock brushed against him.

Still frantically kissing Adlar, Varo tugged other male down with him until they both knelt on the soft grass that covered the hill then pushed Adlar onto his back. I can’t believe he’s letting me do this.

He waited for Adlar to take over as he’d done all the other times, but the other male willingly sprawled on his back for Varo. Unwilling to believe his luck, and scared it might turn at any time, he covered Adlar’s body with his own.

Forced to breathe, he raised his head and gasped for air. Was that him hissing with need? Adlar opened his legs and made room for his body, and Varo forgot everything, including his name.
Adlar grasped Varo’s hips with both hands and pulled him tighter against him. Braced on his elbows, he stared down at Adlar.

Yellow eyes hooded and lush mouth slightly open, Adlar stared right back at him, his lips slightly swollen from their kisses. Adlar shifted under him, and his hard shaft brushed against Varo.

His eyes rolled back as pleasure raced through his body. Oh, that’s good. His eyes snapped open when Adlar tightened his grasp on his ass and began to grind against him. His precome mixed with Adlar’s as they glided against one another, and left him panting.

Is it getting darker in here, or am I about to pass out from lack of oxygen? His wet braid slid across his back, and he jerked against Adlar as it fell by his side. The coolness against his hot skin tickled.

“So good,” he whispered, still thrusting against Adlar. He lowered his head until their lips were inches apart.

“Frack.” Adlar suddenly reached up, grabbed Varo’s braid, and tugged, pulling Varo’s head back. “Going to come soon. Come with me.”

The slight pain of having his hair pulled scrambled Varo’s senses. “Oh, oh, goddess!”

Thrusting madly, his body barreled toward orgasm. The bottom of his spine tingled, and he gritted his teeth. Just a little more! Please, just a little more. I’m almost, almost there. Adlar’s other hand slapped down on his naked ass, and a shudder racked Varo.

His belly tightened and a low growl fanned the flames of his desire. Wait? Growl? The next thing he knew he was sailing through the air. Adlar had thrown him off his body. He landed in the water and sunk below the surface. The sudden shock of water cleared his pleasured fogged mind.

Stars and curses, he’s lost his mind!

He broke the surface with every intention of chewing Adlar out for that stunt, but the sight that greeted him froze his voice. Still flat on his back, Adlar fought a huge, elongated cylindrical-shaped segmented creature. On each segment was one pair of wiggling legs.

It had a flattened head with a pair of extended mandibles and feathery antennae that it waved violently. Adlar had a hold of the creature’s frontal claws. Aw goddess, that’s a Centipes! There was no mistaking the bright aposematic colors of the animal. The creature had a pair of venom claws on the first pair of legs that Adlar desperately held onto.

Varo’s hair stood on end from the growls coming from it.

And Adlar was naked. He had nothing to fight the thing except brute strength. Without stopping to think, Varo plowed through the water then dove in, swimming hard to where they’d dropped their clothes on the other bank… and Adlar’s weapons. He threw himself out of the water, the horrifying snap of the Centipes’ jaws following him as he hurried to Adlar’s weapon stash.

Picking up the phaser, he checked the setting. It was set to stun only, he saw. He turned back to the combatants and took aim, waiting for one clear shot. That’s all I need, just one shot. Come on you ugly son of a freenip, give me a shot!

The creature and Adlar writhed together, a dance of deadly intent. Blood covered Adlar’s sides. Did the animal have burrs on its legs? It had to. Why else would Adlar be bleeding? Even from here he could see its short little legs brushing against Adlar’s sides.

He held the phaser steady, his breathing steady, as he waited for a shot. Then it hit him. What was he doing? By the stars’ fading light this was his chance to escape. Adlar was distracted, maybe possibly injured, and weaponless. And here he was holding the phaser, waiting to shoot the creature. What was he thinking? He needed to aim at Adlar.

He could take Adlar’s shuttle and maybe, just maybe, he could trick the Helkans into letting him past the Satellite Surveillance Network then he could… probably get shot of out the sky. Who was he kidding? He’d never make it.

And he couldn’t stand here and let that animal kill Adlar. Maybe his father was right. Maybe he really was an idiot. Steadying his hand he waited. The creature was well over three feet in length but Adlar managed to stiff-arm the animal away from him.

Varo took the shot.

The animal screamed, the anger echoing around the cave, but it scampered away from Adlar. Moving faster than Varo thought possible it hit the water and swam toward one of the cave walls. Varo followed its escape with the phaser. He watched it climb the wall and scuttle across the ceiling to the hole in the upper part of the cave.

“Creepy.” Varo watched the tail of the thing disappear from view.


Now Varo found himself faced with yet another dangerous animal. Adlar lay on the ground, one elbow braced to hold him up. He plastered his other hand to one particularly bad wound that seeped blood.

Varo lowered the phaser but didn’t release it. One sound and he could have me on the ground thanks to this collar. So, why doesn’t he activate it?

“Varo, they tend to hunt in pairs. Could you… could you come here and help me back? And bring the phaser, just in case.”

Adlar had knocked him out of the way and saved him. He’d risked his life to save him. No one else had ever done such.

“Ah, okay.” Varo knew then that even with the weapon, he was still helpless to Adlar. And it had nothing to do with the weapons. “Keep an eye out while I get over there, please.”

Goddess help him, he was falling for the cursed Helkan.

“Oh, believe me,” Adlar huffed, darting a quick look at the ceiling of the cave. “I will.”

Varo swiftly made his way back to the island where Adlar lay mentally kicking himself the whole way. He couldn’t believe he was doing this. He reached the island and waded ashore. A couple of feet from Adlar he stopped.

From where he stood he saw tension flood Adlar’s body. He didn’t blame the other male. After all he held Adlar’s phaser. For all Adlar knew, Varo had changed the setting to kill instead of stun.

Could he shoot Adlar before the collar activated? It wasn’t worth finding out. He didn’t want to find out. The other male didn’t speak, just waited. Varo clutched the phaser, his knuckles whitening as he moved closer to Adlar. Adlar’s eyes moved from the weapon to Varo’s face, his face carefully blank.

Ever so slowly Varo bent down and held the weapon out to Adlar. “Here.”

Adlar looked at the phaser, then back up to Varo, before taking it. “Thank you, Varo.”

“Yeah, no problem.” Wanting to change the subject, Varo glanced at Adlar’s side. “Is that bad?”

“No, and the burrs on the legs aren’t poisonous. Most of the cuts aren’t deep except the one on my hip. Can you help me get back to our clothes?”

“Sure.” Glad Adlar wasn’t going to question him as to why he’d gave up the weapon so easily, Varo offered his hand to Adlar and pulled him up. “Lean on me.”

As they made their way to the water, Varo noticed the bleeding at Adlar’s side was slowing. The splash of red against Adlar’s pale skin affected Varo more than he would have thought. That creature could have killed Adlar, and that bothered him.

The whole trip was turning into an introspective nightmare he wanted no part of. They entered the water, and Adlar hissed softly as they swam back to where their clothes were. Once they made the other bank, Varo helped Adlar dress, and then dressed himself.

Neither one of them said a word as Varo handed the rest of Adlar’s weapons to him. After they dressed, Varo helped Adlar out of the cave. They still had a ways to walk in order to get back to Adlar’s home. The midday sun was up, even though it was still dim, thanks to the cloud cover.

“Are you capable of making it back?”

Adlar’s lips twitched. “Are you worried about me, Varo?”

Varo kept an eye on Adlar as they walked along the path back to the house. “I, ah… well. Let’s just say I know, have gotten used to you.”

“Better the Helkan you know, eh?”

Varo shrugged. “Exactly.”

The rest of the trip back wasn’t nearly as fun as getting there. Adlar immediately went to the bathroom, washed his hair, and showered. Varo found himself pulled into the impromptu shower with Adlar, but this time there was no playing around.

Adlar washed and got out while Varo stayed in a little longer. Varo finished washing. As he did, he watched Adlar towel dry his hair then open a cabinet and remove a medikit. That didn’t surprise him. He’d kept one in his bathroom at home too.

Although, Adlar’s kit appeared to be better stocked than the one he’d owned. Adlar stripped, then treated the various scratches and cuts left from the attack with a salve from the kit. He used the bandages to seal the wound, and then gave himself a shot of some sort of medicine.

With one last check to his wound, Adlar left the bathroom. Varo ended his shower, returned to the bedroom, and redressed. He found Adlar was sitting on the edge of the bed. The other male looked up when Varo sat down next to him.

“Are you okay?”

“I am. Just a little uncomfortable, but I really am fine.”

Varo nodded. He expected no less. “Just curious. Did you know those things were there?”

“Actually, no. I’ve explored that cave numerous times and never seen them, but I shouldn’t have been surprised. The caves support many different kinds of wildlife. The odd thing is it attacked us. They’re carnivorous, but there isn’t data to support them being man-eaters. We never did find its partner, and they always hunt in twos.”

“Huh.” Varo scratched his chin. “I wonder if it had babies.”

“Possibly.” Adlar yawned. “That would explain why it attacked something as big as us. Anyway, I think I’m going to take a short nap. The medicine I injected earlier has a slight sedation affect.”

“You trust me enough to take a nap?” Varo joked.

Adlar stared at Varo. “More than I thought I would.” Then Adlar suddenly grinned. “Of course, you’re welcome to nap with me.”

“I’m not the one who was injured from fighting a four foot Centipes.”

“True. Let me sleep for two unit hours, would you? Then wake me. Oh, and stay on the premises, please. You may watch some visual entertainments in my office or read. You know how to work the storage unit that holds the disks, right?”

And just like that, we’re back to where we were before. “Yes, it’s a lot like what I had. Thank you.” Varo stood. “And I’ll wake you as you asked.”

“Good.” Adlar lay on the bed.

Varo slipped from the room. It did surprise him Adlar would nap with him close by and awake. But he slept by the male last night and looked like he would every night. Maybe Adlar didn’t think Varo would attack him, and he was right. There was no point. He couldn’t out-fight Adlar.

And now he didn’t think he could kill him… and besides, he had no way off this hunk of rock.

Varo left the bedroom. He was thirsty, so he made his way to the kitchen. He fixed himself something to drink and sat at the table. His mind wandered. He’d seen Adlar feed, and saw that the male he fed from was okay.

He knew Adlar planned to feed from him. While the thought horrified him, it also left him hard. Lately his body wanted things that left his mind reeling. Was there something in the air here? He snorted at the thought. He wished it were as easy as blaming it on the atmosphere.

How much easier would this be if it were related to the ratio of nitrogen, oxygen, argon, and carbon dioxide? He also had to face the fact he was attracted to Adlar. And now Adlar injured himself while saving him. Gods, his head hurt now.

He finished his drink and washed out the glass. Then he remembered the wet towel he left in the bathroom and returned to retrieve it. He stood in the door, shocked to see Adlar had left his weapons out. Was this a test? Or was it nothing more than him being distracted?

Somehow he didn’t see Adlar forgetting something as important as this. And if Varo did take one of the weapons, Adlar would know. It simply wasn’t worth it. They’d managed to form the most tentative bonds of trust this morning. It was imperative he didn’t damage that trust.

It might be his ticket out of there.

Chapter Eleven - Adlar

Adlar lay in bed, listening to Varo move around the house. How odd not to hear the usual silence that greeted him. It was a change he thought he’d grow to like. That too was a surprise. He enjoyed the breaks he took from training others and the palace.

Those interludes he spent in peace. He wasn’t one who needed others to entertain him, and frankly, dealing with the court at the palace was tiring and often left him fighting the urge to knife someone. Unfortunately his brother discouraged random killing of his court.

Being alone never bothered him. Lying on his back, he stared up at the ceiling, the white sheet draped over his hips. Now that had changed. Everything had from the moment he’d found Varo’s red sash buried in the dirt at the crash site.

And he was fine with that.

He’d stripped after Varo had left and went to bed. He didn’t believe Varo would try anything, which was why he’d left his weapons in the bath. While he never fully relaxed his guard, he was more comfortable around Varo now.

Was that wise? He was unsure. But when he needed help, Varo hadn’t turned his back on him. He was actually surprised Varo hadn’t. Dare he hope Varo had developed some feeling for him? And if so, could he trust Varo?

Oh, Varo wasn’t foolish. He knew there was no way off this planet, but still. Good judgment often fell to the side when desperation kicked in. Varo could have shot Adler with his own weapon before he’d had a chance to activate the collar.

Varo hadn’t.   

For that matter he could have just stood there and let nature play its course. The creature could have killed him. Instead Varo had helped him. They were small steps, but they were steps.

Privately he hoped they were leading somewhere. He stroked his cock leisurely and yawned. And if that did happen, he wasn’t sure how his brother would feel. Having Varo as a prisoner and a sex slave was one thing—having him as something much more significant was another matter.

Taking a mate was serious. And he couldn’t believe he was thinking along those lines. But the urge was there, lurking under the surface. He could probably ignore the urge, if he chose to. But he didn’t want to.

His hips thrust as he continued stroking. Maybe the antibiotic medicine he’d injected earlier was messing with his head. Or the pain medicine. Either way, the idea of taking Varo as a mate was problematic but that didn’t bother him.

He was a Yesri prince, and his people hated the other race. His brother wasn’t too fond of Varo’s father also. Adlar rolled to his side, his eyes heavy. Surprisingly the thought of Varo as his mate wasn’t panic inducing.

He snorted softly and then yawned again until his eyes watered. He was also willing to bet an unlimited supply of Black Phospolrock Varo wouldn’t feel the same. Well, the stubborn male would just have to get over it. He wasn’t going anywhere. Ever. Releasing his dick, Adlar rolled to his side. There was no way he could stay awake a moment longer.

Satisfied with that line of reasoning, he drifted off to sleep. His dreams murky mess of attacks on him and desperation connected to Varo. Pleasure and pain folded over each other until he couldn’t tell one from the other.

Two unit hours later he woke to someone shaking him. Training kicked in and his eyes flipped open. He lunged up, wrapped his hand around the intruder’s throat, and jerked the other person off his feet.

Rolling, he had the other person under him in seconds. His sleep-addled brain heard a terrified squawk as his fingers tightened on soft skin. His gaze was hazy, and his mouth was desert dry. He shook his head, trying to focus. What was wrong with him?

Then he noticed the hard body under him. Male, his brain said. Scared too. An alluring scent rose from the body under his. Still holding the other male trapped, he leaned closer and inhaled deeply.

Mmm, that scent. It cut through the fog in his head and demanded he pay attention and…. What was it about that scent? His mouth watered, and he ground his cock against the body under him. He wanted to bury his fangs into whoever it was he held.

And speaking of which, the body against his felt so good. There was a hard cock pressed against him. He wanted…. He wanted to bury his cock deep and feed while he—

“Adlar? Oh gods, please don’t hurt me.”

Reality snapped back into focus.

“Frack!” Horrified, Adlar released Varo’s throat. “Varo? What… what are you…? How did you get here?”

“Y-y-you pulled me down! I-I-I was just trying to wake you up like you said, and then you… then you… gods!” Panting, Varo lay frozen under Adlar. “I-I thought you were going t-t-to….”

Adlar dropped his head, his forehead resting on Varo’s. “I am so sorry, Varo. I would never hurt you, please believe me. The pain medicine must have affected me more so than I expected. Then you shook me—”

“Y-you can better believe I won’t make that mistake again! Now let me up.”

“No.” Adlar refused to move. He needed to calm Varo down. And while Varo might have been scared—and the slight scent of fear in the air said he truly was—he was also hard. Interesting. “Just, let me…. Stay here, please. Don’t go.”

Sighing, Varo settled back into the bed, Adlar still sprawled on top and there was still a hard cock—besides his own—begging for attention.

“I didn’t mean to do that or to scare you,” Adlar said. “Interesting thing is, I wasn’t concerned with trying to kill you, even if I did have your throat in my hands.”

Varo glared up at Adlar. “Really? Sure could have fooled me.”

“I was… controlling you, not strangling you. Your scent called to me, and having your body against mine…. Trust me, killing you wasn’t in my mind.”

“I’m not sure that makes me feel any better.”

“Well, you’d enjoy one more than the other. How’s that?”

“Well, gods!”

Adlar laughed softly. “Until I get used to having you in my bed and next me, it may be a good idea not to touch me while I’m sleeping. Usually when I wake I’m much more coherent, but still, it’s hard to bury instinct.”

Varo goggled at Adlar. “I’m supposed to sleep now after that?”

“You’ll be fine.” Adlar kissed the tip of Varo’s nose. “I think the pain medicine was the cause. Like I said, killing you wasn’t what was on my mind.”

Varo squinted at Adlar. “I could sleep in another room, you know.”

Adlar leaned back and stared down at Varo, who was still hard and pressing against him. “No. I told you. You sleep with me.”

“Okay, fine. I sleep with you. You didn’t mean to scare me to pieces. I won’t be shaking you any more while you are asleep. Lesson learned. So now can you let me up?”

“I don’t believe so.” Adlar moved closer. “Instead, why don’t you tell me what’s got you so hard?”

Varo squeaked. “I-I-I…”

Adlar enjoyed the blush that tented those tanned cheeks. He rubbed against Varo like an overly large feline. “Don’t try to deny it. You can’t.”

“But, but, I don’t know why,” Varo wailed.

Adlar quickly replayed what happened earlier. Suddenly he smiled, and Varo gasped. Yes, he was sure the smile was wicked. Varo’s reaction had to do with the hand around his throat, he was sure of it. He let his weight rest fully on Varo. Hmm, there’s was one way to find out if he was correct. He reached up and grabbed Varo by the throat.

Varo shuddered, and not from fear. No, that was arousal he smelled in the air—Varo’s arousal. Interesting. Had he found a kink Varo didn’t even know he had?

“W-what are you…?”

Varo was all but quivering with need. Mind made up, Adlar stared into Varo’s startled blue eyes. “I want to fuck you, Varo. But I also told you I wouldn’t force you. So, if you don’t want this, you better get up. Otherwise….”

Varo didn’t move.

Adar wasn’t sure he even breathed for a few unit seconds. Okay, Varo was still laying there staring at him, so he was taking that was acceptance. But just in case….

“Last chance, Varo.”

Varo blinked.

Adlar wanted to yell in triumph. Never had he felt such excitement when fucking someone.

“So be it. Don’t say later I forced you.” Adlar waited, giving Varo one last chance. When Varo still didn’t speak, Adlar took that as consent.

“Here’s what we’re going to do,” Adlar said. “In a moment, you won’t have the right to speak unless you’re saying ‘yes’, ‘more’, or ‘please’. You say anything other than that and I punish you.”

“P-punish? With the collar? But—”

“No, not the collar. You’ll be spanked with the flat of my hand on your naked ass.”

“Spanked?” Varo tried to wiggle out from under Adlar. “Spanked? Like a child?”

Adlar rocked against Varo again. “Oh, trust me, there won’t be anything child-like with this spanking. In fact, I’m willing to bet you like it.”

Varo bit his lip. “Y-you’re not going to injure me, right?”

“Of course not. I have no interest in harming you. This… this is erotic pain, Varo. Something totally different.”

“I… I… I’ll like it?”

“I think you will,” Adlar said.

“But what if I don’t?”

“If you so soft while being spanked, I’ll stop.”

Varo paused then finally spoke, “O-okay.”

“Excellent. I’m very proud of you. Let’s get you undressed.”

“What? Right now? But I thought…. Wait! What are you… Stars!”

They spent the next five unit minutes wrestling Varo out of his clothes. It started off intensely, but Adlar found himself soon struggling not to laugh as they rolled around on the bed. After some interesting move from Adlar, Varo’s shirt sailed across the room.

His pants required at little more work, but soon Adlar tossed them across the room too. Even Varo was giggling as they ended up where they started—Adlar on top of Varo. Except this time there was nothing between them. The lighthearted moment passed as they lay there staring at each other.

Varo opened his mouth to speak.

Adlar quickly rested his finger on Varo’s lips. “No. Remember, there’s only three words I want to hear from you, unless you’re ready to see if you like being spanked.”

Varo quickly shook his head.

Grinning, Adlar kissed Varo’s neck, his lips gliding over Varo’s flesh. Varo shivered. Adlar saw goose bumps breaking out over where his lips lingered. Please, Adlar let his warm breath caressed Varo’s skin. Varo’s response wasn’t immediate, but he finally tilted his head back, giving Adlar more access to his neck.

“Like that?” Adlar breathed in his ear.

“Yes.” Varo shivered as Adlar nipped his neck.

Adlar bent his head closer and nibbled on a patch of skin. Frack, his scent is driving me crazy. Varo shifted, and Adlar felt Varo’s hard cock brushing against his. Adlar nipped a tender patch of skin, and Varo jerked.

Varo’s breathing increased rapidly, and Adlar soothed the small hurt he’d inflicted. Varo sighed with pleasure and moved restlessly against him, their cocks sliding together. His hands tentatively reached up and stalled, almost as if he was waiting to be told if he could touch.

“Go ahead. I want to feel your hands on me.” Adlar attached his lips to Varo’s neck and sucked.

Varo gasped, his hands grabbing at Adlar’s back, his hips bucking.

Adlar sucked the blood up to the top of the skin, marking Varo. He ground against the other male, listening to the helpless moans coming from Varo. He lifted his head and stared at the tanned, marked skin. Varo would be wearing that for a while, and the thought pleased him. Anyone who saw Varo would know who he belonged to.

Adlar released the marked skin and trailed his tongue up Varo’s neck to his ear. “You mark beautifully.” Adlar felt Varo’s hands shake against his back. “As much as I like your hands on me, I want you to put them over your head. I’m not going to tie them, this time.”

Another shudder raced through Varo, but he did as he was told.

“Good. Remember to keep them there. Can you do that? Nod your head yes or no for me.”

Varo hesitated, but finally nodded yes.

“Very good.” Adlar trailed his finger over Varo’s lips and down his throat. His hand moved down Varo’s chest and hovered.

Varo froze, a whimper coming from his throat.

“Such pretty little nipples,” Adlar whispered to Varo.

Adlar’s fingers circled closer to a peaked nub. One day he wanted Varo to scream for him to hurry up and touch them, but he knew today was not that day. But soon, he hoped.

 Varo wiggled under him, panting as if he’d just run for miles. “Please.”

“You want me to touch them?”

Varo moaned. “Yes, please!”

Adlar blew in Varo’s ear. “I’m getting there.”

Varo moaned desperately.

It was the sweetest sound Adlar ever heard. He’d planned to draw this out, but if Varo could admit to what he wanted, then Adlar was going to give it to him. He eased a fingertip over the peaked nipple. Varo grunted and thrust his chest up, begging for more.

“You want gentle?” Adlar laved a nipple.

Varo shook his head no.

“Ah… then maybe a little rough?” Adlar nipped the other nipple, letting Varo feel a fang.

Varo moaned, fidgeting under Adlar. His hands jerked and lifted, but he hurriedly put them back down. “Yes!”

Adlar barely let Varo finished the sentence before pinching Varo’s nipple hard. His callused fingers trapped the aching peak and rolled it between his thumb and finger, worrying it to increasing moans from Varo.

Back and forth between the two peaks Adlar went, touching each nipple gently at first, and then following the pleasure with a tiny bit of pain. Varo arched into his touch. He watched Varo writhing under him silently.

So lost in the pleasure, Varo was holding his breath. Adlar grinned and roughly plucked Varo’s other nipple. Varo gasped, and his breath rushed out.

“Next time I really must remember the nipple clamps I’ve got.” Adlar moved his hand back to the other nipple and flicked his nail over it. “It has a chain that runs between the clamps. I’m going to tug on the chain and watch you react. Would you like that?”

Varo bit his lip, but nodded his head. “Y-yes…”

“Wish I had it now.” Adlar eased his hand down Varo’s stomach. He rubbed his thumb over the damp head of Varo’s dick. “Another time, maybe.”

Varo shifted his legs restlessly. Using his thighs, he spread Varo’s legs open then sat between them. He fisted Varo’s dick, his hand moving up and down. Varo’s cock was exquisite, delightfully long and slender with a slight arch.

The head was already flushed with blood, and the tip was damp with precome. Adlar stroked Varo’s cock, and Varo’s head lolled on the bed. Adlar knew the pressure wasn’t enough to make Varo come, but it was enough to keep him at the edge and leaking everywhere.

He’d bet being told to keep his hands down and basically useless had Varo dizzy with want. Time passed as he tweaked a nipple while jacking Varo. When Varo’s hips thrust frantically, Adlar stopped.

“Please, please,” Varo begged, his hands clenched.  

“Don’t want you to come yet. I’m close too, but not ready yet.” Adlar licked precome off his fingers. “Mmm, uncut. Nice.” He pushed the foreskin back and licked the head. He played with Varo’s foreskin until Varo’s frantic cries caught his attention.


“Want me to suck that cock?”


Adlar took Varo’s dick in his mouth. He had one arm braced for support across Varo’s hips and used other hand to hold Varo’s dick up.

He couldn’t wait. He wasn’t sure he could deep throat the entire length of that, but he was sure going to try. He took Varo in his mouth and quickly built a good rhythm, bobbing his head up and down.

Taking his time, he ran his fangs up the length of Varo’s shaft. His long, deadly teeth caressed the throbbing length in his mouth. A small whimper escaped Varo. Adlar patted the inside of Varo’s thigh to reassure him.

“Please….” Varo gasped.

Adlar ran his tongue the length of Varo’s shaft, and another moan greeted him.

“Please what?” Adlar lifted his head and licked over the top of Varo’s cock, searching for more precome. “Please stop?” Mindful of his fangs, he took Varo’s shaft back into his mouth. When Varo’s hips thrust again, he lifted his head again. “Or please more?”


Varo lifted his spread legs.

Adlar had never seen anything more perfect. He stopped sucking Varo long enough to open the bedside drawer and find the lube. Varo stared at him, but didn’t move. Slicking his fingers, he once again took Varo’s shaft in his mouth, sucking and earning him a moan.

Adlar rubbed his ass, then moved his hand down until he could reach Varo’s twitching hole. After playing around for several minutes, he heard Varo grunt. “Yes,” Varo whispered.

Adlar slowly pierced him and slipped inside.

Varo raised his head as Adlar pressed deeper. “More.”

Adlar thrust his finger inside, hunting for Varo’s hot spot. Varo thrust his hips. Seeing the need on Varo’s face, Adlar worked another finger into Varo’s hole. Goddess, he was so tight. Adlar attacked his prostate ruthlessly.

He pulled his finger out and added more lube. Gently he worked two fingers in, scissoring them open as he prepared Varo. He fingered Varo until he was sure Varo was open enough to take him without hurting.

He leaned over Varo. “Wrapped your legs around me. And you can speak now.”

Varo did, and immediately pulled Adlar closer. “Oh goddess, just get in me, please.

Adlar lined up his cock. There was so much more he wanted to do, but he was as desperate as Varo. Slowly he began to push in as Varo struggled to relax. The guardian muscle resisted, and then finally gave way. He entered Varo in one motion, not stopping until he was seated deep inside. He rested his forehead against Varo’s as he waited for the tightness to ease.

“Stars, you’re thick.” Varo panted as he locked his legs around Adlar’s hips.

“Come on, breathe for me.” Adlar, resting on his hands above Varo, kissed the tip of his nose. “There you go, I can feel you loosening. Ready for me to move?”

Varo moaned out a yes, and Adlar drove in and out of Varo, picking up speed as Varo shoved back against him. Varo gasped and tightened his legs, tossing his head as they moved.

Adlar moaned loudly in surprise when Varo grabbed him behind the neck and pull him down. He plunged his tongue in Adlar’s mouth, eating the other’s hoarse yell. Adlar pounded into Varo, going faster as Varo moved with him.

Adlar ended the kiss and looked down at Varo. He needed to see Varo, so he shoved all that long blond hair of Varo’s out of the way. Adlar watched the expressions that crossed Varo’s face while he pleasured him. Adlar shifted, and Varo yelled again.

“Right there!” The new angle hit Varo’s prostate every time.

Adlar slammed in and out of Varo’s ass, pounding him. One final, hard push and Adlar, growling, jerked back and flashed his fangs.

“Varo…” Adlar moaned. “I’m going to come. Will you let me…?”

Varo turned his head, exposing his neck. “Do it.”

Adlar threaded his fingers through Varo’s. “Just a quick sting.”

Adlar leaned closer and ran his nose along the pulse in Varo’s neck. He tasted the salt on Varo’s sweat-drenched skin, and, overcome with need, he reared back and struck. His fangs pierced the skin at the base of Varo’s neck.

Mouthfuls of the sweetest blood he’d ever tasted filled his mouth. Varo’s very essence flooded Adlar as he drank. In all the years he’d lived, he’d never tasted such. As he drank, Varo writhed underneath him.

Varo’s hand flew up and landed in his hair. Adlar stiffened. Was Varo going to shove him away? Instead, Varo gripped the stands…. and held him closer. Varo tightened his legs around Adlar and moaned. Eyes wide, Adlar’s still-hard cock pulsed, and he came.

Jerking his mouth off Varo’s neck, he screamed… the sound hoarse. Pleasure too huge to contain racked his body. He was unable to move as bliss so intense, and so pure, spread through him. His orgasm triggered Varo’s.


He quickly licked the bite site. Varo lay completely pliable under him, his eyes closed, mouth partly opened. His chest tightened painfully, his heart pounding as looked at Varo. Frack, the ease of which he could fall in love with this male… he’d already taken the first tentative steps.

Varo opened his eyes. His hand snaked around Adlar’s neck urged him closer. Adlar licked his lips, tasting blood and tried to pull back. Varo tightened his hold and pulled Adlar the rest of the way to him.

Their mouth brushed together, and the violence Adlar had expected was missing. This was sweet, lovely, and sensual. Adlar’s cock was still buried in Varo, and this unexpected gift threatened to renew to Adlar’s sex drive.

Then Varo licked the roof of his mouth and a surge of passion swept through Adlar. Being inside him, coupling with him, making love with him, combined with deep and bloodied kisses was more than Adlar could take. The primal, almost savage side of his nature wanted to surface. The need to claim this male rode him hard.

Varo was his!

He moaned his need into Varo’s mouth. Their kisses slowed. Adlar placed one last kiss on those swollen lips and lifted his head. He expected to see Varo backpedaling. Instead Varo looked intoxicated. Blood smeared his face, and his lips were delightfully swollen from their kisses. Varo’s eyes were hazy and unfocused.

“Stars,” Varo whispered.

“I agree.”

“Is it… is it always like this?”

Adlar hesitated. No, it wasn’t, but he didn’t know how Varo would react if he told the other male that. Sex while feeding was always pleasurable, but this was something different. Possessiveness rose up in him.

He’d never wanted to claim any of his sex partners before.

But he wasn’t going to deny what happened either. “Feeding always increases the pleasure, but this was beyond that. Much more than just feeling good. It’s almost like.…”

“Our souls touched.”

“Yes. Sounds silly, but yes. That’s never happened.”

“What does that mean then?”

Something neither of us is ready for. “I’m not sure, Varo. I guess we’ll see what happens.” Adlar rolled off Varo, hoping that would put an end to the discussion. “Would you like to shower?”

“Um, yeah. I probably need to. I, ah… you feeling okay now?” Varo asked.

Adlar stood and stretched. “Good as new. I’m hungry too. Let’s get cleaned up and find something to eat.”

Varo didn’t say anything about them showering together. Adlar was thankful. He wasn’t ready to explain to Varo how he didn’t want to let the other male of out his sight quite yet.

Chapter Twelve - Varo

Varo staggered into the shower, the hot water pounding down on him. He needed…. He didn’t know what he needed. Answers would be good. An explanation, maybe. Something to explain what in all the gods’ names just happened in there.

Never, never had he felt such heart-ripping desire for another soul. He’d even let Adlar feed from him. He’d offered his neck to Adlar. What had he been thinking? Adlar could have ripped his throat out and bled him dry. He could have… He wouldn’t. Not that. He might turn the damn collar on, but he wouldn’t endanger me.

He couldn’t say how he knew that, just that he did. Varo touched his neck, feeling for the bite marks. Sure enough, there were two small wounds on his neck. He ran his fingers over them. They felt slightly tender, but nothing that would bother him.

Turning his face to the water, he let it wash over him, soothing his pleasantly sore body. Sex had always been enjoyable, but what he and Adlar shared passed enjoyable. It shook the very foundation he’d built his life on. All he knew about himself and the world around him had changed.

He’d come so hard his teeth rattled. And he begged for it. Begged to be taken. Begged for more. Begged to be fucked and fucked hard. There was no denying he’d loved every unit second of it. Adlar had taken control, and he’d let him. Wanted him to, even.

Adlar had told him what he could and couldn’t say… and he’d obeyed Adlar. A shiver ran through him as he remembered the broken pleas and whispered words of longing. His cock threatened to harden again, and frowning, he looked down at it. That’s enough out of you.

Star cursed thing had gotten him in enough trouble as it were.

His stomach growled, reminding him he was hungry. Shoveling all sexual thoughts out of his head, he washed his hair then the rest of his body.

After finishing his shower he dressed, braided his damp hair, and joined Adlar in the kitchen. Evening had darkened the land. Was it just that morning Adlar had been attacked? How much his life had changed in such a short time?

Adlar cooked and didn’t require any assistance from him. Which was just as well. He was… confused. And tired. Tired in mind and body. His feelings for Adlar scared him. They left him reeling and twisting. He knew he wouldn’t be able to stop this… this—whatever this was—between them.

He wasn’t sure he wanted to, and that scared him even more. There were times he wished the Helkans had just blown him out of the sky. A split unit second of pain and it would’ve all been over. He wouldn’t be here possibly falling in love with his captor.


Varo caught himself before he cringed. “Yes?”

Adlar stared at him, not speaking. Moments passed, and finally Adlar spoke. “Are you okay?”

Was he okay? Well now, wasn’t that a loaded question. He hadn’t been okay since he landed on this planet. “Yes, why?”

“You just seem distracted.”

Distracted? Ah well, I guess that works just as well as anything else. Yes, I could be called distracted. “I’m tired is all. The day has been… eventful.” Varo snorted mentally. Eventful. Yes, again, that’s one way of putting it.

“I see.” Adlar didn’t speak again until he finished eating. “Why don’t you go to bed, then? I have some… things to finish before I retire.”

“Okay.” Varo stood. He’d caught the slight pause at the word things but he was too tired to question it. He wasn’t sure he wanted to know. “Do you want me to clean up?”

“That’s okay, I’ll do it. You go on.”

“Thank you.” He didn’t need to be told twice. Varo left the eating area and hurried to the bedroom.

He noticed Adlar had changed the sheet. He must’ve done that while he showered. Good. He didn’t relish the thought of sleeping in the wet spot. As he stripped, he stared at the bed. So much white, he mused. It almost gave the place an innocent appearance.

He knew better, though. There was nothing innocent concerning Adlar. A steady thumping caught his attention. Moving toward the sound, he walked to the window. To the far left of the main housing unit there a courtyard, illuminated by an artificial light. There stood Adlar.

Facing him was battle bot hovering in midair. Varo had seen military units like this at home. Soldiers used them for combat training. This one was silvery in appearance, and about four feet tall with a cylinder shape.

There were three sections to the robot, and each section could rotate separately. The top section had an ‘eye’ and could fire small darts or knives at a target. The middle section had a robot arm that wielded a sword or spear.

The bottom section contained either a whip or rope that would jettison out in an effect to trip the user or tie their legs. The machine had different levels for combat readiness and was an excellent sparring partner or teaching tool.

But it was also just a machine. It didn’t care about broken bones or blood that could result. Adlar stood at the ready. His dark clothes hugged his body. Varo noticed he’d tied all that black hair back and out of the way. His mouth watered. The other male oozed sex appeal.

As he watched, the bot began to spin. The buzz of the whirling motion filled the courtyard, an insidious threat of violence to come. Adlar moved with the bot as it stalked him, his attention focused solely on the machine.

The danced around each other, and Varo held his breath. He knew what was coming. With no warning, several darts flew out of the ‘eye’ of the apparatus toward Adlar. Did the darts have rubber tips or were they needle sharp?

Most soldiers practiced with the pointed ends capped for safety reasons, but Varo was willing to bet Adlar didn’t. Varo watched entranced as Adlar twisted his body this way and that, avoiding the flying objects hurtling at him.

He was poetry in motion: beautiful, fluid, and deadly… and fast. Gods, he was fast. Varo could hardly keep up with how swiftly Adlar moved. And he knew Adlar didn’t have cybernetic enhancements. Adlar bent his body backward in an effect to avoid one of the darts aimed at his face.

As he arched back, one hand braced him on the ground. With the other, he plucked one dart out of the air by its handle as it flew past. With a push from the hand he’d braced on the ground, Adlar came back up to a standing position, and, in a move that was a smooth as Yesri silk, he flipped the dart toward the bot, which had to use some of its own defenses to protect itself.

A wide-bladed knife on a mechanical arm came out of the middle section and deflected the dart. From a sheath on his back, Adlar pulled a sword too and moved to intercept the battle bot in a sword fight.

“Gods,” Varo mumbled, impressed.

The clang of metal on metal echoed around the area. As Adlar and the battle bot fought, Varo watched. What kind of concentration did it take to do that? Even as Adlar fended off the sword, he had to contend with the rope that snaked out from the bottom section and tried to trip him.

The fight continued until the bot managed to disarm Adlar. Varo watched as the sword flew across the courtyard. But that didn’t stop Adlar. Before the sword landed in the dirt, Adlar had another weapon ready to use as a defense: knives.

The curved, single-edged knives with handles fit into a person’s palm comfortably, or so he’d heard. Varo was willing to bet they had serrated edges. As he looked on, Adlar used the knives in tandem. These ‘swingblades’ were capable of slicing and stabbing positions.

The design complemented the natural motions of a person’s arms and hands in close combat. He’d seen such blades on his home planet. It took years of practice to learn to use them correctly. Varo shook his head as he watched Adlar battle the bot.

It was so easy to forget Adlar was a killer. Adlar’s touch didn’t inspire fear. No, indeed, that was not what Adlar inspired in him. Varo turned from the window and walked to the bed. Now that he was no longer involved in the battle outside his window, he noticed how cool he’d become.

For a moment he wished Adlar was there to wrap his arms around him. He crept into bed and pulled the covers up to his chin. Now he yearned for Adlar to be there? To hold him? What was he doing? Since when did he yearn for his enemy? But that was the problem. While he wasn’t sure exactly what Adlar was now, he was sure the other male wasn’t his enemy anymore.

Tears pricked his eyes, but he roughly wiped them away. What was he doing? This wasn’t him. Gods, he missed the sunlight and the warmth of it on his skin. The never-ending gloom here was getting to him. That was all.

As he drifted off to sleep even he didn’t believe that.

* * * *

For the next few days, their routine was pretty much the same. They ate the morning meal and then explored the surrounding area near Adlar’s home. Varo spent the evenings learning to cook, which more often than not ended with laughter. Varo was hopeless in the kitchen, but he did try. They laughed, and they talked.

As the days passed both of them lowered their defenses and got to know one another. But the nights… the nights were spent in unbridle lust. Adlar never forced Varo to his bed. Instead he tempted and teased.

And Varo couldn’t resist.

Yet another day had come and gone. They’d eaten the last meal and cleaned up after themselves. Now they were in Adlar’s office. Adlar was at his desk doing whatever it was he did on a small comp.

Varo sprawled on the long, armless black relaxation couch reading. He was still shocked at how many actual paper books Adlar owned. At first he hadn’t understood what the big deal was, but as time had passed he begin to see.

There was something about holding a book, turning the pages… and its smell. He couldn’t describe the rich scent except to say it was old. His father would have have laughed at such a sentiment, but Adlar had just nodded like he got it.

In the beginning he’d called Adlar an animal. Now he was beginning to wonder if the Helkans weren’t more sophisticated than his own people. Adlar was educated, polished, and well-spoken. If it wasn’t for the fact they took slaves, he might have believed they were better than his people. But slavery was wrong. And if continued down that road, he’d ruin the evening.


Varo looked up from his book. “Yes?”

“I really need to get some training in, and I was wondering if you would like to take part?”

Varo immediately flashed back to that first night he’d seen Adlar’s idea of training. He was nowhere near that level. “Um, I saw you that night, you know. I don’t have your level of experience. I won’t be much of a workout for you.”

Adlar smiled. “You watched me that night? Why didn’t you join me?”

“Ah, I didn’t want to disturb you. And frankly, I wasn’t in the mood for an ass kicking. I’ve never trained with a battle bot before. I’m not a soldier.”

“No, princeling, you’re not. But that doesn’t mean you’re defenseless. I’d like to increase your knowledge.”

Varo set down the book he was reading. “That won’t get you in trouble?”

Adlar cocked his head. “I don’t understand. In what way would training you get me in trouble?”

“Teaching a slave to fight. Would that not be a problem?”

Adlar just snorted. “You already know how to fight. I’m just going show you a few things. Besides, the only person I answer to is my brother.”

Varo was glad Adlar brought that subject up. “Speaking of your brother, I have a question, if you don’t mind.”


“You once said he’s younger than you, but yet he’s king. Shouldn’t you, as the eldest, be king?”

“Our ways are different than yours. In our culture, the first-born child becomes leader of the D’noir. If you remember, the D’noir is a group of ten assassins who protect the king. The men who belong to the D’noir are close to each other. They form strong ties.”

“So you never had a chance to do something else?” Varo asked.

“Did you?”

“Well, no.”

Adlar shrugged. “Didn’t you grow up knowing you were part of the royal family and what your role would be? Is the eldest of your brothers not the crown prince? Is he not the one slated to become king? Isn’t the second-born son considered the spare?”

“Okay, yes, that’s true.”

“Those are your traditions. This is ours. I’ll tell you something too, Varo. I’m glad I’m not king. I don’t have the patience for such an undertaking. And politics? I’d end up knifing someone.”

“Don’t have the patience? What about how you skulk in the shadows when you’re waiting to kill someone?”

“Please, I rarely skulk,” Adlar said. “That sounds so sinister. More like lie in wait.”

Varo rolled his eyes. “And that doesn’t? But I do agree with you. I have no desire to rule and never had. Not that it matters. I’m so far down the line it would never happen.” Especially now, but why bring that up? “Just curious though. What would happen if your brother couldn’t rule for whatever reason?”

“I would, of course, step in until his son was old enough to take over.”

“Oh, he has a child?” He had no idea.

But then, why would he? It wasn’t like he and Adlar were friends. But now that he thought about it, it seemed like he did vaguely remember hearing something about it. He hadn’t really cared at the time.

“Of course. He was two: a son and a daughter.”

“Do you?” Stars, he hadn’t thought of that until now.

“Have children?” Adlar asked. “No. That hasn’t been a priority for me, but I’ll have to at some point.”

“So you plan to take a female as a mate?” What would happen to him, then? Would she also have control over him? And why in the blazes did Adlar having sex with a female bother him?

Adlar stared at him until the silence grew. Finally he spoke. “Not… not now. I’ll use a surrogate mother when the time is right.”

“Oh. Okay.” Relief flooded through him, then disgust at his reaction. Why did that make him feel better? Right. You know why that relieves you.

He didn’t want to share Adlar with anyone else. Which was the height of stupidity. No way could this end well for him.

“So, about working with me. Are you interested?”

“I guess.”

“Excellent. Follow me.”

He followed Adlar to the same courtyard he’d seen Adlar practiced. Adlar showed him how to stretch out and loosen his limbs, then handed him a weapon.

Thanks to the light, Varo saw the knife clearly. It was simplistic in its design. The handle was Black Phospolrock that had been refined until it was nearly iridescent. The blade was black and thicker at the base.

“Really?” Varo asked as he examined the weapon.

“It’s a training weapon. The blade can cut, but it’s very dull. It would take a lot of work to use this to kill.” Adlar showed Varo his weapon. “Mine is the same, so I don’t have an unfair advantage.”

“Okay. I was just surprised you’d give me a weapon.”

“You behaved yourself the last time you had one.” Adlar strode to a control panel on the outside wall of the courtyard. “We spar only. No hits to the face, no broken bones. Agreed?”


With a nod, Adlar began to circle Varo. Varo turned with Adlar, working to keep Adlar in front of him.

Even with the lights, Adlar obviously was a creature of the night. His body flowed, his moves were smooth. Deadly. Varo maintained his breathing, determined to keep it slow and steady. He glanced down at Adlar’s feet.

“No. Keep your eyes on my face. Watch for tells. Trust me, there are always signs if you know what to look for, like eyes narrowing or lips tightening. Maybe their nostrils flare before they attack.”

Varo jerked his gaze up, and kept his eyes trained on his opponent as they circled each other. He studied Adlar’s face, but there was nothing to see. It was like looking at a blank mask. No emotion was there. Nothing. It was kind of scary.

Then he thought he caught something. Yes! Adlar’s lips twitched. Adlar suddenly darted in and swung a fist at Varo’s face. Varo jerked his head back, and Adlar’s fist whistled past his nose. Stars, he felt the air brush past him.

“Excellent! You saw something, didn’t you? What gave it away?”

“Your lips twitched.” Varo thought he saw approval in Adlar’s eyes. The Helkans admired courage above all else from what Varo had learned in his brief captivity. Their people reviled cowardice.

“Good catch.”

“I’m also betting you did that on purpose.”

“Oh? Why?” Adlar asked, still circling Varo.

“A first year cadet would have caught that, and you’re not first year anything. Neither am I, Adlar, so stop acting like it.”

Adlar grinned, a look of satisfaction gracing his face. The he threw back his head and laughed.
Moving quickly, Adlar dove at Varo’s feet, knocking him to the ground. Varo grunted. Stars the male was fast.

The other rolled away so fast Varo barely had time to react. He did manage to get in one good swipe with his dagger though. Smirking, he watched a red welt rise upon Adlar’s bicep. He sprang back to his feet and grinned at the Adlar.

It was only a graze, but Varo was rather proud he’d even managed to get near Adlar. Adlar sprang to his feet and turned to face Varo. He glanced down at his arm, and a look of satisfaction passed over his face.

“Well done, Varo. You’ve drawn first blood.”

“Technically, I haven’t. You’re not actually bleeding.” He refused to admit he was breathing hard too. He backed away from Adlar. God, he was tired. And the other male wasn’t even breathing hard!

“True, but we’re not actually trying to draw blood.”

They continued the fight, each trading blows. They might be pulling their punches, but Varo was still aching from the hits he took. What had possessed him to tell Adlar not to teach him like a rookie? For every one hit he landed, Adlar landed three. What was really disconcerting was he knew Adlar was going easy on him too.

Adlar was careful not to hurt him, at least. Good thing. If this had been a real fight, he’d be in trouble. No, that was incorrect. He’d be dead. Sweating now, and panting, he knew he needed to end this and soon.

Best bet was to go on the offensive. Adlar wouldn’t expect that. He hoped. With a battle yell, he threw himself at Adlar, who sidestepped him… just like he wanted. Swinging around quickly, he raised the knife over his head and leaped onto the Adlar’s back.

He brought the knife down toward Adlar’s neck. He wasn’t planning to really hurt Adlar. He had planned to mimic cutting Adlar’s throat. He didn’t stop to think how Adlar might respond. In a lightning-fast move, Adlar reached up and grabbed his wrist.

As he pulled Varo forward, he twisting downward, bringing his face close to Varo’s. “Nice try, princeling.”

He pulled away and hurled Varo over his head and onto the ground. Varo landed on his back, blinking in shock. Adlar kicked Varo’s knife across the courtyard. Varo watched, helpless, as it landed several feet away.

Well, that was the end of that, thank all the stars. But before he could speak, Adlar straddled him. Grabbing Varo’s wrists, Adlar yanked them over Varo’s head. Holding his hands hostage, Adlar bent down and took Varo’s mouth, insistently nudging his lips open.

He thrust his tongue deep into Varo’s mouth. Varo couldn’t miss the possessiveness of the kiss. He went limp under Adlar, letting the other male take over. His cock strained against his pants as Adlar drove him crazy with his lips.

Having his hands restrained added another edge, one he hadn’t ever thought of before. He felt helpless, and he liked it. He whimpered into Adlar’s mouth. He wanted more. Adlar ended the kiss and raised his head.

Varo gasped for breath at the desire he saw shining in Adlar’s eyes. Desire, and something more. Something that looked like affection. Finally Adlar smiled. He eased his body off Varo’s and stood.

Leaning over, he held out his hand to Varo. “Good fight.”

Getting tossed over Adlar’s head and ending up flat on his back was a good fight? Well, he hadn’t ended up bloody. And he walked away from it intact. He was willing to bet that didn’t happen often even when Adlar sparred. So maybe it was a good fight.

He took Adlar’s hand and let himself be pulled to his feet. “Thank you. Tossing me over your head like that was pretty cool.”

“The counter to it is easy,” Adlar said as they walked back to the main housing unit. “Next time I’ll show you.”

“I’d like that.” They entered through the kitchen.

Adlar fixed them both something to drink. Once they satified their thirst, Adlar suggested Varo go take a shower and clean up while Adlar finished what he was working on. Varo did as Adlar suggested. It wasn’t until the hot water hit him did he realize why Adlar had suggested this. Grateful for the suggestion, he moaned softly as the kinks in his back and shoulders loosened.

Now that he was clean and his muscles no longer ached, he was starving. He returned to Adlar’s office to find Adlar snacking on finger foods on a large tray. Some of the fruit he recognized, like the red Hayberries. There were several different colored berries he’d before, along with two different kinds of dip: one was white, and the other was blood red.

He also saw Adlar had included cubes of Algraine cheese and thick dark brown crackers. A number of thinly sliced meats decorated the tray along with sliced black Breadian pickles and Katmere Moon olives.

Oh, Adlar had Moon olives. Varo’s mouth watered. The white round fruit tingled on the tongue when bitten and had a sweet explosive taste. They were considered a delicacy in many cultures and expensive.

“Oh, thank the stars! I’m starving.” Varo hurried over to the spread of food. “That looks really good. And you have Moon olives. Stars, I love those things.” Varo grabbed a small plate and started filling it, adding his fair share of the olives. Next to the food were glasses with water in them.

“Help yourself, and then join me.” Adlar gestured to the food. He already had a plate and was seated at a small table in the office.

Varo stacked food on his plate then sat down across from Adlar. He nodded to the stuff on Adlar’s desk. “Did you get all of your work finished?”

“Actually, yes. Good thing since while you were taking a shower, my brother contacted me.”

Varo’s stomach dropped. “Oh? What does he want?”

Adlar continued to eat, not noticing Varo’s sudden stiffness. “He wants us to come to the palace.”


“Yes. He wants to meet you.”

Varo grasped his plate, his knuckles turning white. His mind flew in all different directions. Why would the Helkan king want to meet him? Was it because he was a Yesri prince? Or for some other reason?

“Um, could I ask why he wants to meet me?”

“He knows who you are and how you came to be here, but….” Adlar shrugged nonchalantly. “I’ve mentioned you to him a time or two.”

Varo didn’t know if he should panic or plot. He really never thought he’d get an opportunity to meet the Helkan king. Now that he was, what should he do about it?

Chapter Thirteen - Adlar

The trip to the palace was turning into a nightmare.

“What are you doing?” Varo glared at Adlar.

Adlar ignored the heated looks Varo flashed his way as he placed the shirt Varo held back in the closet. He’d finished packing his clothes, and now was overseeing Varo’s.

“What does it look like I’m doing?”

“Picking out my clothes.” Varo took the shirt back out of the closet. “I’m more than capable of dressing myself appropriately to meet a king. Well…” Varo glanced at his clothing choices. “I used to be. What I wouldn’t give to have access to my wardrobe. But then, all my things have probably been… appropriated by my brothers.”

Adlar let Varo keep the shirt after hearing that. “Speaking of brothers… our king is just my brother and—”

“Oh no.” Varo swung around. “No king is just anything, no matter what you may think. He may be a blood relation, but ultimately that means very little, Adlar. Trust me on this. Blood is not thicker than water.”

Adlar paused, taking in Varo’s flushed face. He heard the pain behind the words. Frack, just exactly what kind of people were the Yesri? “I… sometimes that’s true. And sometimes it’s not.”

Varo just snorted, but the moment passed.

Adlar didn’t want to pursue this subject. Not when he didn’t have time. But he did intend to come back to it at some point. “Besides, we’re not attending any formal functions.”

Adlar moved some of the clothing Varo had packed, examining each article.

Now what are you doing?” Varo asked, disgruntled.

“Just looking.”

“Just looking?” Varo put his hands on his hips. “It looks like you’re monitoring what I pack.”

“It looks like that because that’s what I’m doing.”

There were two rather large trunks on the floor by the bed. One held Adlar’s clothes and other personal things while the other trunk was to hold Varo’s. Not that Varo had much to begin with, but that didn’t matter.

“Oh, for stars sake, I’m not a child, Adlar. I know how to pack.”

“I’m sure you do.” This wasn’t an attempt to control Varo, but more of a security measure.

There was no way he’d let Varo sneak something in the palace that could later be as a weapon against the king. While it was becoming painfully apparent Varo’s family were no better than space junk, he and his brother were very close.

He knew full well such an attempt would result in a death sentence for Varo. That was unacceptable. No one, and he meant no one, was going to take Varo from him. Varo including.

“Would you like to do my packing?” Varo asked sweetly, still holding a shirt he’d picked out.

Adlar flopped down on the bed, crossed his ankles, and then stacked his arms under behind his head. Might as well get comfortable since it looked as if this was going to take a while.

“Sure. How do you feel about being naked the whole time?”

“Right.” Varo dropped the shirt in the truck. “Never mind.”

Adlar smirked as he watched Varo flounce back to the closet. “If you’re sure, princeling. It would solve the problem of what to pack.”

“Oh, I’m sure.”

Adlar watched as Varo’s pants tightened over his ass as he bent over the truck to straighten something. Too bad. Varo would look sexy with nothing but all that blond hair and his collar on… and nothing else. And he was going to be dreadfully uncomfortable if he didn’t stop that train of thought.

Eventually Varo managed to get packed, and Adlar hadn’t seen anything added to the trunks to be concerned about. They loaded the trunks in his personal flyer, and Adlar secured his home.
The trip to El-Deiray, the capitol city, was uneventful and mostly passed in silence.

As they neared, security scanned his flyer as they did any craft that came within distance of the palace. Once he passed inspection, he commed the palace to arrange for a servant to meet him at his reserved space.

No sooner did he dock than a young Helkan female appear with a luggage hovercraft. Since she was so small, Adlar loaded the trunks on the hovercraft. He made a mental note to check to see why she was assigned the duty… or if she even was.

She didn’t have the upper body strength to handle such massive luggage that many arrived with. Someone was either slacking off or had made a mistake, and that was unacceptable. Adlar requested their trunks be sent to his rooms.

As he led Varo through the palace, he tried to see it through the other male’s eyes. The floor was a white marble-type material that lightened the room. The walls they strode past were shining veined Black Phospolrock with endless rows of floor to ceiling windows.

Tall white columns separated each massive window. Lights in the columns also lightened the hallways. The ceilings were half-arches done in the same material as the floor. It was elegant and understated… much like his brother.

They turned into a small hallway and passed several palace guards who eyed Varo. Adlar didn’t like it, but he understood. Varo was class and elegance wrapped up in bright blond hair and simmering brown eyes. He fit in the grand surroundings, whereas Adlar often didn’t feel like he did. Varo shined. Adlar belonged to the shadows.

He caught a guard’s eye and let his displeasure show briefly. He swore he heard a thud as they dropped their gazes to the floor in a rapid bid to appease him.

Varo’s head bobbed back and forth as he looked around, not noticing. “Impressive, but um, can I ask where we’re going?”

Adlar walked toward a door at the end of the hallway. Two guards stood in front of the sturdy, decorative doors.

“My brother’s private rooms.” Adlar stopped in front of the guards and turned to Varo. “Varo, they’re going to search you. Please stand still.”

“Is that really…” One of the guards reached for his stunner. “Okay, okay! Check away.” Varo held his arms out, frowning at Adlar. “Stars, do they really think I’d try something with a trained assassin right here? Not to mention this stupid control collar.”

One of the guards scanned Varo using a small handheld box.

Adlar shrugged. “It’s standard procedure. I’m sure your family does the same.”

“He’s clear,” the guard said as he opened the chamber door.

“Thank you.” Adlar slightly bowed his head. He knew Varo was clean, but he also knew the guards wouldn’t let Varo pass without checking. It was better to be safe than sorry in his opinion.

The doors opened to a spacious, two-tiered room. The lower level where they entered contained large, bloodred couches that overflowed with pillows and overstuff white chairs that had been positioned in the middle of the room.

The floor was the same white marble-type material as the hallways with an oversized back and white geometrically designed rug. The walls were also the same shining veined Black Phospolrock with columns.

Each massive pillar contained square, medium-sized lights that stretched the length of the column. They glowed. One whole side of the room was floor to ceiling windows that allowed light in to lessen the gloom of the day.

There was also a black entertainment center on another wall. On yet another wall was a huge floor to ceiling fireplace covered in Black Phospolrock. Rather large white stairs led to another level that held an enormous bed draped in sheer white fabrics.

“Varo, it is my pleasure to introduce King Omori, leader of the Helkan people, and my brother.”

Coming down the stairs was a striking male. His long, silky black hair fell to his knees. On each side of his face he wore a braid. His pointed ears held rings made from Black Phospolrock. He wore simple, black flowing pants tucked into black boots that extend to mid thigh.

His shirt was a dove gray that opened into a V down the front exposing a muscular chest. Even in his quarters the king wore a variety of weapons that hung from his waist. He had a long, straight nose, chiseled cheekbones, and a square jaw. Just like all Helkans he had pale, flawless skin. His eyes were the same bright amber as Adlar’s.

Adlar then extended his hand toward Omori. “King Omori, this is Prince Varo Kutchif and third son to the Yesri king. He is also mine, claimed in battle.”

Omori stopped before Adlar and Varo. He bowed slightly at the waist. “Greeting Prince Varo of Yesri. I bid you welcome.”

Varo bowed also, but his was much deeper of a bow as due a king. “Many thanks, King Omori.”

Adlar stood to the side and watched the two males size each other up. Varo was edgy—Adlar could all but smell the nerves pumping off him. He was unsure as to why. Varo was a prince, so being around others such as himself shouldn’t trigger such a reaction.

“Well, come.” King Omori gestured to a table near the sitting area that held food. “I had refreshments brought for us. Please, help yourself. I thought we could share a meal together.”

“Thank you, your Majesty.” Varo edged closer to Adlar.

“Please, while we are private, call me Omari.”

“Thank you.”

Adlar let his hand rest at the small of Varo’s back and felt the other male tremble under his touch. Interesting. Unless he was very much mistaken, Varo wasn’t just nervous—he was intimidated by Omori.

“And please, I must insist you do the same and call me Varo.”

Aaaaaand his arrogant princeling was back.

Varo flashed a brief glance at Adlar. “Um, and thank you for the meal.

“Oh, just wait. It’s always an adventure eating here, believe me. You just never know what the male has in store for us.”

“Ha!” Omori punched Adlar in the arm. “Don’t let this one fool you. He’s tried to bribe my chef away more than once.”

Adar allowed the hit with a smirk. “Someone hasn’t been working out lately I see.”

Varo gasped.

“Ohhhh, fighting words.” Omori returned the smirk. “Well then, meet me in the morning, brother, and we’ll see how much I’ve not been working out.”

Varo’s head whipped around.

Adlar gently urged Varo along, ignoring the stunned look. He left his hand at the small of Varo’s back. “You’re on. Two hours before first meal, your lordship. Should give you plenty of time to recover after the ass kicking I plan for you.”

Varo goggled at the both of them.

“Big words, Adlar, big words. And I got your ‘lordship’,” Omori growled playfully as he grasped his cock. “I look forward to it.”

“As do I.” Goddess, Varo looked like he was about to have a stroke right there. Did he not know they were only playing? Did Varo and his brothers’ never play like this? How sad.

Adlar made a point of leaving his hand where it was in an effort to comfort Varo. He sighed silently at how invested he’d become in the other male… but he sure as frack didn’t move his hand either. Varo slowly relaxed, the tension leaving his body.

He studied his brother as they moved across the room, not sure what prompted Varo to be intimidated. Omori was a little taller than him. Maybe a bit bulkier too, but not much. All Helkans had a long and lean build. He wasn’t even that dressed up since they were meeting in his private chambers.

As they reached the table, Omori moved to one side so Varo could serve himself first, and Adlar saw the problem. There was a cold, calculating look in Omori’s eyes—a sternness to his face that suggested a devious mind lay behind those intense amber eyes. It was the price of being king.

But it was the power in that lean face he often didn’t notice that intimidated others. Omori was a very driven, strong-willed male who held some very precise beliefs and didn’t back down. He wasn’t afraid of violence if it was needed. And he didn’t care what others outside of his own race thought of him.

It was one reason he’d kept their planet safe for as long as he had. The male fought for his beliefs and would not hesitate to destroy any and all who tried to stand in his way. Adlar laughed silently. And people thought he was the dangerous one.

They were wrong.

After fixing their plates, they sat. Omori sat at the head. Adlar was to the right, and Varo to the left. The meal progressed without mention of Varo’s shuttle getting through the Satellite Surveillance Network. There was no mention of the fact his starship had been monitoring the planet in the first place.

Nothing was said about the Yesri’s ever-present demand for Black Phospolrock… or how the Yesri felt they have a right to just take the crystal. Even the old standby—the weather—was a useless topic. You had a choice on Helkan—dark days or darker days, and that was it.

“Oh, don’t know if you heard, but I’ve been working on a new battle bot,” Omori said as they ate.

“Really? What have you done?” Adlar asked.

“Nothing much. I thought it would be nice if it had the capability to fire a net at us while training. Another bot would have the ability to work a ball and chain system. The ball would be spiked, of course.”

“That might lead to a few broken ankles or gaping wounds,” Adlar pointed out.

“For training purposes it would be made with less dangerous materials and no spikes. The last thing I want is for a warrior to get hurt. I know we have the medical equipment to heal broken bones, but that still requires seventy-two unit hours mandatory recuperation. We’ll introduce it and let them practice until they adjust, and then change it out to something more threatening.”

“I want to try it first,” Adlar said.

“Of course.” Omori nodded. “I assumed such.”

“The real thing too, Omori. No fracking watered-down version neither.”

“Of course. Again, I expected no less.”

Varo was mostly quiet through the meal, leaving Omori and Adlar to carry the conversation, but now he spoke up. “Wait. Wouldn’t it be safer to use the more ‘watered-down version’ as you called it first? I mean, you don’t know how the battle bot will respond with such a weapon.”

“Worried about me, princeling?” Adlar asked, eyebrow raised.

“More worried about who’s going to care for you if you get hurt.” Varo fired back.

After startled silence, Omori suddenly laughed loudly. “Be afraid. Be very afraid, Varo. The last time he broke his leg I had to care for him. Good gods, a more demanding male you’ll never meet. By the time he was completely healed I needed a vacation. Frack, running a kingdom was easier than dealing with Adlar.”

“He threatened to put a pillow over my face.” Adlar snorted. “That’s the quality of care I got from my loving brother.” Adlar threw his napkin at Omori.

“Indeed I did. You were a colossal ass.”

Varo snorted, gasped, and then coughed loudly. “Sorry, sorry. Swallowed wrong.”

“Right. It had nothing to do with trying not to laugh.” Adlar grinned at Varo to show he was kidding.

“Nope, nothing at all.” Varo grabbed the glass of water next to him and sipped. He set it down once he got his coughing under control. “Goddess. Colossal, huh?” He looked at Omori.

“You have no idea, Varo.” Omori threw the napkin back Adlar. “Besides, threatening and doing are two different things I might remind you, Adlar. Anyway, it’s not like I could’ve gotten within a foot of you and you not know it.”

“He does seem to sleep lightly,” Varo said.

“Assassins better sleep light or they sleep forever,” Adlar said. Just as he finished speaking, a gong sound in Omori’s quarters.

The king checked his wrist com, a slight smile coming to his face. He tapped a few buttons, and then looked at Adlar. “Deep, brother. That was very deep.” Omori added in dreadfully serious tone, his face solemn as if Adlar had just imparted the universe’s secrets at the table.

Adlar glared at Omori… then threw his head back and laughed. “Bite me, Omori.”

“I’d rather he’d bite me.” Heads swiveled at the new voice.

Coming toward the table was Maylar, one of the A’moor. “Greetings, my King.” Maylar stopped by Omori’s chair and bowed deeply. “I see you have company, Sire. Would you prefer I wait in your chamber?”

“Adlar? Would you mind if Maylar joined us?” Omori asked.

“Of course not.” nodded to Maylar. “There’s certainly plenty here to eat.”

“Well then, I’d be honored to stay.” Maylar bowed slightly to Adlar and nodded to Varo. “Greetings to the both of you too.”

He noticed Maylar’s hair was a mass of elaborate coils of braids that cascaded down his back. Several strands had escaped and framed his face, giving him even more of an ethereal appearance. Adlar was beginning to think Maylar did this on purpose.

It emphasized his sensual, androgynous appearance. This time he wore a nearly sheer black sarong with an equally sheer thong underneath. Cream-colored scrollwork wound around the bottom of the sarong. On his feet he wore delicate black sandals. The male was dressed for seduction.

Varo didn’t say anything, but Adlar noticed the tight-lipped glare aimed at Maylar he quickly masked. Interesting. Could that be jealousy I see? 

“Excellent,” Omori said. “Food is on the table. Help yourself.”

Maylar glided across the room to the serving table.

“I hope you don’t mind Maylar joining us.” Omori’s voice dropped. “I need to feed and had already set a date with him. I was also unsure if you might need his services.”

“No, brother, as it turns out, I do not. But I do thank you for the offer.” Adlar glanced at Varo who was slowly turning red.

Omori pinned Varo with a look, and then nodded. “That’s good then. Although I’m sure Maylar will be sadden to hear he lost such a… generous client.”

Varo crumpled his napkin in his fist.

Adlar saw the action, but didn’t comment. He was too pleased Varo had showed such signs of jealousy.

“Ah well, he still has you.” Adlar winked at Omori. He hoped Varo understood the hidden message. No, he didn’t need Maylar anymore. He planned to feed from Varo only.

“Indeed he does.” Omori gaze traveled to the male across the way, lingering. He shifted on his chair, and then reached down to rearrange himself, a slight smile on his lips.

“Getting uncomfortable?” Adlar smirked, seeing the action.

“Getting?” Omori dragged his gaze back from Maylar. “No. Already am? Absolutely. And we better change the subject before I decide to feast on Maylar instead of this delicious meal Chef prepared.”

Varo gulped.

Adlar didn’t see the point in mentioning he and Omori had shared Maylar on more than one occasion. There was nothing sexual between him and his brother, of course. And while they often shared a lover, there would be none of that this time.

The idea of anyone seeing Varo naked outside of him made him finger one of his knives. Varo was his. Only his. He’d kill anyone who tried to come between him and what was his. Maylar joined them and the conversation flowed, but Varo didn’t speak much. That was mostly due to him not sharing a history with the three other males.

At the end of the meal, Omori offered them Novo, a drink that contained Phis cream of coconut milk, pineapple juice, and white rum. The drink was white, sweet, and slightly thick.

Adlar nodded at the drink he sat in front of Varo. “Try it. I think you’ll like it.”

“I’ve had Novo before,” Varo said, taking a sip.

“Not like this, you haven’t. We use Helkan white rum instead of the usual stuff you can get through the galaxy. But beware, our alcohol has a kick to it.”

Varo savored the drink, and then slowly swallowed. “It does taste… richer. Huh. Something in it tastes much more distinctive.”

“That’s our rum.”

Varo took another sip. “Wow, it’s much lighter. It makes the whole drink taste different. It’s actually much better. I really like this.”

“I’m glad. Just remember it has a kick to it. Stuff will sneak up on you.”

The four of them moved from the table to the living area. Omori and Maylar took one couch. Maylar curled his feet under him and leaned close to Omori. Adlar and Varo took the other. Adlar noted Varo sat as far away as he could.

Which wasn’t too far since it was a smaller couch, but still. He wanted Varo closer. Varo didn’t have to drape himself over Adlar like Maylar had done to Omori, but he wanted the other male’s attention, and he knew exactly how to get it and have a little fun at the same time.

He rested his arms along the back of the couch. With a touch that was as light as a feather, he ran his fingers down Varo’s neck. A shiver racked Varo, and Adlar smiled. So sensitive. He couldn’t wait to run his fangs down that sensitive patch of skin.

Varo shot him an annoyed look so Adlar returned it with an innocent smile. Varo snorted and rolled his eyes. Adlar wrapped one length of hair around his finger and tugged. Varo raised an eyebrow. Adlar continued tugging.

Finally Varo huffed. He got the message and scooted closer. During this, Omori had launched into one of his never-ending stories of their childhood. Of course they were stories about all the misadventures’ he’d gotten into, never the things Omori had done. Soon Omori had them all laughing.

“Good gods, I was never that bad.” Adlar shook his head at Omori.

“Right. I’m sure if our parents were still alive, they’d disagree too with that statement.”

“Oh, that’s right.” Varo sipped his drink. “I remember now hearing the former king and his mate had died in a shuttle accident. I’m sorry for your loss. Were the both of you close to your parents?” Varo asked.

“Very much so,” Adlar said.

“Yes, they were a steady influence in our lives,” Omori agreed.

“They loved us greatly and wasn’t afraid to show it,” Adlar added.

“You’re very lucky then.” Varo gulped his second drink, and then leaned closer to Adlar. “Where’s the restroom?”

“You’ll have to use my private one,” Omori said. “The guest bathroom is out of order for now. I’m having it updated. Go up the stairs into the bedroom and take the second right. That’s the bathroom.”

“Um, are you sure?” Varo asked.

“Of course,” Omori said. “There are restrooms in the palace, but why have to hunt those down?”

“Okay. Thank you, Your Highness.” Varo stood and immediately flung a hand out. Instead of grasping the back of the couch, he grabbed Adlar’s shoulder. “Stars!”

Adlar rested his hand over Varo’s. “Are you okay?”

“Oh yes.” Varo took a steadying breathe. “Just a bit lightheaded.”

Adlar snickered. “I told you that drink snuck up on you. Need help getting to the bathroom?”

Varo straighten, a haughty look crossing his face. “If you’re implying I’m drunk, I must inform you that I am not. I’m perfectly capable of getting to the bathroom by myself.”

Removing his hand, Varo sniffed and turned to leave.

Adlar watched him go. Varo had no problems walking across the room. If anything, he was frighteningly precise in his movements, and his speech was clear and articulate.

Omori glanced at Adlar, eyebrow raised. “That Helkan rum is about to kick his ass.”

“I know. This should either be interesting or horrifying. He has even less of a tolerance for alcohol than I thought. Maybe I should talk him home just in case he gets lippy.”

“It wouldn’t really be fair to punish him in his condition,” Omori pointed out.

“No, it wouldn’t, which is why we might need to leave. Alone I can let certain things slide. Around you, I can’t.” Adlar frowned at stairs Varo just climbed. “He’s opinionated and very resistant to being a slave.”

“Well frack, of course he is, Adlar. He’s a prince.” Omori shot Adlar a look that said he clearly he thought the other male was delusional. “You can say what you will, but that male is no more a slave than you or me.”

“And all that changed when he got past the Satellite Surveillance Network and tried to attack us.”

“It might have changed his circumstances, but that in no way changed who he is. You’re going to have your hands full breaking that one.”

“I don’t want to break him, just bend him some,” Adlar said.

“Excuse me, Sire, but are you and your guests finished eating?” Maylar asked.

“Hmm? Oh, yes.” Omori gaze traveled over Maylar. “Why?”

Maylar shrugged. “I don’t wish to smell our dinner all night.”

Omori glanced at the table that held the food. “Ah, I see. I can have servants come take it away. There’s no need for you to clean up.”

Maylar ran his finger over the pointy end of Omori’s ear. “I don’t mind. Why don’t I pick out a few things for us to snack on later and the servants can come get the rest, hmm? You do have a small place for cold storage needs.”

Omori lifted one of Maylar’s curls and let it slide through his fingers. “Yes, do that. You’re going to need to keep your strength up.”

Maylar’s smile was hungry. “That sounds promising, Sire.”

“While he’s doing that, would you like to see the schematics for the new battle bot I was telling you about?” Omori asked Adlar.

“Indeed. You have them here? I’m really not in the mood to go traipsing all over the palace.”

“Yes. Let’s go to my private office.” Omori stood. “Maylar? Would you please bring Varo to us after you finish what you’re doing?”

“I most certainly shall, Sire.”

“Thank you,” Omori said.

Maylar watched them leave the seating area. They moved down a narrow hall toward Omori’s office. Once they were out of earshot, Maylar smirked. “Oh, I most certainly shall.”

Chapter Fourteen - Varo

Varo slowly made his way to the restroom. His head spun pleasantly, and his lips tingled, but he was by no means drunk. How dare Adlar insinuate he was? The day one drink put him on his ass was the day he stopped drinking altogether.

He made his way through the king’s bedchamber. It was as rich and luxurious as he thought it would be. He found the attached bath and went to open the door… and missed the handle completely.

What kind of trickery is this? Do they have door handles that run from your hand? He giggled at the thought then slapped a hand over his mouth. Horrified, he looked around. He was a prince, for stars’ sake—and as such, he did not giggle. It was not a princely thing to do.

He was sure Adlar would agree with him since the other male called him princeling often enough. At first that had infuriated him, but now…? Not so much. It had almost become a pet name, and he’d never had one of those before.

It made him feel special.

He looked back down at the door handle. Stars, how long had he been just standing there like some clueless first year cadet? It was a blessed door handle, not a starships warp engine—which was a good thing or he’d really be in trouble.

He reached for the door handle again and this time he managed to grasp it. Success!
Pleased, he opened the door. Grinning madly, he stepped into the bathroom. It was, of course, as decadent was he thought it would be. It was suited for a king.

He found the urinal and unbuttoned his pants. After the third try he managed to get them undone. By the stars’ fading light, maybe Adlar was right about that Helkan rum. Not that he’d admit that to the other male. Adlar was already much too confident.

He managed to pull his cock out… and that took some work. Stupid thing kept moving around on him. The room tilted, and he threw out a hand, slapping one against the wall. It wasn’t his cock moving around, it was the room.

The urge to giggle hit him again. His pride and joy might be capable of twitching, but it sure didn’t spin and rock. Okay, that was some funny shit right there. He didn’t care what anyone else thought, that was hysterically funny.

Laughter welled up inside of him, and the giggles burst out. He snorted, gasped at such an unprincely sound, and then finally gave up as loud guffaws poured from him. And he still had his dick in his hand!

That sent him off on another round of laughter because really, how was he supposed to be able to piss while laughing? His laughter abruptly stopped when a pale hand wrapped around his cock and a warm body pressed up against his.

That pale, cool hand stroked him expertly, the long graceful fingers working magic upon his length…. a pale hand with black fingernails. Somewhere in the back of his mind a warning bell went off, but the sound was lost due to some very skilful ministrations.

All he could do was stare. His shaft attempted to harden as it was stoked, but it only managed to plump slightly. Again, warning bells went off. Any time Adlar touched him he got hard so fast it was embarrassing. Something was wrong, but he couldn’t put his finger on it.

Finger on it. Finger… on… it… It hit him. Those fingers! Adlar wouldn’t pain his nails black. That’s not Adlar! Not Adlar Varo moaned, his body straining away from whoever had a firm grip on his clock. Sharp pain sizzled through him when he moved and the hand didn’t let go.

“Shhh, my pretty one.”

Varo stiffened, and his foggy brain scrambled in search of a name. Maylar. That’s Maylar. What in the stars is he doing? “W-what are…? No, no! You-you… need to stop. Stop!”

Maylar smoothed a stand of Varo’s hair and leaned closer. Softly he spoke in Varo’s ear. “Oh come now, pretty. Don’t you like this? Like my touch?”

“N-n-no.” Varo shook his head as his cock went soft. This was bad, very bad. What if Adlar came in here and saw this? Aw gods, what if Adlar thought Varo welcomed Maylar’s touch?

What if he activated the shock collar?

That panicked him enough to snap him out of the alcohol-induced fog. He grabbed Maylar’s wrist and tried to pry it off his cock. The male was stronger than he appeared. “Let go of me!”

“Aw, don’t like my touch, do you, pretty? Bet you like Adlar’s, though,” Maylar whispered in Varo’s ear as he continued to stroke Varo’s shaft. “Don’t you? You like being Adlar’s slave? Like being something owned?”

Varo shivered at the husky, evil sound of Maylar’s voice as it crawled across his nerves. “I am not—”

“Not what? A slave? Oh, but you are. And owned by your enemy, no less. Property—that’s all you are, Varo. Property owned by a Helkan. What a horror that must be for you. When your newness wears off, Adlar will get rid of you, you know this, yes? He’ll just trade you off to a new owner and never look back.”

Varo trembled. He never thought about what the future held. Right now it took everything he had to just live day to day. He refused to let himself think of tomorrow because it scared him to death. Before, he’d planned his life out. He knew his purpose. But now? He was adrift.

Maylar was right in the fact he was an oddity with his bright, blond hair and tanned skin. Outside of his men…. His men. He hadn’t seen or heard anything about them since they first landed on this bleak rock. How could he have forgotten his men? What kind of leader was he?

“Your worth is based on how good you are in bed. Are you good in bed, Varo? Do you really think you can keep the attention of a male like Adlar? Have you managed to convince yourself that you matter to Adlar?” Maylar laughed softly, his breath teasing the loose hair around Varo’s face.

Varo stiffened.

“Oh, goddess, you really think Adlar cares for you?” Maylar laughed delightedly. “You poor deluded fool. You have, haven’t you? Well, I guess that would make you more… pliant to his advances. The male is a beast in bed, isn’t he?”

“Get off me!” Varo snarled, struggling. He refused to listen to any more of this. He couldn’t, just couldn’t, listen. It struck too close to home. “At least I’m not a paid blood whore.”

“My dear sweet prince, that’d be a step up from what you are now. But unlike you, I am free. I can do what I please. You, on the other hand, are nothing. Less than nothing.” Maylar licked Varo’s cheek, and then squeezed his dick. “Now, the question is, do you want to stay nothing?”

Varo froze.

Maylar released Varo’s shaft and stepped around to face Varo. “I can get you off planet, if you want.”

Suddenly Varo was very sober. Disbelief crossed his face as he buttoned his pants. The urge to piss was gone, oddly enough. “Right. You’d help me escape. Uh-huh. More likely you’d throw me to a pack of batars.”

“While that’s an entraining thought, no. Make no mistake, I wouldn’t mind seeing you dead. But more than that, I want you off this planet and out of my way.”

“Explain,” Varo snapped.

Maylar’s smooth, androgynous face twisted into a snarl. He bared his fangs. “I want Adlar, and you’re in my way. I can’t kill you, so getting you off planet is the next best thing.”

Varo took a step back. He hadn’t been afraid of Maylar until now. “I thought you two didn’t have any type of relationship outside of Adar feeding off you.”

“I was working on that. He was using me more to feed, more so than his others. He’d even let me spend a full night in his bed several times. We’d talked. We’d spent time together. Then you showed up, and I was banished to the guest room. I’d decided that when Adlar finally woke up and saw me as his mate, I’d been okay keeping you as our slave. You are… erotically different. But not now.”

Varo carefully blanked his face. That wasn’t how Adlar saw things with Maylar, but still… a chance to escape was too good to ignore. “How do I know this isn’t a test Adlar set up?”

Maylar smirked. “A test? You give yourself way too much credit. There is more to his world than you, pretty.”

“But how can I trust you?”

“I guess you can’t. Tell you what.” Maylar waved his hand at the bathroom door. “Go back out there and tell Adlar what I offered. He’ll be furious, I’ll be punished… and you lose any chance at freedom. You’ll ride his cock until he gets tired of you… then you’ll belong to someone new. And you’ll have no say in it.”

That scared Varo more than his feelings for Adlar. “Okay then, tell me your plan.”

Maylar smiled.

* * * *

The escape plan was brutal in its simplicity. He and Maylar would become friends—something Maylar thought Adlar wouldn’t have a problem with. Maylar was trusted obviously, Varo could see that.

Maylar had access to two of the most powerful males on this hunk of rock, and he planned to take advantage of that. They didn’t consider the other Helkan a threat, although privately Varo thought Omori and Adlar needed to rethink that. They had no clue just how devious the male was apparently.

Good thing they don’t.

The king and Adlar saw a lovely, sensual being and not the scheming desires Maylar carefully kept hidden. Varo remembered his father commenting once on his looks. He’d said Varo’s features were too pretty, not masculine enough. Then he’d smirked and said that many an empire had fallen to a pretty face.

“Are you done?”

Varo glanced at Maylar. The other male leaned against the wall, waiting for Varo to finish pissing. Well, it was the reason he’d come in here to begin with.

“Now remember, be friendly toward me,” Maylar said. “Getting you off planet isn’t going to happen overnight, but we need to establish a connection of sorts between us.”

Varo washed his hands. “Fine. What do I need to do?”

“Well for starters, ditch the attitude.” Maylar came off the wall and stalked toward Varo. “You act like you’re better than me, and you’re not. We’re never going to convince them we’re friends if you can’t act like you at least like me. Your status here is not that of a prince.”

Varo rubbed his temples, irritated that Maylar had a valid point. “You’re right, and I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…. It’s hard to change years of training. Some things are so ingrained and—”

“Having royal blood does not give you the right to act as if everyone else is below you.”

“Maybe not, but that was how I was raised.” Now that he was on the other end of the spectrum, so to speak, he was learning just how much of a snob he’d been. Funny how slavery could do that to a person.

“Omori and Adlar are royalty, and they don’t act like they’re above other Helkans.”

“That may be true, but you can’t deny there has to be a class difference between us and—”

Maylar shook his head. “Class difference? You Yesri really are something else. So pretentious and entitled. It’s funny, since in reality your people don’t have half the grace that our king has.”
Varo opened his mouth to argue, but Maylar cut him off. “Oh, never mind. We don’t have time to debate this. We need to get back before they wonder what happened to us.”

Varo snapped his mouth closed. The day would come when he finally got the last word with these people. He followed Maylar to King Omori’s office reminding himself every step of the way Maylar was a friend, to act like he liked Maylar, to smile and talk to Maylar.

Goddess help him.

They entered Omori’s spacious office. Spread out on a long wood table was several large sheets of paper. They looked like schematics. Omori and Adlar stood side by side, both men studying the designs.

“Yes, yes, I see what you mean.” Adlar shoved his hair out of the way. In one hand he held a writing device. “What if we—” Adlar scratched something out on one of the papers.

Varo stepped closer to see what Adlar studied so intently. He immediately recognized the stats for a battle bot, but this one looked different form the one he watched Adlar fight. This one looked much more dangerous.

Omori stared down at the measurements Adlar wrote. “Okay, that would compensate for speed, but what about linear momentum?”

“Hmm.” Adlar frowned at the machine. “The bot’s mass could affect linear momentum.”

“Maybe we need to change the single-phase capacitor to a double-phase.” Omori pointed at the schematics.

“Huh.” Adlar scratched his chin. “Maybe. The motor is brushless, right?”


Adlar tapped the drawings. “And the servo?”

“The servo and the brushless motor control their speed with a pulse train,” Omori said.

“Okay then, let’s increase the ratio frequency within the motor. That should affect the rise of the rotational speed.”

Omori scribbled down what Adlar said. “Got it. That may work, Adlar. Frack, that just may work.”

“That mean anything to you?” Maylar nudged Varo, grinning.

Be friendly. Friendly. He laughed. “Some of it. But I have to admit the interworking of any kind of motor stumps me most times.”

Adlar turned to face Varo, his hand resting on the small of Varo’s back. “How are you feeling?”

“Better. The rush was fast, but didn’t last long. Your Helkan rum is much stronger than I’m used to.” Varo caught himself leaning into Adlar and stepped, putting space between them. “So, do you think you two have solved the problem with your new bot?”

“Possibly.” Omori answered as he pulled Maylar closer and nuzzled his throat.

Adlar winked at Varo as the other couple focused on one another. “I think it may be time to go.”

Maylar’s husky laugh echoed through the room. “You could always stay… and watch.”

Varo shivered at the need he heard in Maylar’s voice.

“Or help.” Omori chuckled.

Varo flushed. He wasn’t interested, but it still turned him on. Which came as a surprise. He’d never been one for threesomes, or in this case, foursomes.

“Oh!” Maylar glanced at Adlar. “How long do you plan to stay at the palace?”

“We’re going to be here for a while. Why?” Adlar asked.

“If you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to give Varo a tour of the palace, at your convenience, of course.” Maylar shrugged. “He’s going to get bored with no one to talk to once you return to training the D’noir. I’d like to show him some of my favorite places to relax.”

“I…” Adlar glanced at Varo. “Varo? Would you be interested in seeing the palace with Maylar?”

“If you wouldn’t mind,” Varo answered. “I’d like to see it through his eyes, then yours. Frankly, I’m not used to just sitting around. I’m the captain of a starship and used to being busy.”

“Well then, I don’t see why not. But understand this, Maylar. Under no circumstances is Varo allowed outside the palace,” Adlar said.

“I understand completely. I’ll contact you in the next few days, then.” Maylar ran his hand over Omori’s chest, and then slowly slid to his knees. “But for now, I have a king to tend to.”

Adlar smirked as he took Varo by the hand. “We’ll just let ourselves out. Omori, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

“I… Gods!” Omori swore loudly as Maylar opened his pants, released his cock, and was busy tonguing the head. Omori grunted in response to Adlar as he buried his hands in Maylar’s hair.
Laughing, Adlar pulled Varo out of Omori’s office. They greeted several guards and other people on the way to Adlar’s chamber. Adlar turned down a private hall, still towing Varo along by the hand.

Varo discretely rearranged his shaft as he followed. What he saw had turned him on, as much as he hated to admit it.

Adlar opened his chamber door and yanked Varo inside. As soon as the doors shut Varo found himself pinned against them, Adlar’s mouth on his. Varo’s cock stiffened the rest of the way when an answering hardness brushed against him.

Seemed like he wasn’t the only one affected by what they’d seen in the king’s chamber. Adlar kissed him like he meant to devour him. Varo found his hands gripped then tugged up and pinned above his head.

Desire streaked through him, and he moaned into Adlar’s mouth as the feeling of helplessness washed through him. Adlar crowded closer, his body pressed close as he edged his leg between Varo’s. Spread out and open, he squirmed in Adlar’s hold.

He wasn’t trying to get loose.

No indeed, he liked Adlar’s hands on him, holding him tight. Adlar released Varo’s lips and kissed his way down Varo’s neck. Varo tilted his head back farther, giving Adlar room to… do whatever. Anything he wanted.

The dark thrill spread through his body when Adlar’s fangs nipped his throat. He shuddered, but not in fear. Adlar growl and crowded closer. Varo rocked against Adlar’s thigh, desperate for friction. His cock ached with need.

“Please,” he whispered.

Adlar moved back just enough he would see Varo’s eyes. “Please what?”

Varo rocked against him again, desperation fueling his movements. “I want… I want….”

Adlar nuzzled Varo’s throat. “Tell me. Say the words, Varo.”

“I want you. I want you to fuck me.” Oh stars, how was he going to give this up? No one he’d ever been with had made his body respond this way.

“You know what I want to hear,” Adlar whispered in Varo’s ear.

Yes, he did. For now he could give Adlar what he wanted. What they both wanted. Adlar had told him if he wanted Varo to beg, he would beg. At the time he was sure there was nothing Adlar could do to him to reduce him to begging.

He was wrong. “Please.” 

Adlar chuckled softly. “Now see? That wasn’t so bad. And yes, I’m going to lay you down on my bed and worship every square inch of your body. I’m going to tease you, torture you, and tempt you. Then I’m going to fuck you until you scream for me.”

Shuddering, Varo whined deep in his throat. “Yes! Oh please, yes.”

Adlar jerked him off the door so quick he gasped, and then gasped again when the room tilted. He found himself thrown over Adlar’s shoulder, one of Adlar’s hands on his ass to steady him.

“Stars and curses!” Varo yelled, shocked. He never dreamed Adlar could carry him like this. Now he couldn’t see much of Adlar’s chambers thanks to his hair in his face.
Adlar snorted.

Oh, so he thinks that’s funny, does he? Wonder what he’ll think about this then? Varo pushed his hands down the back of Adlar’s pants and grabbed two very firm, hard globes. He kneaded the flesh under his hand and was pleased when Adlar stumbled, and then righted himself.

Adlar’s hand came down on Varo’s ass—hard enough to get his attention, but not hard enough to truly hurt. Then he massaged the area. “Enjoy that while you can.”

Varo snickered as he palmed more firm flesh. He was tempted to see just how much he could get away with. What would Adlar do if he tried to finger him? What he wouldn’t give for some slick.

Varo squeezed the firm flesh. “Oh, I am, believe me.”

“Brat,” Adlar chuckled.

“Yeah? And what are you going to do about it?”

“You’ll see.” Adlar pushed open his bedroom door and dropped Varo to his feet. “Take your boots off.”

First one then the other hit the floor. Varo kicked them off to the side. Adlar stepped up to Varo and unbuttoned his shirt. He parted the fabric, letting it fall open. Varo’s breath caught as Adlar slowly reached out to touch his skin, dragging his hands up his chest until he reached Varo’s nipples. Adlar flicked both peaks, a slight smile on his face. Varo arched as Adlar rolled them between his thumb and forefinger.

“So sexy,” Adlar whispered.

Adlar’s fingers teased the nubs until Varo finally broke. Moaning, Varo reached for Adlar, planning to drag him closer, but Adlar spun Varo around until they were back to chest.

“What are you…?”

“Look.” Adlar nodded at his closet. A closet with full-length mirrors.

Varo saw their reflections. Surely Adlar didn’t plan to… “Oh, oh… mercy.”

Adlar wicked grin flashed. “Sorry, fresh out.”

Snorting, Varo leaned his head against Adlar’s shoulder and watched, heavy-eyed, as Adlar’s hands drifted down and undid the top button of his pants. Time crawled as Adlar dragged the moment out, slowly unzipping Varo’s pants.

Varo watched as Adlar ran his fingers across Varo’s stomach, and then dipped inside. Varo held his breath until Adlar palmed his erection. He’d never been so thankful Adlar made good on his threat about not ordering underwear for him.

Blowing in his ear, Adlar ran his fingers up Varo’s shaft, and then grasped his cock. Varo twisted his hips back and forth, grinding his ass into the bulge that prodded him. Goose bumps raced over his body as Adlar pushed his pants down, letting them drop to the floor.

Varo stepped out of them. His moment caused his shirt to flutter to the floor. They both gazed in the mirror—Adlar was still dressed, but Varo was stark naked. Varo thought it was the most sensual thing either had ever seen.

Varo’s cock pointed up, the fat head red and damp as it pointed toward his belly. Precome ran down the shaft. Adlar hummed in approval as he ran a finger over Varo’s cock. Together they watched as Adlar stroked Varo, then moved Varo’s long hair out of the way and nibbled on Varo’s neck.

“I want to drink from you.”

Varo reached up and hooked his hand behind Adlar’s neck. “Yesssss,” he hissed. “But first…”

Varo moved out of Adlar’s arms and sank to his knees. Quickly he worked to remove Adlar’s boots. He tossed them out of the way and undid Adlar’s pants. He slipped them down Adlar’s legs, pressing little biting kisses upon the smooth, pale skin.

“You look so sexy on your knees.” Adlar ran a hand over Varo’s hair, and then struggled out of his shirt.

Varo grinned up at him as Adlar tossed the garment across the room. He didn’t tell Adlar that he enjoyed having a cock in his mouth. Adlar’s smell alone made Varo’s cock strain: all clean male and a hint of something else, a musky scent that made Varo’s own dick twitch.

Varo licked the head while he rolled Adlar’s balls in his hand. Varo closed his lips over the dome of Adlar’s shaft and sucked the crown. He sighed in pleasure as Adlar’s fingers ran through his hair.

Taking an inch at the time, and hopefully driving Adlar mad, he eased down Adlar’s thick shaft. Varo smirked mentally at the harsh groan above him. Adlar was groaning now? Just wait. He planned to blow not only Adlar’s dick, but his mind.

He relaxed his throat and closed his eyes. He lodged Adlar’s cock deep, pressing his lips against Adlar’s groin. The strangled sounds Adlar made pleased him, as did having both of Adlar’s hands clutched in his hair.

Varo opened his eyes, wanting to see Adlar’s reaction. Adlar’s head was thrown back, and the cords in his neck stood out. Time for step two. Varo swallowed, and Adlar’s cock twitched in his throat.

Something between a strangled yell and a low growl escaped Adlar. Not wanting Adlar to come just yet, Varo eased Adlar’s cock out of his throat. He bobbed up and down, twisting his head as he sucked. Adlar thrust his hips, meeting Varo’s lips in a gentle kiss of flesh.

“Bed.” Adlar’s voice was full of gravel as he pulled Varo to his feet. “Now.”

Varo turned the sinful black bedspread down and pushed the silky top sheet to the bottom of the bed. He crawled up on the bed and lay on his back, waiting. The cool sheet against his hot skin distracted him, making him shiver.

He rubbed his legs against the slick sheet as Adlar watched him. Somewhere along the way it stopped mattering that Adlar was a Helkan. Varo wanted him, and that was all he cared about.

“Nice,” Adlar said, staring at Varo wiggling on the bed. “Spread for me.”

Varo opened his legs, and Adlar sat cross-legged between Varo’s spread knees. He reached over to an end table and retrieved the lube. He warmed it, and then stroked Varo’s cock. Varo sighed as Adlar’s talented fingers worked his shaft, and opened his legs wider.

Adlar slid a finger down to tease his hole. Varo threw any reservations out the nearest window. By the endless night, he wanted this. Adlar’s finger entered him.

“So tight.” Adlar worked his finger inside.

Varo tensed from the entry, a flash of pain crossing his features, his ring unyielding. In and out it went until Varo was able to relax. Then Adlar twisted his finger, hunting for his hot spot.

“Relax and let me in, Varo. You know by now I’m not going to hurt you.”

Varo struggled to loosen the guardian muscle. Adlar pulled his finger out, added more lube, and then worked two fingers inside. Varo grunted, and Adlar stilled until Varo eased the stranglehold he had on Adlar’s fingers.


“Oh… yes.”

Adlar’s fingers twisted. Varo groaned when they hit his hot spot. Varo arched on the bed. Why did it only feel this good with Adlar? He grabbed the silken sheets when Adlar found his prostate, his head thrashing on the pillow.

“There we go,” Adlar said.

Sharp sparks of desire slammed into Varo, spreading throughout his body. “Adlar.” Varo’s stomach muscles flexed as his balls drew up to his body. “I’m going to come.”

Adlar removed his fingers and coated more lube on his shaft. Varo rested on his back, waiting. He wanted to see Adlar’s face when he entered him. He needed to watch Adlar’s eyes light up as he thrust deep inside until he exploded. The memory would have to last him.

Varo pulled his knees up to his chest, offering his body to Adlar. Adlar covered Varo’s body, and then placed the head of his cock at Varo’s entrance, rubbing it across Varo’s hole. Adlar teased him as he spread the lube.

“Going to give you a smooth ride.”

Frantic little moans burst from Varo as Adlar pushed inside. He writhed under Adlar, urging him on. Adlar continued to push until the head popped inside. Varo jerked, and Adlar froze. Adlar rubbed Varo’s taut stomach, waiting for him to relax.

Varo blew out a breath and looked up at Adlar, nodding slightly. Adlar eased in, and then pulled out, only to press in farther the next time. The head of that thick cock stretched his channel as it eased deeper inside with each gentle push, and the pain simmered down to a slight burning.

Adlar shifted his hips and pressed against Varo’s hot spot. With a startled yelp, Varo pushed back against Adlar, seating him all the way. Pleasure exploded, dimming Varo’s mind as three words dripped from his lips.

“Adlar, fuck me.”

Adlar raised Varo’s legs up onto his shoulders, changing the angle of penetration. Each thrust nailed his hot spot. Adlar wrapped his hand around Varo’s shaft and pumped him. The faster Adlar drove into Varo, and the closer Varo got, the wilder he became.

“Frack. So good, so tight. You want it, don’t you? Want me to fill you up. Going to fill you so full you leak. Going to make sure everyone knows who you belong to.” Dirty encouragement fell from Adlar’s lips.

Varo edged closer to losing it, and Adlar slowed down, his thrusts becoming gentler and shorter. Once Varo backed off from the edge, Adlar started those long, hard thrusts again, throwing Varo back to the precipice.

“Please, Adlar. Please. I need to come. Let me come! Please, please.” Varo was babbling, swearing, and if thought it would do any good, he’d pray to inanimate objects. The sounds he was making were animalistic. “Please, Adlar, please, finish me off, please.”

“Come for me,” Adlar finally demanded.

He leaned over and sank his fangs into Varo’s neck. Varo yelled as he lost control and came. Adlar thrust harder, and then froze, buried balls deep. He groaned as he came, shaking as his orgasm ripped through him. They stayed like that, locked together, until Adlar finished feeding. He pulled back, licked the wound, and his cock slipped out.

“Okay?” Adlar asked, smoothing Varo’ hair back.

“I… yes. That was….”

“It just gets better, doesn’t it?” Adlar sat up before Varo answered. “Come on, let’s get cleaned up and go to bed.”

Unwilling to kill the mood, Varo followed Adlar to the bathroom.

Chapter Fifteen - Adlar

The next morning Adlar showed Varo areas in the palace not restricted to him. Maylar had asked to do this, but he wanted to be the one. Varo could get together with Maylar later. Adlar avoided planetary defense, communications, and other important hubs. Varo had no business there without him.

But there were other areas that would entertain Varo, like the art gallery and a well-stocked public library. The gardens were magnificent too. There were workers who tended them who would do tours and lectures.

As they walked down a hallway, they noticed a group of palace guards making their way outside. Seeing Varo’s interest, Adlar took Varo to the guards training grounds which were divided into sections. As luck would have it, several of the palace guards were already there training one of the numerous obstacle courses.

“Does any of those look familiar?” Adlar asked as they walked closer to the courses.

“We use many of the same type of methods, yes.” Varo pointed to some equipment on the closest course. “We call that the slide of life, and that over there? It’s the incline wall. The belly crawl is always well hated too.”

Other guards were sparring with swords or bots. Several paused and bowed to Adlar as he and Varo passed. He returned their greetings with a nod and a wave of his hand. Not a one acknowledged Varo.

“Well, well. Look at what the batar dragged in. Would you like to join us, Adlar?” One of the older guards, Tomack, yelled.

“Yes!” his younger partner added, his voice excited. “Show these old men how it’s done, your Lordship.”

The older guard smirked as he glanced at his sparring partner. “Pup, don’t make me put you on the ground in front of Adlar.”

Adlar grinned at the younger guard. Tomack was Captain of the Palace Guard and certainly no slouch. The male had earned the title. Adlar glanced at Varo. Tomack might be older, but he was still a prime specimen, and his experience wasn’t to be ignored.

He was so tempted to strip off and show Varo that he too was… Good gods. What am I doing? Trying to impress Varo with my skill? Or my body? The answer was a resounding yes to both, which mortified him even more. He wanted to see admiration and lust in Varo’s gaze… not the creeping desperation he’d noticed lately. Varo hid it quickly, but he’d still saw it.

“Sorry, Captain Tomack. Not this time. I’ve prior plans.” Adlar gestured toward Varo. “This is—”

“Prince Varo,” said Tomack as he moved closer to them. “Yes, your Lordship, we’ve heard of the Yesri prince.” Captain Tomack blanked his face as he turned to Varo. He didn’t bow, but he did nod his head in Varo’s general direction. “Greeting.”

Adlar noticed the slight, but didn’t call Tomack on it.

“Greeting to you,” Varo answered. “I was just telling Adlar we have some of the same obstacles on our courses too, but I noticed a few I’ve never seen. They’re very impressive. The logs in the water caught my eye immediately.”

Surprise flashed across Captain Tomack’s face. “Ah… thank you. I’m the one who came up with that. I call them the balancing logs. It’s great for balance and endurance. And the water they are in? Well, that little pond is ground fed and incredibly cold too.”

Varo stared at the pond, and then suddenly laughed. “Brilliant. The shock of the cold water takes your breath away, yes?”

“Oh, yes, most definitely.” Tomack nodded, a wicked grin creeping across his face. “That’s the endurance aspect of it.”

“Our captain has a bit of an evil side,” Adlar joked.

“Ha! Let him fool you not. He’s the one with an evil mind.” Tomack slapped Adlar on the back.

“I’m aware,” Varo agreed. “Would you mind if I took a closer look? Maybe see how the logs are used?”

“Sure.” Tomack waved at two younger men milling around. “Since these two seem to be at loose ends, they can demonstrate.”

Both guards groaned but walked to the logs. Varo looked to Adlar. With a nod, Adlar told him to go.

Tomack and Adlar stayed where they were as the young guards made their way onto the log. Varo stood at the edge of the pond, his questions drifting back to them on the breeze. They could hear his interest, and more importantly, his respect as he spoke to the guards.

Adlar waited.

Finally Tomack spoke. “He’s not what I’d expected.”


“No. I thought he’d be more… spoiled, I guess. Arrogant like the rest of his kind. ”

“Oh, believe me, he can be.” Adlar watched as the guards started spinning the log with their feet while still trying to stay standing. “It’s not as bad as it was in the beginning. He’s like a small child in some ways. He wants, so he thinks he should have. Make no mistake, he’s very smart. He has a starship captain’s rank.”

“But he’s not…” Tomack frowned as the also stared at Varo.

“Cruel is the word I believe you want. Having his freedom restricted, being forced to consider viewpoints he’d never considered before, and seeing us has been an eye-opening experience for him. We were the enemy before. Now he sees us as a people. People with needs, desires, and wants.”

Tomack turned to face Adlar. “You… respect him even though he wears a slave collar.”

Adlar chuckled as he too watched the guards on the log. Others had joined to watch, and the taunts and encouragements flew. “He may wear that collar, but he’s no slave. He’s too sure of himself. Confident. Able.”

“You haven’t tried to break him, then.”

“No. And I won’t.” Adlar scowled at the group watching the two males on the log. There were quite a few, and it was hard to see Varo in the midst of them. “There’s good in him, and I plan to bring it out.”

Tomack narrowed his eyes at Adlar. “Oh, frack me running. You care for him.”

“I do.” Adlar took a step toward the pond. Was there shoving now? Where was Varo? “It’s more than care, actually. Much, much more. He takes up every spare thought I have. I enjoy his company. I’ve even gone easy on him because the idea of activating the collar leaves me cold. I don’t wish to hurt him.”

Tomack sputtered. “Are you telling me you love him?”

Suddenly the fun and game atmosphere had changed, and Adlar strode toward the pond, uneasy. Tension had filled the area. “I’m not exactly sure what it is I feel for him, but—”

A yell came from the group, and a splash sounded.

“Oh, frack.” Tomack took off behind Adlar. “Oh fracking frack.”

Laughter sounded around the pond.

Adlar shoved two males out of the way. The guards were still on the log, so that wasn’t the splash he’d heard. No, in the ass-tingling, chest-high bitterly cold water stood Varo, bright blond hair dripping. A harsh, violent growl broke the sudden silence, and the males nearest him stepped back in fear.

“Who?” Adlar demanded to the group. The face of several terrified males looked back at him. “I asked who? Who dares to touch what is mine? Who wishes to feel my blade? I’ll skin whoever did this alive. ”

“Um, hey, Adlar?”

Adlar jerked his furious back gaze toward Varo, who waded over the side of the pond, teeth chattering.

“I, ah, slipped and fell in. You know what a klutz I am.” He held up his hand. “Can you help me?”

Adlar gaped at Varo. And he knew then, beyond a shadow of a doubt, he’d just fell in love with the hardheaded male. No one spoke a word as Adlar pulled Varo out of the water. Still glaring, Adlar searched the crowd which quickly dispersed, looking for anyone who appeared overly guilty. No one would make eye contact, which was probably just as well.

“Can we, um, return to your rooms? It’s rather chilly out here.”

Tomack came running with several towels. “Here. Adlar, I promise I’ll get to the bottom of this.”

Varo used one of the towels to wring the water out of his hair. The other one Adlar draped around his shoulders. “There’s nothing to get to the bottom of. I slipped and fell.”

Adlar grasped Varo’s chin and stared into those lovely brown eyes. “You slipped.”

Varo stared back. “Yes.”

“Are you sure that’s how you wish to play this?”

Varo didn’t flinch from his course, nor did he drop his eyes. “I’m not playing anything. That’s what happened.”

Still holding Varo’s chin, Adlar whispered, “Such grace in your actions. It will be as you say then.”

“Thank you,” Varo breathed softly, moving closer to Adlar as a shiver racked him.

Adlar dropped his hand, but not before tracing the soft skin of Varo’s jaw. “Come. Let’s get you out of those wet clothes.”

Varo turned to follow Adlar, but stopped as Tomack stepped in front of him, bowing low. “It was a pleasure and an honor to meet you, Prince Varo.”

Surprise flashed across Varo’s face. “T-thank you.”

Adlar nodded at Tomack, pleased at the sign of respect he’d shown Varo. One was supposed to bow low to royalty, and Varo was royalty… even if he did wear a slave collar.

Adlar led Varo back to his rooms. Varo took a quick shower to get the stink of the pond water off him and warm up. As Varo showered, Adlar received a message from his brother inviting them to the final meal. Varo walked in the main living area, dressed. He had a towel he used to dry his long hair.

“Omori has invited us for the final meal in his chambers again. It’ll be just us.”

“Oh, okay then. That sounds nice. Do you and your brother spend a lot of time together?”

“When we can. More often than not we have too many responsibilities that pull us this way and that. We can’t spend the time together like we used to when we were younglings.”

“At least you and your brother get along.” Varo shrugged. “Do you know what he’s serving? Maybe we should bring a wine or something to go with the meal?” Varo headed to the bathroom. “Let me dry my hair, and I’ll be ready.”

Adlar watched Varo leave, his thoughts returning to the training field. The Varo he knew would have shrieked loudly enough to wake the dead when pushed into that cold water. He’d even expected it.

Fact was, he really couldn’t blame Varo if he had reacted in such a way. He had. He’d been furious. The ones who pushed Varo were lucky not to feel the kiss of his blade. While he’d reacted with anger, Varo had reacted with calm. Had even denied someone pushed him. Of the two of them, Varo had acted more maturely.

Gods, how had that come to pass?

The question boggled his mind, so he ignored it. Instead he turned his thoughts to the meal and the wine Varo suggested they bring. They only thing he’d ever had to bring to dinner with his brother was himself. Apparently that had changed. Since he didn’t know what his brother planned to serve, he commed and asked.

You’re bringing a wine to go with the final meal? You? The only thing you’ve ever brought to a meal was your appetite.”

“Bite me.” Adlar rolled his eyes. So he had a point.

“I suspect this is Varo’s doing. Your prince might just class you up yet.”

“Again, bite me. I wasn’t raised by batars, and you’re a riot, ha-ha. Now tell me what to bring.”

Omori snickered. “Good thing I was raised with you, or I’d wonder. So, let’s see. What wine? A nice, dry green would go well with the meal. I suppose you plan to scour the royal wine cellar for it?”

“Well, I am a royal.”

“Why don’t I have the wine delivered to my rooms? It’d save time, and frankly, I’m hungry.”

“You’re always hungry.” He grinned at the small laugh he heard from Omori. “Send for the wine. We’ll be there shortly.”

Just as Adlar disconnected, Varo joined him dressed and ready to go. The clothes were casual, nothing special, but the pants hugged Varo’s muscular ass, and the shirt clung to his nicely shaped shoulders.

“Ready?” Varo asked.

Adlar stared at Varo. He wished Varo had left his hair unbraided. He liked it loose.


And maybe he should make Varo go change those pants. They really showed off his ass. It would be a shame if he had to knife someone on the way to his brother’s rooms for staring at what was his.

“Adlar!” Varo waved his hand in front of Adlar’s face. “Helloooo?”

Adlar flushed, and then a grin flashed across his face. “Sorry, I was… thinking.”

Varo hiked an eyebrow. “Thinking, huh? About what?”

“Nothing.” Adlar cleared his throat, slightly embarrassed at being caught gawking. “Omori is ready to eat, so let’s go.”


As Adlar strode past, Varo whispered, “I think you’re sexy too.”

Busted. He followed Varo from the room, admiring that fine ass in front of him. Discretely he rearranged his cock and hoped the final meal went quickly.

* * * *

They arrived and settled around the table to eat. Of course Omori pointed out the wine that set on the table, and of course he had to tell how it had arrived grinning the whole time. Adlar made a point of toying with his dinner knife, which made Omori smirk.

Varo poked at Adlar throughout the meal about the wine too. The food was good, the wine was perfect, and the company was entertaining. Adlar thought Varo had a nice time. He’d certainly acted like it.

He laughed, joked, and teased both himself and Omori. It was a side of Varo he hadn’t had much opportunity to see. But even with the lighthearted atmosphere, he noticed something dark that passed over Varo at times.

As they ate, he watched Varo. He was charismatic, knowledgeable, and perfectly comfortable dealing with other royalty. His thoughts turned to the few things Varo had let slip about his family and what he knew about the Yesri king. The male was no better than a rabid dog in his opinion. He couldn’t imagine what Varo had been subjected to growing up.

He and Omori competed often as children and later as adults. They thrived on it, but, at the same time, he’d gut anyone who tried to hurt Omori. His brother was a good man; that’s why he was a good king. And frack if he wanted that job. Oh no, he’d knife someone before the day was done.

Even though they closed themselves off from other races, Omori still dealt with some off-world politics. He had the patience Adlar didn’t have. That didn’t mean Omori didn’t know how to defend himself. He did. Adlar had taught his brother everything he knew. Omori might be the only one who knew Adlar’s weak points.

He was afraid Varo was now a weakness of his too.

“Adlar? Helkan to Adlar.”

Adlar snapped back to the present. Both Varo and Omori stared at him.

“If I’d been an assassin, you’d been dead.” Adlar heard the humor in Omori’s voice

“Right.” Adlar smirked at Omori. “You as an assassin. You have two left feet. The one thing you are not is stealthy.”

“But I am good with a knife,” Omori said.

Varo just shook his head. “Must run in the family.”

After the meal they spent some time with Omori, and then later they returned to Adlar’s room where Adlar fucked Varo through the mattress. Hours later he left Varo sleeping soundly sprawled on his bed.

One of the two Helkan moonbeams flowed through the window and fell on Varo. Had he ever seen anything as beautiful? As otherwordly? Adlar’s mind wouldn’t shut down so he could sleep, thus the reason he was up staring at moonbeams and Varo.

He sipped some of the green wine Omori had sent home with him as the night replayed in his mind. The scene in Omori’s rooms had been almost… homey. Varo fit in so well. So well, in fact, he couldn’t imagine the same scene without Varo.

He belonged there. He belonged with Adlar. His heart pounded as it became clear that he couldn’t see his life without Varo… as his mate. He’d had those feeling before, but now he knew there was no avoiding it. Horrified, he stared in his wine. What he felt went past want.

Somewhere along the way, he’d fallen in love with Varo.

How the frack had that happened? He was attracted, yes. He’d been almost from the start. And while he wasn’t looking, that feeling had grown. He liked Varo. He found the other male funny and interesting. Varo had a sharp mind even if he was a bit spoilt.

But how Varo reacted when pushed in the water not only impressed him, it made him respect Varo as a person. He’d respected Varo as a starship captain, but this was different. It opened his eyes to he was growing into being. Goddess help him. While he wasn’t looking Varo wormed his way inside his heart.

He needed…. He needed to talk to someone. He commed Omori, hoping he wouldn’t wake him. It was early enough he might be up and starting his day.

Omori’s face swam on the screen. “Well, hello.”

“Greetings.” Adlar sipped his wine and glared at the screen, not saying anything.

Omori hiked one eyebrow. “Um, okay. Did you comm me at the ass crack of dawn just to glare at me? Please tell me this isn’t going to become a habit. Not the way I’d like to start my morning, you know.”

Adlar ran his hands through his hair. “No, but now that you mentioned it…”

“Um, now that I mentioned… what?”


“Well, that certainly tells me a lot.” Omori snorted. “So precise, so articulate.”

“Can you even spell articulate?” Adlar sniped, swirling his wine in his glass.

“Good goddess, what are you? Ten? What’s with the attitude?” Omori studied the screen. A small smile crept across his face, and he chuckled. “Ahhhh. I do believe I see what the problem is now. I did wondered last night with you all distracted and stuff. Oh, how the mighty fallen.”

“Arrgh!” Adlar pulled on his long hair. “Why did I comm you again?”

“You’re a glutton for punishment?”

“Not hardly.”

“Well then, it must be because you, brother dear, just figured out that male sleeping in your bed means more to you than you were prepared for. He’s not just a slave. He’s not just a piece of ass, either. You’ve come to respect him, haven’t you?”


“You see him as an equal now, yes? Not just a Yesri who you can break, but as a male of worth.”

“Just frack!”

“You’ve fallen in love with him, haven’t you?”

“Aw, goddess, Omori. I can’t do this. He’s a slave, and a Yesri. And he’s a Yesri royal. Our people would never accept him. Plus I put a slave collar on him. A proud man like that? He’d never forgive me. They hate us anyhow. He can’t care for me, much less love me.”

“How do you know?”

That shut Adlar up. He stared at Omori who stared back at him, smirking. Varo had submitted to him in the bedroom, but that didn’t mean anything. He’d hadn’t raped Varo, but how consensual was his consent? How could they build a relationship off the start they had?

Relationship? He shook his head. He was getting ahead of himself. First he needed to know how much Varo hated him. “I made him a slave. A slave.”

“Adlar? I am king. I can change his status, you know. I can pardon him for his acts of terrorism too, but in return I’d need him to swear fealty to me. He would be rejecting his heritage and his people. That’s not an easy thing to ask of someone.”

“You don’t know he’d…. What makes you think he’d do that?”

Omori crossed his arms over his chest. “That’s the point, isn’t it? Give him the ability to make a choice. Since he stepped foot on our planet, he’s had very little chance to exercise free will. If he loves you, he’ll take the time to think about what he wants.”

“If he loves me.”

“Well now, that’s the question you need answered, isn’t it. Ask him, Adlar. Don’t assume, don’t guess, and don’t ignore this.”

Adlar sighed. “And if says he can’t love me?”

“At least you’d know.”

“It would change everything.” Adlar finished his wine.

“It’s changing anyway.” Omori glanced over his shoulder as someone off screen spoke. “Just a moment. I’m in the middle of something.”

“True.” Adlar knew their time was up. “Thank you. Sounds like you need to get a start on your day, so I’ll sign off.”

“Are you sure?” Omori turned back to the screen. “This can wait.”

“No, no, I’ve heard what I needed to hear, so go do your kingly thing.”

“Okay, but feel free to comm to me anytime. I always have time for you.”

“Thanks, Omori. Same goes for you.”

Omori snorted. “I have no love life to be concerned over. I’ll talk to you later.”

Adlar shut the comm down and stared at the blank screen. With Omori’s support, he could change Varo’s status. He could mate Varo. Some still wouldn’t agree, but it was his life. Most wouldn’t say anything to him, anyhow. They were too afraid.

His reputation was well-known and well-deserved. The ones who would talk behind his back would learn not to. He’d also find something for Varo to do. The man was talented and needed to contribute. They’d explore that after everything else was settled.

He was going to do this. He had no idea how Varo would react or even if Varo cared about him. Adlar thought Varo did. There was a look he’d seen, but was that enough for Varo to give up all he knew to stay with Adlar?

Varo would never step foot off Helkan again. And what about Varo’s men? Would they demand to be freed? This could turn into a big mess with far-reaching consequences. This could actually change their society.

He gulped. This could actually lead to him losing Varo. Could he keep Varo with him if Varo didn’t love him? Could he let him go? Was that even an option? The Helkans didn’t release prisoners. If they did set Varo free, he’d have to set Varo’s men free too. And if they did that, what would that do to their reputation as a people? Damage it, he was sure.

First thing after Varo woke, they’d talk. He’d tell Varo how he felt. And for the first time in a long time, fear ran its cold, bony fingers across his neck. He couldn’t lose Varo, but he couldn’t shake the feeling something was about to change.

Chapter Sixteen - Varo

Stretching, he reached for Adlar, but all he found was cold bed linen next to him. Rolling over onto his back, he stared up at the ceiling while his thoughts roamed pleasantly. His body still tingled and ached, but in a good way.

Adlar was a generous lover, but last night had been different. The sex had been mind blowing, as usual, but Adlar’s touch was softer. More gentle. More… loving. Adlar touched him like he cared. Like he was treasured.

No one had ever treasured him before.

It wasn’t just the sex that had felt different. The final meal had been…. Well, it had been more like a couple sharing a meal with a well-loved family member. This was something he couldn’t wrap his head around.

He’d rather face a pride of batar’s than voluntarily have a meal with his father. Time spent with the Yesri king wasn’t good for his digestion, his confidence, or any body part his menace of a father could reach with a fist.

It was obvious Adlar cared for his brother, though. So there were families out there that were capable of love. His farther saw such an emotion as a weakness. It was one reason he never allowed himself to care for servants, pets, or anything else that could be used against him.

Until Adlar.

The scent of food teased him and he looked up. The door to the bedroom opened and there stood Adlar holding a tray with one hand.

“Ah good, I was hoping you were awake.”

Stunned, Varo stared helplessly at the food. First meal in bed? The tray even held a small glass vase with a single sea blue moon rose. They were hideously expensive and only found on shade plants… like Helkan. Gods, did the flower grow here too? And what had prompted this lovely gesture?

“Come on, up you go. Need to eat while it’s still hot.”

With the help of Adlar, Varo smoothed the sheet over his lap and set the tray over his legs. “Um, that smells really good. Thank you. I’ve, ah, never had first meal in bed before.” Varo pushed his hair out of his face. “Well, not brought to me by anyone other than servants.”

“Excellent. A treat, then.”

Varo stared down at all the food in front of him. It all looked good, and suddenly he was starving. “Most certainly. Can I, ah, ask the reason for such a treat?”

Adlar shrugged as he stood by the bed. “I was in the mood to do something for you. This seemed like a good idea.”

Why won’t he look at me? Could he… could that be nerves I see? Oh, is that a blush on that pale skin of his? It is! “There’s a lot here. Join me?”

The grin on Adlar’s face lit up the room as he sat next to Varo. “I’d love to. Thank you.”

Varo quickly noticed a problem. There was only one set off eating utensils, and Adlar didn’t seem like he wanted to leave to get more. Adlar picked up the fork and scooped up fluffy teal eggs. The fork shook slightly as he held it up to Varo’s lips.

Varo’s stomach hit the floor.
He can’t be…. Does he know?Part of the courtship on his planet was not only providing food, but also feeding your intended. It showed not only could you provide for your mate, but also a willingness to take care of that partner. This couldn’t be a mistake.

Adlar had too much control to make such a goof. No, he had to know what he was doing. That begged the question then of why was he doing this. He didn’t know what they called bonded pairs on Helkan, but surely Adlar knew Varo couldn’t be a bond partner. He was a slave. One didn’t bond with a slave.

Did they?

“Let me, Varo. Please.”

Varo gulped. Adlar asked. He said please. He never said please. He didn’t have to; he was the master here.

Varo opened his mouth.

“I have something to say to you, but I need you to listen to me first. Don’t interrupt, please. You will have questions which I will gladly answer… after I am finished. Can you do this for me?”

Varo closed his mouth and nodded. Oh goddess, now what?

“Good.” Adlar forked up more food and held it out to Varo. “When you first arrived here, you came to cause trouble. To kill as many of my people as you could. Oddly enough, I do understand how you felt. My people harbor just as many unpleasant feeling toward your people too.”

Varo ate the food and hiked and eyebrow as he chewed. But we have reason. But did they really? Until he met Adlar he never thought of anything but what the Yesri needed. No other point of view matter.  

Well, that’s certainly changed. Amazing how having your freedom taken can enlighten one.

“I’m not going to debate why we find ourselves in this mess. This is our planet and our resources. We have the right to do as we please with them and no one has the right to say otherwise. But… I found you interesting. I don’t mind telling you I was slightly horrified over that.”

Varo snorted. You and me both.

Adlar held the drink for Varo, and Varo sipped carefully. A thin ribbon of happiness spread through him at Adlar’s treatment so far. “I imagine you felt the same. You’ve been trained to think of us as the bad guys. As your enemy.”

Varo shrugged. True.

“I also put a slave collar on you. In the beginning it was necessary—”

Shock had him speaking before he thought. “Oh that’s just—”

“Hush.” Adlar tapped Varo’s lips. “It was necessary. Give half a chance you would have tried to kill me, and I would have had to hurt you then. I didn’t want that. There were a lot of things I wanted to do to you, but hurting you wasn’t one of them.”

Varo stared at Adlar. And I enjoyed them.

“You were the enemy. Of course you’d take any opportunity to try to escape or kill me. I couldn’t allow that. And yes, I wanted to break you. Not destroy, though. I should’ve known then what was happening.”

Adlar fed Varo more breakfast, and then ate some too. “You are such a contradiction. So smart, fearless… a leader, obviously. You captained a starship, which is impressive. But, you were also so innocent. So naïve about certain things. I watched you grow, Varo. I watched you consider other points of view, even if you didn’t agree.”

Varo looked down at the tray. Yeah, and it was painful to see we might’ve been arrogant fools all this time. Nope, nothing horrifying about that revelation at all. He sighed.

“I also grew. You interested me from the start, but that interest changed. I wanted to know Varo, not the Yesri prince. What made you tick? What did you like? Who were you? Attraction was there from the start, but it grew into something beyond the need to break you. I wanted to… treasure you.”

Varo jerked his head up. Huh?

“Yes, I was surprised too. You responded so beautifully to me I swore I’d take care of you. My feelings changed. Then you saved me in that cave. Things could have gone much differently with you holding my weapon. I think that’s when I knew I was falling in love with you.”

Varo’s mouth fell open as he jerked back in the bed. He was done keeping his mouth shut. “W-what? You what? But that’s…. that’s not possible! We’re enemies. We’re totally different.”

“We’re not that different.”

“Yes, we are! If nothing else, I’m your slave. A slave. What about that? Are you going to… what? Claim me? Mate me? Keep me as your slave? What role will I have? What happens when you get tired of me? Will you trade me off to another?”

“Do you care for me, Varo? I just told you I’m falling in love with you.”

“By the stars you can’t do this to me!” Trembling, Varo stared at Adlar. “I will never fit in here, do you understand that? I’m hated here. I hear how they talk about me. You don’t get it. I have to…. I must get…. I can’t let myself—”

Do you love me?”

Enraged, Varo knocked the tray off his lap, food flying across the room as tears poured down his face. “Goddess help me, yes! I don’t want to, though! But I can’t live never knowing if you’ll get rid of me, if I’m nothing but a slave to you. I just can’t.”

Adlar grabbed Varo’s waving hands and barked out a command in his language.

Varo shrieked in panic, hysteria building. “Oh goddess, please no, don’t—”

The slave collar fell off onto the bed.

Well, that certainly stopped the blinding panic attack in its tracks. Chest heaving, both males stared at the collar. Varo’s hand crept to his throat. “Oh, oh my goddess. You….” Varo gulped hoping he could speak past the dry throat. “Y-you released it. W-why would you do that?”

Adlar watched the shock roll across Varo’s face. “Because I love you. I can’t keep you like this, Varo. I see how it affects you. I… I want you to be with me, yes, but as a free man. I want you as my mate. I want to claim you in front of my people so they’ll know how I feel about you.”

“You… you want me? I mean, officially? Really? You aren’t… ashamed of me?”

Adlar reached for Varo and pulled him close. “Never. Do you hear me? There is nothing to be ashamed of. I’d be honored to have you by my side. Are you ashamed of me? Of being mine?”

“Oh goddess, of course not. Why would I?”

“I could ask you the same. Your people don’t like me either.” Adlar kissed Varo’s sweaty temple. “But we’ll change their mind, won’t we? We’ll show them there is more to both of us than a name. That is, if you would do me the honor of mating me.”

Varo stomach dropped. In all the times he’d dreamed of this moment, it had never been like this. Then again, he never dreamed he’d fall for a Helkan. The gods had a wonderfully evil sense of humor.

Varo leaned back so he could see Adlar. He wanted to see Adlar’s face when he gave his answer. It might be the last time Adlar looked happy until the dust settled. “I would be honored to be your mate.”

With a shout, Adlar hugged Varo. The joy in Adlar’s voice brought tears to Varo’s eyes. “This isn’t going to be easy.”

“Nothing worth fighting for is.”

Varo discretely wiped his eyes and set back. “Okay. So, we need to prepare. How does your brother—you know, the male who happens to be king—feel about this?”

“He knows, and he’s okay with it. He told me from the start you were no slave.”

“Adlar, what about my men?”

Adlar sat back. “They belong to the males who took them, just as you belonged to me. I’d kill anyone who tried to take you. There’s not much I can do, Varo. What I can do is let you see them. Talk to them. I’ll see if their masters will sale them to me, though I doubt it.”

“Buy them. Gods, that’s just….” Varo shook his head. Now was not the time to try and change Helkan outlook on its slavery policy. But later…. “Okay, if you can buy them, then what?”

“Then they can live here and act as our servants. They will not be set free. Remember, you and your men attacked us. You landed on our planet with intent to cause harm.”

Varo sighed. “Yes, we did.”

“We can not ignore that, nor will we. You knew what the repercussions would be if you were taken alive. I’m sorry. I really am, but this is the best I can do.”

“Yes, we knew and agreed to try to attack. I just hate the fact they’re slaves.”

“I’ll try to make sure they’re happy, okay?”

I guess that’s better than nothing. Thank you.” Varo turned his head. Across the way food dripped down the wall. “Ah, sorry about that too. I guess I should clean it up.”

“We’ll clean it up. Together.”


* * * *

After they cleaned the mess Varo made, Varo took a shower to get the food off him. While he was in the shower, Adlar sat in the couch and commed Omori. He wanted a few minutes to speak to his brother alone.

Later they would go together later to speak to Omori in an official capacity, but for now, he wanted to savor this. Omori’s features swam on-screen, and Adlar told him what he’d done and what he planned to do.

“Congratulation, my brother. I’m happy for you. Can’t say I’m surprised to hear it. I’ve never known you to alter course after you set your mind on something. So you removed the collar. You told him how you feel. Good. Does he feel the same as you?”

“Yes. He said he loves me too.”

“Excellent. Never thought I’d see the day a Helkan and Yesri mate, but stranger things have happened.”

“Oh? What to name a few?” Adlar asked.

“Um, not right off hand. But I’m sure there are some. Somewhere. Maybe. Huh. I might need to set the royal scribe on this task on second thought.”

“I see your sense of humor is still as dry as a desert.”

“At least I have one.” Omori waited until Adlar stopped laughing. “What? I do. Anyhow, you plan to claim him, you said. Do you know when? I guess I should tell you now you aren’t going to be able to do this quietly.”

“What do you mean? Of course we can. All I want is a simple ceremony. Maybe in your private garden with a few friends and… okay, why are you laughing again? Frack. I hate when you laugh. Nothing good ever comes from that.”

“You are my brother,” Omori said. “You are the second most powerful male on the planet outside of my heir. Our people know you. You may be feared, but you’re also loved. Varo is a prince. Granted, a captured prince, but still a prince.”

“I’m not going to like this, am I?”

“‘Fraid not. Your mating will be announced universe-wide,” Omori said once again assuming the mantle of leadership. “The Yesri will probably not react favorably, but I’ll deal with that. Not much they can do anyway.”

“His father will probably blow a containment field.”

“Not just a gasket? A whole containment field?” Omori’s professional masked slipped, and he chuckled. “Well, let’s just say… one can hope.”

Adlar snickered. He agreed. A noise sounded behind him, and he cringed. He turned and there stood Varo. Well, frack. How long has he been there?

Varo sat next to Adlar, but didn’t say anything about what he heard.

Omori noticed Varo. “Greetings, Varo, and congratulations. Adlar told me everything. I am sincerely pleased to welcome you to my family.”

“Greetings, Your Majesty, and t-thank you. That... that means a lot to me,” Varo said.

“None of that royal title rot when it’s just us,” Omori said, waving his hand. “You’re soon to be my brother-in-law, after all.”

“Omori hates all that bowing and scraping that comes along with being king,” Adlar whispered to Varo.

Omori rolled his eyes. “Please. So you do, so don’t start on me. Anyway, as I was saying, I’ll have the announcement on-planet once you set a date. We can do it in my private gardens if you’ll allow me to open the palace for a celebration.”

“Oh good gods, this is going to turn into a circus.” Adlar settled back on the couch and pulled Varo with him.

“That’s the price you pay for being royalty.” Varo nudged Adlar with his elbow.

“Indeed,” Omori said. “Our people need to see the two of you together, Adlar. They need to see the feelings between you both. It will help with overall sentiment.”

“Yeah, I don’t like this.” Adlar sighed. “You do realize the nightmare security will be, yes?”

“It’ll be handled. This is too big to be kept quiet, so don’t ask that of me.” Omori glanced off-screen and frowned at something Adlar couldn’t see. He turned back to Adlar. “I have something to finish up here, and then I have session court. I can’t delay that. I’d like for you and Varo to attend me this evening for the final meal. We’ll talk more then.”

“Sounds good. We’ll be there.” Adlar said goodbye and shut down the comm.

Varo faced Adlar after the screen went black. “Are… are you sure you want to do this? It’s going to cause all sorts of ripples in your society.”

“I have no doubts. None at all. What’s life without some ripples? I’m not afraid to shake things up. Do you have doubts?”

“No, but it isn’t going to be easy. Besides how your people respond, there’s also my family. You jokingly mentioned my father blowing a containment field—and him being furious is a real possibility—but he could react in a totally different way than expected. You and your brother need to prepare.”

“What do you think he could possibly do he hasn’t already tried?” Adlar asked.

“The thing is, by mating me, you tie yourself to me—and through me… him. He might try to capitalize on our joining. He’d be your father-in-law, and as such he might try to claim the right to attend the joining.”

Adlar’s first reaction was to laugh. “Oh, he can claim all he wants, but Omori isn’t going to let him set foot on our planet. We’re certainly not going there for some contrived visit, either. I wouldn’t put it pass him to try to take me hostage and use me against Omori. Or take you hostage and use you against me.”

“He’d do anything to get his hands on the abundance of Black Phospolrock your people control. Anything,” Varo stressed.

“We are aware, believe me. Because of some species’ inability to take no as an answer, we had to set up the Satellite Surveillance Network that surrounds out planet. The Yesri was the main one, though.”

Varo took a deep breath then exhaled slowly. “I’ll tell you why. Our kingdom is close to being bankrupt. My father has made some unwise investments, but that’s not all. He’s used money allotted to certain branches of the government for other… things. Things that only benefit him. Jewels, silks, whores, other homes, outrageous parties… it never ends. His spending is shocking, but he keeps spending instead of cutting back.”

“We knew he was greedy.”

“Greedy and reckless. For the past several years he’s upped taxes, but the economy is still horribly unstable. The middle class is unhappy with him and the rest of us in the ruling family. The poor are desperate. Things are bad, Adlar. Really bad.”

“Is civil war possible?” Adlar asked.

“Maybe. The rich keep getting richer, and the poor keep getting poorer. My father ignores it all, but trouble is brewing under the surface. Now this. He will try something. This is too much of an opportunity for him to pass up.”

“For all the good it will do him.”

Varo took Adlar’s hand. “He may be vain and an ass, but he’s also ruthless. The only thing he cares about is money and power. Don’t underestimate him.”

“I won’t. Now come, let’s try the first meal again, shall we? I’m still hungry.”

Varo stood with Adlar. “I really am sorry about that. First time I had a meal in bed, and I messed it up. I really can be a jerk sometimes.”

Adlar placed a quick kiss on Varo’s lips. “There will be more times, I promise. Many, many more times.”

* * * *

After breakfast, he and Varo showered and dressed for the day.

“I’m meeting with the D’noir shortly for training,” Adlar said. “A little later I’m meeting with a couple of the palace guards who want to apply for a position with the D’noir. I’m going to need to test them to see if they have what it takes to join. Would you like to come with me? We could get in a workout if you’d like.”

“I’d like that.”

“Good. We can—” The outer door of Adlar’s chamber chimed letting him know someone was outside asking permission to enter. “I wonder who that is.”

He walked to the door and checked the screen. Outside stood Maylar.

“Odd. Wonder what he’s doing here.” Adlar opened the door to his rooms. “Greetings, Maylar. What brings you by?”

“Greetings, my Lord,” Maylar bowed to Adlar. “I happened to be at the palace and my business wrapped up early. I’m at loose ends until much later this evening when I have another appointment. I thought Varo would like that tour I promised him.”

“Oh. Well, I showed Varo around not long ago,” Adlar said.

“Ah, but I’ll show him around as a tourist. Our lovely palace looks different when viewed that way. Please?”

“It’s okay, Adlar.” Varo joined Adlar by the door. “We can work out later.”

Adlar glanced at Varo. “Are you sure?”

“I am, yes. Why don’t I meet you back here a unit hour before the final meal? I couldn’t take part in the interviews you have to do, so it works out. Is that okay?”

“That’s fine. But first, let’s get your retina and voice print scanned so you can access my rooms. This way you can come and go without problems.” It didn’t take long to scan the info into the door unit. “Okay, you’re programmed in.” Adlar kissed Varo. “See you later.”

“Can’t wait.” Varo watched the door slide close behind Adlar before turning to Maylar. “I’m rather glad to see you. We need to talk.”

“Is that a fact?”

“Yes.” Varo moved away from the door and deeper into Adlar’s rooms. “Things have changed from when we last spoke.”

Maylar followed Varo. “Indeed they have.”


Varo heard the whine of a phaser then his body jerked as his muscles spasmed. It wasn’t painful, but it was unpleasant seeing his limbs jump and shudder and not being able to stop it. He was no longer in control of his body.

He went limp and dropped where he stood. Horrified, he realized Maylar had stunned him. No! No, no, no! His body refused to respond to his desperate attempts to move, to call out… to do something.


But he could still hear, and what he heard shocked and terrified him. Staring up at Maylar, all he could do was watch as an unpleasant smirk twisted Maylar’s features as he holstered the stun gun.

Maylar stalked to where Varo lay on the cold stone floor. “You fracking Yesri whore.”

Maylar kicked Varo’s body, snarling, but thankfully Varo couldn’t feel the kick. Yet. “Did you really think I’d let you take what was mine? I told you how I felt about Adlar. Did you really think I’d allow you to mess everything up? You? You are nothing. Nothing!” Maylar ranted. “A Yesri, for goddess sake. Your kind should be exterminated from the galaxy.”

He dropped down next to Varo. All Varo could do was blink at him.

“He’s mine, you useless space junk,” Maylar seethed. “I’ve waited and planned too long to lose him now to the likes of you. Silly, silly prince. You should’ve just left like we discussed. It would’ve made things so much easier.”

Varo wanted to cringe when Maylar fingered a hank of his hair.

“What I should do is smuggle you out of here and sell you to the worst slavers I can find. But I won’t,” Maylar said. “What I am going to do is send you back to your loving family. Did you know I was there when Adlar commed Omori and told him how he planned to mate you? Oh gods, I was furious.”

Maylar rolled Varo onto his back. There was nothing Varo could do to stop him.

After a quick call on his comm he settled next to Varo. “I see Adlar removed the slave collar. Bet you liked that. Did that make you feel good? It works well for me too. He could’ve tracked you through the collar. But not now.”

Maylar’s hand tightened on Varo’s hair, and he rocked slightly in place. Again Varo wanted to cringe, and again he could do nothing. How had he missed Maylar was crazier than a blood-starved Calious bat?

“You nearly ruined everything, but once I get you out of here, everything will go back to normal. He’ll turn to me after you ‘escape’, and I’ll make sure he knows what an evil creature you are,” Maylar rambled. “Oh yes, it’ll be me he finally mates. Not you. Never you. Me.”

Maylar’s comm beeped, and he stood. With little problem he picked Varo up and tossed him over his shoulder. Silently Varo fumed. Maylar walked into Adlar’s office. He dropped Varo into a chair then made his way to a bookcase that covered one wall.

He tossed a slight smile over his shoulder at Varo, and then he pressed one of the sconces above the shelves. It opened to a dusty, unlit passage.

Are you kidding me? A secret passage? Seriously? I thought that was only found in romance stories.

There in the darkness he could barely make out two males who stepped out of the passage. Maylar’s smile was unholy. “Greetings, my brothers.”

Chapter Seventeen - Adlar

Adlar spent several unit hours with the D’noir for training. He and the other males broke for lunch then Adlar paired them up to work out alone. He returned to his office in the training facilities where shortly he planned to meet with the palace guards who wanted to apply for a position with the D’noir.

Since he had time before the scheduled interviews, he decided to shower and change into clean clothes he kept in a locker. He set them out on a bench, turned on the shower, and stepped inside. He washed and had barely finished when Tomack came running into the shower area.

“Adlar? Adlar!”

Adlar flinched and promptly dropped the soap. “Well, frack.” 

He’d never heard Toamack’s voice hit such a high note and hoped he never did again. He glared at Tomack, who was red in the face and sweating. “Gods, Tomack, are you trying to give me a heart attack?”

“What are you doing?” Tomack demanded as he grabbed Adlar’s clothes off the bench.

“Me? What are you doing? Do you have a star sickness or something? Put my clothes down.”

“Star sickness? But.... Put... Arrrgh!” Tomack threw his head back and yelled. Then, taking a deep breath, he rushed to the showers. “Get out! Out! Why are you in the shower for Goddess’ sake?”

“Seriously? Tell you what. You figure it out and let me know.” Adlar shut off the water. “Preferably outside.”

Tomack gaped at Adlar and started panting. “Oh… oh good goddess, you don’t know. Oh frack. Frack! Where’s your comm?”

“Know what? And what is wrong with you? You look faint.” Adlar stepped out of the shower and wrapped his hair up in a towel. He briskly dried off. “My comm is…. Well, it was on top of my clothes and….. Ah, there it is, on the floor. Must’ve knocked it off when you grabbed my things.” Adlar slipped on his pants and buttoned them.

“Adlar….” Tomack grabbed Adlar by the shoulders. “Don’t hit me, okay? I really, really don’t want you to hit me. So stay calm and remember you like me, okay?” Tomack gulped. “Varo escaped.”

The silence was suddenly very heavy. All he could hear was Tomack panting. White noise filled his head. Tomack was wrong. He had to be.

“W-what? He, he… what?”

The air rushed out of Adlar’s lungs. His hard-earned control evaporated as his head spun. Flashing dots appeared in front of him. Varo escaped? But, but, that was impossible. He’d left Varo in his rooms not that long ago and… and Varo loved him. He wouldn’t do that. Varo wanted to mate with him. He’s said so. Varo would not abandon him. He wouldn’t.

“Adar? Breathe! Frack, don’t you dare pass out on me. Or hit me. I need you to snap out of it!” Tomack yelled.

Finally the desperation got through. Adlar grabbed Tomack by his shirt and lifted the guard off his feet, a nasty snarl on Adlar’s face. “What in the frack is going on? What trick is this? Varo would not betray me this way! Tell me before I rip your fracking throat out!”

Tomack grasped the hands holding him off the floor. “Command commed me ten unit minutes ago frantic to find you. An unauthorized portal was opened in the Satellite Surveillance Network system. Adlar, please my Lord, calm down.”

“Frack! I’m as calm as I’m going to get. Adlar dropped Tomack back to the ground. “What you told me makes no sense. How could Varo open a—” Adlar snatched his shirt from Tomack and put it on. “This can’t be right. Are you sure it’s Varo?”

Tomack closed his eyes, a long breath escaping. “There is no mistake. It’s Varo in the shuttle. Command scanned it and the only life sign aboard is that of a Yesri. The DNA profile matches Varo’s too. It’s him. And… and, the private code used to open the portal so he can get through is a match to… I’m sorry, Adlar. I’m so sorry.”

“What exactly are you saying?” Adlar’s stomach dropped as he shoved his feet into his boots. “You said the code was private. A match to whom?”

“Omari. Your brother.”

Shock held Adlar still then rage beat it back. “Oh, that’s just raging batar shit.” Adlar surged to his feet. “Are you saying my brother did this? That he, what? Took Varo? That he helped Varo escape? Or that he kidnapped Varo and sent him away?”

“I’m not saying that at all.” Tomack held up his hands, palms out. “Command notified Omori as soon as the code was used to open the portal. So he knows his code was used. And no, he had nothing to do with Varo’s escape. He’s the one who sent me to find you.”

“Come on. I need to get to Command.” Adlar grabbed his comm and rushed out of the showers. “Varo didn’t escape. I promise you, he’s not on that shuttle voluntarily.”

Tomack ran besides Adlar. “Omori said the same. I think… I hate to say this, but I think we have a traitor in our midst.”

“I know we do.” Adlar ran toward Command.

Tomack ran with Adlar. “I’m not sure what he or she hoped to accomplish with this.”

“Doesn’t matter. When I find them, they’re dead.”

* * * *

Command was a nightmare. Red lights flashed a warning, but someone had muted the accompanying sound that signified a Code Red situation. The large screen across the room took up an entire wall.

On one side, Adlar saw a shuttle making its way toward the network grid. One the other side, radar had been activated. The Satellite Surveillance Network was clearly outlined in bright greens. It was plain to see one small section had been deactivated to allow the shuttle through.

Adlar immediately demanded the get a lock on Varo’s life sign and transport him out.

“Already tried, my Lord,” an officer answered. “We’re locked out. We can’t send you over, either.”


Omori moved next to Adlar. “Are you okay?”

“No, but I’m not going to snap either.”

“Good to know.”

Men and women ran from station to station doing whatever it was they did. Adlar didn’t care. All he could see was the shuttle slowly making its way to the opening in the grid.

Adlar stared at the screen as he spoke to Omori. “Has contract been established?”


“He’s not answering?” Adlar verified as he frowned at the screen.

“No. All we know is he’s on there and his vitals are mostly stable.” Omori held up a hand when Adlar jerked around to face him. “His breathing is elevated, but not dangerously so. That could be due to many things. Fear is one.”

“May I try?” Adlar motioned to the main control panel.

“Please do. We can’t override the code for some reason, Adlar. We can’t stop the shuttle from going through and transporters are locked out. I don’t like this. I’m having fighters’ readied.”

“What! Tell me you aren’t going to attack him. Omori, if you try to hurt him I’ll—”

Omori pointed at finger at Adlar, snarling. “Do not finish that thought! I am your brother and I love you, but even you can’t threat me. I know you’re upset.” Omori dropped his voice. “And scared. But trust me. Do you understand? The fighters are there to make sure no one tries to get in while he’s going out. They will not open fire on him.”                                    

Adlar swallowed. What had he almost done?

Omori nodded to someone at the main panel. “Open a channel again. Okay, Adlar, try to get him to answer.”

Adlar stepped up to the panel and clutched the edge. “Varo? It’s me. Adlar. Can you speak to me? I really need you to say something. Just tell me what’s going on. Talk to me. Varo? Can you hear me? Please, my princeling. Please respond,” he whispered.

Adlar didn’t care if the others heard him begging. He needed to hear Varo’s voice. Why wasn’t he responding? That made no sense, unless… unless he couldn’t.

“Nothing, my Lord,” the officer said who opened the channel. “Fighters are away and closing fast. The shuttle will clear the network grind in five… four… three… two… one… He’s gone through.”

“Frack!” Adlar yelled again.

“Fighters are at the portal, but not entering. Do I send them out, Sire?”

“No. I don’t want any fighters going through if the portal should close on its own,” Omori said. “Update?”

“Ah, the shuttle just went to warp. Fighters report no ships in the surrounding area. The portal just closed on its own as feared. Good thing we didn’t send the fighters through.”

Adlar watched the streaks behind the shuttle as its warp engaged. He felt sick. “Can you track it?”

“Um, I’m scanning….. Okay, yes, my Lord. The shuttle is headed for Yesri space.”

“Yesri.” Adlar clenched his fist. “I’m going after him. Ready a battle shuttle and—”

Omari placed his hand on Adlar’s shoulder. “There’s not enough time. He’s hit warp already. It’s not like their planet is on the other side of the universe. By the time we readied a battle shuttle, staffed it, and got it air-born, Varo will be landing in his planets air space. You show up and they’ll attack. What a prize you’d be. Sorry, but no.”

“Gods, his father.” Defeated, he turned to Omori. “Do you know what his father will do to him?”

“I can imagine. And we will do what we need to.” Omori hugged Adlar, and then stepped back. He turned to the milling men. “I want the security feed pulled from around Adlar’s room, the shuttle bay, and…. Cancel that. I want a team on this. Pull all feeds for the last ten unit hours. I want a report every unit hour even if there’s nothing yet to tell me.” Omori faced Adlar. “Come with me.”

The two men didn’t speak as they made their way to Omori’s private chambers. Once inside he ordered food and fixed Adlar a glass of green wine.

“I’m not hungry, and I don’t really want anything to drink. I need to—”

“Know what happened. I understand that, but I need you to calm down and think. You’re running on emotions, and you know what that can lead to.”

“Getting killed.” Adlar sat on the couch and dropped his head in his hands. “I do know that. But I need to do something He needs me.”

“I’m going to ask this then never bring it up again.” Omori fixed the wine and brought it to Adlar.

Adlar sat up and took it. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” Omori sat next to Adlar with his own glass of wine. “Now, did Varo arrange this somehow?”

“No. I don’t believe that.” Adlar sipped the cool drink and thought about what Omori asking instead of just reacting. “I refuse to believe that. The only way I will is if he tells me himself he ran. And only then if he’s under the affect of truth serum. He didn’t run.”

“I have to agree. He seemed very excited about the two of you mating.” Omori sipped his wine. “So, if he didn’t run, how did he get on that shuttle?”

“And who put him there.”

“And why.” Omori studied his wine. “Tell me what the both of you did this morning.”

 “Well, I fixed first meal for Varo in bed, and then fed him. I knew the significance of such an act since I researched it. It’s part of the courtship on his planet. Providing him food and feeding him showed I’m able to provide.”

 “Bet that was an interesting conversation.”

“To say the least. We talked—actually, we kind of had a fight—and I told him I loved him. He freaked. I released the slave collar and set him free. He freaked more.”

“Oh, I imagine,” Omori said.

“I told him I wanted to mate him. There were some emotional moments I won’t go into, but he agreed. We talked about how my and his people would react. He left to shower, and I commed you.”

Omori frowned.

“After that, I asked him to join me while I dealt with some training and later for the interviews. I then set it up so he could access my rooms. He’d agreed to come with me, and we were getting ready to leave, then Maylar showed up.”

Omori sat up. “Really? What did he want?”

“He asked if he could show Varo around. I pointed out I already had, but Varo wanted to go anyway. We made plans to meet later, and I left.” Adlar set his glass down. “Frack. I should’ve thought of this sooner. Maylar might’ve been the last one to see Varo. We need to find him.”

“We do indeed.” Omori put his glass down and stood. “He was there when you commed me, and he  heard you. He made a funny sound and dropped a glass he was holding. The look on his face…. He was enraged. I’d never seen such fury. I assumed it was because the contents splashed his clothes. You know how he is. But then he made some flimsy excuse and left immediately.”

“Are you thinking he was mad I planned to mate Varo? But why? I used him from feed, yes, but that’s all.” Adlar rolled his eyes at the look Omori gave him. “Okay. I might’ve been very generous with him, and well… maybe I gave him special privileges I gave no one else.”

Omori pursed his lips. “As have I. Very generous. In fact, it could be said I treated him like I would a mate. I trusted him, and because of that, I spoke frankly in front of him.”

Adlar paused, then slowly spoke. “As… as I have. Are you saying Maylar had something to do with Varo being in that shuttle? But why? What would he have to gain from that? It makes no sense.”

Omori sighed. “We’re jumping to conclusions anyway. We don’t know he had anything to do with this. We’re not even such what this is.”

“I know Varo didn’t leave voluntarily. That’s the one thing I do know in this.”

Omori tried to contact Maylar, but Maylar had set is comm to a auto-message only. It said he was with a client for the next twenty-four unit hours.

A unit hour passed and the first report can in, but it contained no information. Omori assigned more people to go through the feeds. They needed much faster results. Adlar ate, but he didn’t taste the food.

He paced, but he didn’t pay attention to where he walked. He was a man of action, someone who did what he had to do. Taking control was nothing new to him. Now all he could do was wait. And worry. Which he did in spades.

He hated this.

His mind continently turned over what happened. If they could’ve gotten to the shuttle, they might have been able to get a tractor beam on it. If they’d questioned the code instead of just allowing it to disembark, Varo might be here now. If he hadn’t left Varo that morning… and this was pointless.

Time passed slowly for Adlar. Adlar paced, schemed, and fretted. Varo would be on planet by now. How had he been received? What explanation had Varo offered as to how he’d escaped? It was well know no one escaped from Helkan so had the Yesri king believed whatever story Varo came up with? More importantly, how was Adlar going to get Varo home?

He butted in on the in-coming reports from the feeds, questioning the other person until they were often reduced to stutters. Omori put a stop to that by threatening to send Adlar back to his own rooms. Which Adlar didn’t want, so he stopped—with only minimal growling. From the corner of his eye, he kept an eye on the ever-moving clock.

“Anything?” Adlar questioned again from one corner of Omori’s rooms.

Omori shook as head as he ended the transmission. “They’re still going through the various feeds.” He turned to face Adlar. “There are a lot of feeds to go through, so this may take a while. Why don’t you—”

“If you’re about to suggest I leave, please, don’t. I think I may lose my mind if I’m alone.”

Omori walked to where Adlar stood and pulled Adlar into his arms. “Then stay if that helps. I want you to do whatever will help you the most.”

Adlar hid his face in Omori’s hair, his feelings choking him. “I fear for him. His father…. I can’t help him, and it drives me crazy. I want to kill something and there’s nothing to kill! I love him, but… goddess help me, I hate to say this, but he may be a weakness. My only weakness, and… and—”

“You can be hurt through him.”

Adlar shuddered. “I… yes. Oh gods, yes.”

Omori chucked softly under his breath. “My brother, love does not make you weak. You love me—not in the same way, of course—but you do love me. Has that ever made you weak?”

“No.” Adlar sighed. “No, it hasn’t. But you are king. There’re many men here who would lay down their life for you. Varo only has me.”

“And you are deadly.” Omori rubbed Adlar’s back. “The most deadly male I know. Don’t forget that. There’s very little you can’t do.”

Adlar stayed where he was at, letting Omori comfort him. It had been so long since he let his guard down and allowed someone to get close to him. Even his own brother. As Omori’s warmth seeped into him, he wondered why he’d shut everyone out.

Even killers had friends.

Or did he? He thought about it and decided what he had was actually acquaintances. It was so hard to trust. Outside of Omori, he really didn’t fully trust anyone. Until Varo. He couldn’t lose the man, not now. They had too many things left to do together. 

Adlar breathed deeply, then let his fear go. Fear was the mind-killer. He did not fear; he was fear.


“Yes.” Adlar stepped back. “Thank you.”

Several more unit hours had passed, but he was calm now. They’d find out how Varo got off planet then he’d… well, he’d take of it. Then he’d go and get his mate. Nothing was going to stand in the way of him and the male he loved. If he had to kill a couple of Yesris to do it, so be it. And if he found Varo harmed, the king had better pray to his Yesri god for help.

Not that it would do any good.

Another few unit hours passed. At some point he lay on the couch in Omori’s main living area and dropped off to sleep. The soft murmurs of conversations floated around him as Omori spoke to people about the feeds, but he ignored it. Nothing in Omori’s voice changed signaling a lead so Adlar let himself go deeper.

The voices faded and blessed peace stole over him. He drifted; his mind was pleasantly empty. As he relaxed his thoughts focused on Varo. That blond hair and those sparkling brown eyes called to him. He reacted to seeing his mate.

A yearning filled him as he watched the two of them kiss then touch. Clothes fell to the floor. A bed draped in white was close enough for them to fall into and make love. The fact he saw Varo in his dreams was no surprise.

No, the surprise was it was him with his legs in the air being plowed.

Never had he thought about bottoming. Oddly enough, watching Varo over him didn’t stir any feeling of repugnance. In fact, his excitement he felt in his blood said he’d have no problem letting Varo make love to him. He trusted Varo like no other, outside of his brother.


One word and Adlar was wide awake. He sat up on the couch and swung his legs onto the floor. The look on Omori’s face said it all. “Who?”

“They found something.” Omori ran his hand through his hair. “I-I’m sorry. It’s Maylar.”

Fury filled Adlar, but he pushed it back. Omori’s face showed signs of stress and shock. For once he looked old. Old and tired. Adlar hated that look on his brother’s face. The man looked… not only shocked, but devastated.


Omori ran his hand through his hair again and jerked at the tangles from the all the previous times he’d do that.

Adlar came off the couch in a hurry. He grabbed Omori’s hand. “Hey how, easy. No one wants you to be bald.”

“I can’t believe he did this. I… why? What was he thinking? I trusted that male. Frack, we both did. I… I cared for him, Adlar. I didn’t love him like a mate, but I did care for him. I shared with him so many things… including you.”

Adlar hugged Omori. He had no idea Omori’s feelings went that deep for Maylar. “Okay, tell me what you know.”

Omori signed and stepped back. “The feed shows Maylar showing up and then you leaving your rooms. You said they were going to sightsee and the feed does shows them leaving. But… one of the techs didn’t like how images looked. He examined the feed and found the image of them leaving was faked. It had been spliced in. They never left your rooms.”

“Then this was no spur of the moment thing.”

“Maybe. Maybe not,” Omori said. “A shielded comm to someone in security is all that would be needed. I’m sure it wouldn’t take long to find feed of Varo and then of Maylar and splice that together and added it to the feed outside of your rooms. Anyone who worked in Security would know how to do that.”

“And we can’t track a shielded comm.” Adlar clenched his fist. “What happened next?”

“Another feed from a shuttle bay shows two A’moor wrestling with a large container.”

“A’moor, huh?” Adlar said. “You’re sure?”

“Yes. There’s no mistaking the designs on their clothes. We couldn’t get a read on their faces though. They were covered.”

“The same organization Maylar is part of. Interesting.”

“Isn’t it?” Omori asked. “After they loaded the container, one left the bay while the other took the shuttle out. Radar showed the shuttle ascending. Just as my private code was activated, the shuttle transport was activated.”

“So whoever was on the shuttle transported off. I’m assuming this shuttle is the one that carried Varo out of here?”

“Yes,” Omori said. “We traced the transport back to the palace, to one of the many conference rooms. And wouldn’t you know it, the feed in that section was on the fritz.”

“No question this was an inside job then,” Adlar said.

“We still don’t have an ID on the two A’moor or who helped in Security.”

“Ah, but we know whom to ask, don’t we?” Adlar growled.

“Maylar,” Omori agreed. “Want to bet he’s not with a client?”

“I think he may actually be,” Adlar said. “He went to a lot of trouble to do this. He might’ve pulled it off if it hadn’t been for that techie. I say we make a call on Maylar. Can you find out his client? And do it quietly? Last thing we want is for him to know we’re on to him.”

“He mentioned a name. The male is located outside of town.” Omori told Adlar the name Maylar left on his comm.

“Huh. Interesting. I thought that male used females for feeding. Doesn’t matter. If the client is out of town that leaves you out. No way can you leave here without the Royal Guard involved, and there goes stealth. That means it’s just going to be me.”

Omori grabbed Adlar’s hand. “You aren’t going to like this, but I’m going to ask that you don’t kill him.”

“Oh frack me running.” Adlar jerked away. “Maylar deserves to die.”

“And I’m asking that you don’t kill him. I promise he’ll be punished, but don’t kill him. Please. Do this for me.”

Adlar dropped his head and signed. “Fine. On one condition.”

“Which is?”

Adlar glanced up. “He lives as long as I get Varo back. If for some reason Varo dies, then Maylar dies. A life for a life.”

Omori took a deep breath then nodded.“Agreed.”
After another quick hug, Adlar left and returned to his rooms. The silence haunted him. The place smelled of Varo. Everything he looked at reminded him a conversation they’d had, or a laugh they’d shared.

Adlar hurried to where he kept weapons and strapped several on him. As he left the room, his reflection in one of the windows stopped him. Night had fallen. Stepping to the window he stared up at the sky.

“What are you doing now, my mate? Are you safe?” He touched the cool glass. “I’m on my way, Varo. Hold on.”

With that, he headed toward his shuttle. He couldn’t wait to see Maylar. While he’d said he wouldn’t kill the other male, he never said he wouldn’t kick Maylar’s ass all over the planet.

Chapter Eighteen - Varo

Varo sat in the shuttle pilot seat, still unable to move. Even though he fought his body, he couldn’t raise a finger. Listening to Command trying to hail him nearly drove him mad. No matter how loudly he yelled in his head, not a peep came out.

He didn’t even twitch. Frustration rose when nothing happened. His body stayed still. He could blink. He could swallow. His breathing was fine. He just couldn’t move. All he could do was sit there and stare at the Satellite Surveillance Network the shuttle was rapidly approaching.

Maylar, the one-eyed space slug, had told him everything. Varo knew he’d get through the grid no problem, then the shuttle was programmed to jump to warp. Maylar had even activated the autopilot… for Yesri space.

He had to do something before—

“Varo? It’s me. Adlar. Can you speak to me?”

Oh gods. That was Adlar. Varo closed his eyes, fighting not to scream. Okay, scream silently since all he could do was breathe at the moment.

“I really need you to say something. Just tell me what’s going on. Talk to me.”

Tears leaked from the corners of his eyes. This was so fracking wrong. He sniffed. Now he’d picked up Adlar’s favorite cuss word. The tears ran faster.

“Varo? Can you hear me? Please, my princeling. Please respond.”
He squeezed his eyes closed harder. He certainly never thought he’d hear such desperation in Adlar’s voice. Such pain. His Adlar wasn’t one to beg.

And now he was.

That star cursed Maylar. Varo opened his eyes. If he ever got his hands on Maylar, he’d happily kill that Helkan. As he watched the grid come closer on the screen, he knew he was running out of time. The shuttle’s radar showed an opening in the network’s grid. The shuttle was going to clear the network grid with no problem.

He cleared the grid with no problem. Of course. The one time he wished his vehicle would have been disabled it passed through no problem. There was a time not long ago he’d been celebrating such an easy escape.

Now all he could do was sit there and cry. Even that wasn’t going well for him. He couldn’t wipe the tears off as they trailed down his face. Cursed things tickled. There was a slight jerk as the warp engine engaged almost immediately after clearing the grid.

It wouldn’t be long now.

He sincerely hoped the stun wore off before he reached Yesri air space. If he couldn’t talk to Space Control, they might blow him out of the sky. He was in a Helkan shuttle, after all. Then again, it wasn’t every day a Helkan shuttle show up in Yesri space. They might just use a tractor beam on him instead.

He sat in the pilot seat, watching space zoom past. Not like he could do anything else. He snarled silently in his head as he tried to lift his hand. There was a tear slowly made its way down his cheek, over his jaw… and was now taking its sweet time winding its way down his neck.

What he wouldn’t give to be able to wipe his face. To feel the grind of the fragile bones in Maylar’s neck in his hands. He distracted himself with thoughts of the other male turning blue under his hands, those yellow eyes of Maylar’s bulging.

His cheek twitched as he enjoyed the scene he’d painted in his mind. Oh yes, once Maylar passed out, he would.... Wait! His cheek twitched. Twitched! He promptly shoved the pleasant daydream of strangling Maylar out of his head and focused on his face and… did it again!

Oh, that was the most glorious feeling ever.

Not only did his cheek twitch, his nose itched. Before he realized what he was doing, he’d wrinkled it in an effort to stop the itching. The itching spread over his body. Varo’s eyes crossed. Oh gods, the urge to scratch was madding.

Gritting his teeth… hey, he could grit his teeth! He glared at his right finger. Move your right index finger. Come on, move it! Move it now. It twitched, then moved. Yes! Varo fought back another round of tears.

He fought his body every step of the way, but right before they entered Yesri space, he regained control of his body. “Finally!”

Now that he could move, the first thing he did was try to override the shuttles navigation systems. If he could, he’d enter new coordinates and not end up in Yesri space. Anywhere was better than here. His fingers flew over the controls.

He slammed both fists down on the console. “Goddess, give me a break! Just one break!”

He couldn’t override the system. Panting, he looked as the shuttle signaled a decrease in speed. Everything slowed down as he dropped out of warp. And there before him was Yesri.

He was hailed immediately by the Yesri Space Control. “Unknown shuttle, identify yourself. You have entered Yesri air space. You have one unit minute to respond before we open fire.”

Varo blinked at the screen. “Well, that’s that. I die here. Shot down by my own people. Oh, the irony of that just—”

The shuttle’s control systems piped it. “Shuttle computer released. Manual control returned.”

Stunned, Varo stared at the shuttle’s panel. Then he leaped at the controls thankful to see Helkan technology was so similar to theirs. He knew how to work the shuttle’s control panel. “Oh stars! Thank you, Goddess!”

Frantically he opened a hailing channel and responded. “Yesri Space Control, this is Varo Kutchif. I repeat: this is Prince Varo Kutchif. Do not open fire. I repeat: Do not open fire! Scan, for stars sake, and verify that it’s me. I didn’t escape that nightmare of a planet to get shot down by my own people!”

Forgive me, Adlar, but they can’t know how much you mean to me or that I love you. I won’t give my father that kind of power over me. Or you.

Yesri Space Control responded instantly. “Helkan shuttle, stand by, but please halt descent.”

“Understood.” Now that he could access the shuttles controls, he did as they demanded.                                                          

“Scan completed. By the goddess, it’s great to see you, Prince Varo. Please continue descent. A tractor beam will engage shortly and bring you in. The king has been notified too. We’re so glad you’re okay.”

“Thank you,” Varo said. “It’s good to hear a familiar voice.” That’s a crock. I just want to go home.

Funny how home wasn’t what was in front of him. Varo collapsed in the pilot chair and stared out at the last place he wanted to be.

* * * *

Chaos ensued. Once he landed at the designated landing port, armed forces were waiting. This didn’t surprise him. Last anyone heard, he’d been taken hostage by the Helkans. No one escaped the Helkans. Ever.

But there he stood.

In a Helkan shuttle, no less. He envisioned the next several weeks full of nothing by debriefings and explanations. He’d decided to keep his versions of events as close to the truth as possible while on the way here.

The Yesri didn’t need to know he fell in love with his enemy, or that he planned to mate him. Nor did they need to know the male he loved was the only brother to the Helkan king. They also didn’t need to know he never planned to return, or that his loyalty was to Adlar… a Helkan.

If his father found out, he’d never see the light of day again. Or worse. His father would take him hostage to use against Adlar and the Helkan king. That was if he didn’t kill him outright. He and his father never got along well to begin with, and the male had a horrible temper.

After a guard thoroughly checked him for weapons, an armed escort took him the palace. No one spoke to him, for which he was grateful. He needed time to get his head straight and ready himself to lie through his teeth. And pray.

Once they arrived at the palace, the guards brought him to a private, well-furnished room. The floor was a gray stone shipped in from another planet. Very expensive, Varo knew. Also easy to clean. The walls were painted a lighter gray and bookcases lined one wall, the wood rich and dark. There were no windows. A table sat in the room laden with food and drink.

Varo wasn’t fooled. This was an interrogation room. Just one of the nicer ones. So they were going to get right to it, it appeared. Not even going to do a medical check to see if he had any injuries. Figured.

Varo was shocked to see only his father there. He’d assumed his father’s advisors would accompany him. Varo was wrong, and he didn’t know if that was a good thing or a bad one. It didn’t matter either way. Varo stared at the male who fathered him.

King Drea Kutchif was an imposing male. He was the same height as Varo, but there the similarities ended. His Majesty had a barrel chest and massive arms that held an impressive amount of tattoos. With that chest and arms came a belly that stuck out over equally massive legs.

Other species often mistakenly thought his father was overweight and out of shape. They didn’t understand that layer of fat covered hardcore muscles. King Drea had the training of a warrior too and was deadly. Deadly with a temper was never a good match. As a child Varo had seen the male snap an enemy’s neck without breaking a sweat.

King Drea indicated to the chair across from him with the bejeweled cup he held. “We are very interested in hearing your tale, son.”

Varo barely kept from rolling his eyes. His father employed the royal ‘we’ when referring to himself. So self-important. It annoyed him endlessly. Varo never heard Omori do that.

Varo silently braced himself. “Where would my Royal Highness like me to begin?”

King Drea waved his hand. “At the beginning, where else?”

It was going to be a long day.

* * * *

Several unit hours, and a pitcher of water for Varo’s parched throat later, Varo was to the part where he escaped.

“Maylar helped me to the shuttle and programmed the coordinates for Yesri space. Well, that’s the truth. He told me that it was a shuttle in for repairs. That was why it wasn’t missed immediately.”

“How did you get through their grid the second time?”

“I’m not exactly sure,” Varo said. “I didn’t exactly have time to ask, and frankly I didn’t care. Maylar programmed a code into the shuttle’s control panel. I’m not sure who it belonged to, but he said it was someone high-ranking. I’m also not sure how he kept me off their radar, but he managed. As I got to the grid, a portal opened. Out I went. As soon as I did, I went to warp.”

“Who is this Maylar?”

An ass. He’s part of the A’moor. They’re a group of males and females who make a living by volunteering their services to other Helkans who need to… feed.”

“So the rumors they drink blood are true. They have those who…?” King Drea asked.

“Basically let other Helkans feed from them. The A’moor provides a service and are paid.”

“And what other services do they provide? Sexual services too?”

“More often than not, yes.”

“Ah, We see. They’re blood whores.”

“Actually, Sire, they’re held in high regard.”

“You would argue with Us?” King Drea demanded.

“No, of course not.” Varo inclined his head to show submission. Had his father’s temper always been so short? “I’m just telling you how the Helkans regard them, that’s all.”

“The Helkans are little more than animals,” King Drea sneered. “We say the A’moor are blood whores, so thus they are. Now, how did you meet this Maylar?”

“As I told you the Helkan who held me forced me to call him my master. I never knew his name. When Master was ready to feed, he sometimes employed Maylar. Mster had two males and a female he called upon. As I said, Maylar was one of those he called. We became friends. And…” Now look him in the eye and lie, lie, lie.

“And? Now is not the time to be coy, Varo.”

“This is hard, father. The Helkan was… abusive. He slapped a slave collar on me, and believe me, he activated it often. He starved me. He denied me water. He locked me on a dark room. Unfortunately, he didn’t leave me there. I fought him, but he finally managed to break me. The pain that collar cause was indescribable.”

King Drea snorted. “We always knew you were the weak one.”

“Yes, Sire. >You bedamned space slug.
Once I stopped fighting, he started raping me. He then… starting feeding from me. If I resisted, he activated the collar. I often passed out from the pain of the rape and blood loss. When I woke, I’d be bloody and bruised. Maylar was often there, and he helped… clean up.”

May the gods forgive me. The lies choked him, but the king was eating it up. The manic gleam in his eye scared Varo. How had he never noticed this? His father was getting off on his pain.

“We wish to know if you let the whore fuck you.”

Varo reared back. >You’d think I wouldn’t want anyone fucking me if I’d been raped. What is wrong with him?
“Of course not. Adlar would’ve killed Maylar.”

“That still doesn’t explain why this Maylar helped you.”

“Adlar had a female feeder, remember? The female was Maylar’s sister. Adlar abused her too. The male is a sadist. Maylar knew what was being done to me and tried to help. Especially after Adlar killed Maylar’s sister. Maylar told me this.”


Varo swallowed his disgust as he made up a story. He worried this little tale wouldn’t stand up, but the king was buying it. He was obsessed with the pain and gore, so Varo gave him what he wanted.

Most with half a brain in their head would’ve questioned things more, but the king considered Varo too weak to try and fool him. Plus the king was enjoying the story entirely too much. It was disturbing how he hung every word of Varo’s pain and humiliation.

As Varo told his story, he noticed the king’s dilated pupils and flushed face. Was he… aroused? Gods. Varo took a long breath as he tried to see if there was anything…. Yes. He smelled the faint sweet hint of faylay.

It was a greenish-gray mixture of the dried, shredded leaves and flowers from the Fayannabis plant. It could be smoked or eaten. It had a psychoactive chemical which caused hallucinations, anxiety, fear, distrust, or panic. It was also known to cause psychotic breaks.

If the king was abusing the drug, it would explain so much. It also meant he was in more danger than previously thought. His king was wasn’t in his right mind and held a lot of power. Never a good thing.

Suddenly King Drea stood and reached toward Varo. Varo tried not to flinch, but he couldn’t help it. Well, at least that fit the behavior of someone abused and broken. The king’s lip twitched as if he enjoyed that sign of discomfort, then he smoothed his hand over Varo’s hair.

“There, there. You have had a truly trying time, my son. We admit We assumed you’d take your life once We found out you’d been taken. You did try to do a worthy thing; it just didn’t work out. A shame, that. We would have most pleased if you had succeeded.”

If I had succeed I would have died.Varo suppressed a shudder at the king’s touch. “They told me you tried to ransom me. Thank you for that.”

“Yes, well, We did what we could. Go to your chambers and rest. And here. We assume you need a new comm.” King Drea held out the comm.

“Thank you. Mine is long since gone.”

“We will talk more. We wish to know more about your time with the Helkans and what became of your men. The men you left behind.” King Drea sniffed. “Until tomorrow, son.”

“Until tomorrow, Sire.” Varo stood and bowed to his king. He refused to react to the jab about leaving his men. Once his father had removed his royal person, Varo left the room too, only to be met by more guards. So maybe his father wasn’t as far gone was he thought.

The guards followed him back to his chambers. He shut the large, double doors to his chambers in the guards’ face. Leaning his head against the door, he listened but he didn’t hear footsteps leaving. So he had posted them outside his door.

Were they assigned to him indefinitely? If so, there goes grabbing another shuttle and heading out of here. His father didn’t trust him, that much was obvious, but he wasn’t sure why. Had he somehow heard how things between him and Adlar really were? He sincerely hoped not, or he would be in dire trouble.

He looked around his room. Not much had changed. He did notice some of his more expensive décor was gone, but that didn’t surprise him. A quick glance in his closet told the same story. His brothers had taken the things they liked.

Well, not a great loss. He didn’t plan to say here long, but the old Varo would’ve thrown a fit. So that’s what he had to do. A tired sigh escaped him. What he really wanted was to go to bed and hide under the covers. Fall apart. Worry about Adlar and what was going on at the Helkan palace.

Instead he prepared himself for a major fit.

A unit hour later he’d screamed the walls down on his and his brothers’ wing. Lars, the heir, was elsewhere in the palace, so he’d attend to that brother later. He did find Wrief in his rooms and stood shrieking at him for a full two unit minutes.

Finally Wrief curled his lip and slammed the door in his face. Wrief had always been the more unpleasant of them. Maybe it was a middle brother thing. He was satisfied he’d done all he could to uphold the spoilt prince image.

He slunk back to his chambers. He did a quick search of his rooms, just to be safe. Even though he didn’t find anything, he couldn’t take the risk there was a bug in the room he’d missed. Although why and how one would have gotten there was beyond him.

As much as he hated to, he took a quick shower to help his body relax. He ached from being stunned, but that also meant he washed the scent of Adlar from him. He turned his face to the water cascading down on him and let the tears flow.

The water from the showerhead should hide his tears and sounds. For a brief moment he let himself go. Let anger take him. Cussed Maylar to the very depths of the blackest black hole. And he grieved. Grieved for what had been taken from him.

He’d get back to Adlar somehow. And may the gods help anyone fool enough to get in his way.

* * * *

The next morning he’d barely managed to dress before someone was demanding entrance to his chambers. Not in the mood for the games to start this early, he debated not answering. But knowing his luck, whoever it was would override the central computer and force the chamber doors open.

He jerked the doors wide, ready to blast whoever stood there… and barely managed to shut his mouth. “Get lost?”

Lars, the heir to the throne, just raised an eyebrow. “Greetings to you too, brother dear.” He motioned to one of his guards who stepped forward with a box. “Here.”

 “Oh a welcome home gift.” Varo’s sarcasm floated down the hall as he looked in the box. He snorted. “You gifted me with my things? How… charming. Nice of you to return them.”

Lars shrugged. “We were told you were taken by the Helkans. No one comes back from that so really, I didn’t think you’d mind. Not like I could ask you.”

Varo nearly swallowed his tongue in an effort not to respond. Instead he took the box, but stayed squarely in the doorway. “Yes, well. Thank you for bringing back the things of mine you helped yourself to.”

Lars inched closer. “Ask me in.”

Varo ignored Lars and stared in the box, poking around. “I’d just as soon not.”

“I’d just as soon you did.”

Varo sighed and looked at Lars. “Right. It doesn’t matter what I want. Fine. If that’ll get you out of my hair faster, then come in.” He stood back, let Lars in, and then promptly shut the door in the guards’ face. He took perverse pleasure in the startled eyes of the closest one. Small of him, yes, but it felt good.

Still, it promised to be a really going to be a long day.

“What do I owe this early morning visit to? Besides bringing back my things you took.” Varo walked back into his chambers.

Lars took out a slim, black devise and started walking around Varo’s quarters. “Oh, you know. Thought how we could talk about, oh I don’t know…. My youngest brother crash landing on Helkan, gets himself taken as a slave, and then manages to escape as pretty as you please.”

Lars put a finger to his lips then shook his head when Varo frowned at what he held in his hand. Lars continued, “Of course I wish to see how you were.”

“Right.” Varo finally figured out what Lars held was a device that found bugs. He followed Lars into his bedroom as Lars checked out the chamber.

Lars continued speaking as if they weren’t stalking through Varo’s rooms. “I wish to hear what is surely a grand tale.”

Varo followed Lars into the master bath and then out again. “It’s not all that pretty.”

“I’m sure.” Lars returned to the living area and turned the device off. “Okay, it’s clear. We can talk safely.”

As if he was going to fall for that. Varo sat on a couch. “What in the stars are you doing?”

Lars sat on another couch across from Varo. “I’m glad you’re safe, Varo. I really am. And if you need to talk, I’m here. But first, there’s something more important to talk about.”

“More important than my time with the Helkans?”

“You’ve met with our father since you returned, yes?”

“Oh yes. Just as soon as I arrived.”

Lars nodded. “Then you must know Our Highness is crazier than a maddened batar bitch. That’s more important than anything you could tell me about the Helkans.”

If that was what Lars thought, then who was Varo to correct him?

* * * *

Several unit hours later, Lars left. They’d had first meal in Varo’s chambers, and it wasn’t settling well. The picture Lars painted wasn’t nice. Their father was abusing drugs and making outlandish decisions.

The people were very vocal in their unhappiness. The advisors were threatening to resign. All this he knew. And the coffers were empty. They, the royal family, were flat broke. That was news to him.

He was appalled. Lars went on to tell him the king’s answer to the problem was to offer his middle son’s hand in marriage… to the highest bidder in a few days’ time. Well, Varo just thought he’d been appalled earlier.

He was wrong.

This was truly appalling. Arranged marriages weren’t unheard of, but this was beyond what was acceptable. And Lars just kept on with the bad news. Varo had returned, and Lars had no doubt Varo would be offered up for sale too.

The scary thing was there wasn’t much they could do. The king had the final word, and he was desperate. If they didn’t get the economy righted, there was a chance civil war could break out, Lars said. Varo knew that already.

But what he didn’t know was Lars planned to overthrow their father and take over before King Drea could arrange the sale of the two younger males. Lars wanted Varo’s support. What in the worlds had been going on since his capture?

After Lars left, Varo paced in his chambers. Did he trust what Lars told him? Was this a trick? His father was going to host an auction for Wrief and now possibly him? Really? How could their father think this was a good idea? And what did that say about them as a royal family?

It said they were desperate and no better than the rank and file, that’s what it said. Who in their right mind would think this was a good idea? But then, that was the problem. Their king didn’t seem to be in his right mind.

Varo had noticed the smell of faylay on the king last night. There was no mistaking that sickly sweet scent. Was he as bad as Lars hinted, though? Then Varo remembered the look in his father’s eyes as he told his tale.

Goddess, he was afraid Lars was correct. But what if he wasn’t? Varo clenched his fist. He hated intrigue. Give him a ship to command, and he was in his element. This? This was colossal pain in his royal ass.

His comm chimed, and he answered. A recorded message played informing him that his Royal Highness wanted him to adjourn to the royal dining room where his father and Wrief waited. Lovely. This day continued to spiral downward.

He hurried to the meeting, knowing better to be late. He entered the formal dining area where food filled the grand table. It more than the three of them could possibly eat in one sitting. Varo bit back the words that sprung to his tongue.

They couldn’t afford this. That was bad enough, but the food they didn’t eat ended up being thrown away. It was a waste. King Drea wouldn’t let the kitchen staff have the food, or staff members, either. He said the food was too good for the servants.

Varo had never really thought much about it, but now he wanted to take one of the five different pies sitting out—why did the three of them need five pies anyhow?—and slam it in his father’s face. Instead he carefully schooled his features.

“Ah good, Varo is here,” King Drea said. “Come, sit. We wish to tell you of Our plans.”

“Planning to sell him too, Father?” Wrief snarled from the other end of the table, the anger and blatant disrespect clear in his voice.

Varo cringed. And here we go.

“Silence!” King Drea roared.

Varo jumped. A quick glanced showed the fear on the server’s faces.

King Drea picked up the serving knife next to his plate and threw it at Wrief. Wrief dodged the knife. It lodged in the wall behind him.

“While your mate might not mind if you couldn’t speak, they might miss what you could do with that tongue of yours. So if you wish to keep it, We suggest you shut up!”

No one moved for several unit seconds.

By all that’s holy, what have I walked into? Varo slowly made his way to the table as the staff scrambled into action. Wrief was pale, but okay. And he wasn’t talking. Varo looked around. No one else seemed as freaked as he was over the fact the king just threw a knife at one of his sons. Just how common was this?

“Now”—King Drea smiled as if nothing had occurred—“as it just so happens We had planned a royal ball to be held on Virus II in three days. Wrief will find a mate there. Since you’re not mated, We’ve decided that you will also take part. We have high hopes the two of you will line Our coffers very nicely. Start packing after the meal, Varo. We leave tomorrow.”

Varo goggled. Lars had warned him, but still. This was insanity.

“We also wish for you to describe the places you saw while held captive. Start with the Helkan palace. You will be working with someone to draw up schematics of the palace.” King Drea snapped his fingers, and a male hurried forward to take notes and draw the palace.

Wrief rolled his eyes. Varo wanted to agree.

“We want you to also tell Us about how the Helkan Satellite Surveillance Network went down, in detail, that first time. You may begin.” King Drea waved his hand indicating for Varo to start.

What am I going to do now? Varo started talking. What choice did he have? That didn’t mean he was entirely truthful in what he told King Drea.

Chapter Nineteen - Adlar

“What do you mean, he’s missing?”

“I think it’s pretty self-explanatory,” Omori said. “Maylar wasn’t at the client’s home as we thought.”

A day had passed since Adlar’s life stopped. His temper was fast eroding, as was his patience. He wanted Varo home. Now. And his mate wasn’t, and that was driving him slowly insane.

Adlar pinched the bridge of his nose and counted silently before answering. “I know what it means, Omori. Where is he?”

“If I had an answer to that, don’t you think I’d tell you?” Omori waved at the table in front of Adlar. “Sit before you have an aneurysm. I have men looking for him. An announcement was made at all space ports on Helkan. Command knows to scan all vehicles requesting permission to leave the planet. He’s not getting off the planet, Adlar. Not if I can help it. Now, eat.”

Adlar dropped in the seat and made an effort to rein in his temper. “I’m worried. We haven’t heard one thing from the Yesri. I thought by now we’d hear something.”

“No news is good news. They obviously don’t know Varo is your mate. If they did….”

“They’d use that.” Adlar finished for Omori. Adlar ran a hand through his hair. At this rate he’d be bald shortly.

“Indeed they—” Omori’s comm signaled, and he glanced at it. “Hmm, it’s an incoming message. Do you mind if I take it?”

“Please do. It might be important.”

Omori opened the comm and read the message, a frown crossing his face as he read.

“Is it about Varo?”

Omori looked up. “It is. I just received information about an upcoming ball held on Virus II. One Wrief Kutchif and one Varo Kutchif, Yesri princes, are going to be offered in separate auctions as mates to the highest bidder two days from now.”

>“What!”</i> Adlar stood so fast his chair flew backward and tipped over.

Omori sipped his drink. “Calm down, Adlar. This is perfect.”

“Prefect? Are you insane?” Adlar slammed his hands down on the table and leaned forward. “They plan to sell my mate to some… to some… aw, gods!” He couldn’t wrap his head around the horror of that. Just couldn’t.

“They plan to, yes, but we’re not going to let that happen. Now sit down and listen to me.”

Adlar grabbed his chair and fell into it, unable to speak.

“They have to get there, right? Maybe luck is on our side, and they haven’t left yet.” Omori tapped some commands into the comm. “I’m going to have someone check to see what airships have left Yesri air space lately. If they haven’t left, we may have a chance to intercept them before they land on Virus II.”

Adlar suddenly grin was just this side of feral. “And take back what’s mine.”


* * * *

When word came that the Yesri royal family hadn’t left their planet, Adlar took a moment to celebrate. Then he went to the Helkan space sport where the crew was assembling. Soon they would ready one of the Helkans’ biggest battleships.

Adlar was no pilot, so he wasn’t in command. He was fine with that. As long as he got Varo back, he didn’t need to rattle his balls at anyone. Besides, he had Omori for that. He laughed quietly. Omori had caused a slight panic when he announced he planned to go too.

That had cause a stir of unimaginable proportions. Everyone from the captain, to the Royal Guard, to Omori’s advisers, threw a fit. Having the king off planet was dangerous. They all knew that, but Omori put his royal foot down. He was going, and that was the end of that.

Adlar didn’t argue. He just assigned several D’noir to patrol the starship and stick close to the king. His D’noir was good at blending into the shadows and few noticed them. Omori had his personal guard on board too.

Adlar knew his brother well enough to know there was no changing his mind. Frankly he was relieved Omori was there, just in case this thing went tits up. From the moment they found out about the ball and auction, everyone stayed on the battleship.

They had to be ready to go at a moment’s notice. Once the Yesri king and his sons left the planet, they had to be ready too. Adlar knew the wait wouldn’t be long, not with the ball coming so soon.

Omori settled in one of the larger quarters. At Omori’s request, Adlar had joined him. They debated taking the Yesri king and the middle son prisoner, but decided not to. It was more trouble than Omori wanted to deal with, but he wanted Adlar’s thoughts on the subject.

Adlar agreed. What he didn’t tell Omori was he’d privately deliberated killing King Drea, but also discounted the idea. Killing his mate’s father might be considered in bad taste by some. Maybe. Lucky for the two Yesri men, Adlar didn’t want either of them anywhere near Varo nor their blood on his hands. Maybe.
When word came the Yesri were leaving their planet, Adlar breathed easier. Finally. His training was such that he was used to long periods of time passing with little to no movement—both physically and mentally. He could play the waiting game as well as anyone else. He’d never had a problem with that. But this was different.

This was the male he loved.

Earlier Omori had showed him the schematics of the Yesri battleship. Theirs was much bigger than the Yesris’, and, from what he read of the specs, they were not only bigger, but badder—badder weapons, badder and more efficient engines, and more speed.

But the ultimate weapon in their arsenal was that they’d figured out how to use stealth technology. It was a technology that used selective bending of light and other forms of energy to render a starship completely invisible to the electromagnetic spectrum and most sensors.

In other words, they could cloak their starships. That made them extremely dangerous. They might not leave their planet often, but when they did, they had the best technology had to offer.

Adlar stared out the portal window in his quarters. They’d just left Helkan airspace and jumped. The plan was to drop out of warp near the planet Virus and stay cloaked. When the Yesri battleship appeared, they’d decloak. Using their laser cannons, they’d take out the Yesris’ weapons and shields.

Then they’d use a tractor beam on the Yesri ship to keep it from jumping back into warp and escaping. With the shields down, the transporter room could scan for Varo. They’d lock onto his DNA and beam him aboard. Once they had him, they’d jump and head home.

Time passed quickly as he waited. He tensed as an automatic message appeared on his comm alerting him they would be dropping out of warp soon. Hopefully this would be all over before the Yesri could summon help from their planet’s surface.

But if the Yesri did, the Helkans would just disarm the other ship too. Adlar hurried to the Transport Room One. They’d agreed Omori would be on the bridge in case he needed to speak to King Drea for some reason, and Adlar would wait for Varo to be beamed to him.

He barely entered the Transporter Room when he heard the first laser cannons fired.

The Senior Transporter Chief working the transporter looked at Adlar. “I have him, my Lord. I’ve locked onto him and about to bring him over.”

“Any problems?” Adlar asked.

“Not as far as I know. The plan was to hit them and hit them quick. Last thing we wanted was to give them a chance to try something stupid.”

“Good idea since this is the Yesri king we’re dealing with.”

“Yes, sir. Okay, transporting now….”

Adlar stood quietly by, waiting, repeating in his head that he wouldn’t attack his mate. He wouldn’t attack his mate. He wouldn’t attack his mate. On the transportation pad a blurry figure slowly condensed in a sitting position. Adlar shifted from foot to foot. The figure became solid, and the transport ended.

Varo landed on his ass, blinking hard. In his hand he held a piece of food frozen halfway to his mouth. Again he blinked as he looked around. His gaze settled on Adlar and shock covered his face. “A—Adlar? Oh stars, Adlar? Is that really you?”

Varo threw what looked like a fried leg of some animal over his shoulder. He lurched to his feet and looked around. “Adlar? What’s going on? How’d I get here? Um, where is here? Why… why aren’t you… um….” Varo blinked again.

Adlar unstuck his feet from the floor when tears appeared in Varo’s eyes. Varo’s shaking voice and confusion got him moving toward his mate. He raced up the platform and leaped onto the pad where Varo stood shivering. He hauled Varo into his arms.

“Oh gods, oh gods. I’m so glad you’re here. I was so worried. I love you, Varo. Nothing and no one will ever keep you from me.” Adlar dragged Varo’s head back by his hair and kissed the ever-loving frack out of his mate.

When the need for air drove them apart, Varo collapsed against Adlar. “Oh thank the goddess. I was so scared. Maylar… Maylar kidnapped me and set the shuttle to take me to Yesri space.”

“I know, I know. I knew you didn’t leave me.”

 Varo gulped, struggling to speak. “Then… then that auction my father set up, and…. Adlar, I-I just couldn’t believe my father could do such a thing. I—I need you. Please. Oh gods, need you so b-badly. Hold me.”

Adlar snapped at the fear and pain on Varo’s voice. He swept Varo up into his arms and stormed out of the transporter room. Adlar’s long legs carried him down the corridors to his quarters. Varo hung on, his arms wrapped tightly around Adlar’s neck.

Varo buried his face in silky hair and whispered, “I knew you’d come for me. Somehow, someway, I knew you’d find me. Save me.”

Adlar vibrated with the depth of his anger. Varo sounded terrified. “Always. I will always come for you.”

Crewmembers hugged the sided of the corridors, their eyes on the floor as the predator Adlar had become swiftly passed them. Adlar snarled the command to open his quarters. Moments later he dropped Varo on the bed and followed him down.

The thin material of Varo’s shirt was no barrier against their driving need to touch. The sound of material ripping filled the room. The desperation surrounding them was a living thing. Varo kicked his shoes off, and Adlar sat up.

He pulled a knife from a sheath, but paused. “Is this—”

“Fine.” Varo’s smile lit up the room. “It’s fine. You would never hurt me.”

Moments later Varo’s pants fared no better than the shirt. Adlar hurled the scraps across the room. A hoarse, low growl came from Adlar as he wrapped a hand around Varo’s shaft.

“This is mine.”

“Yes!” Varo nodded, hips arching. “Yours.”

Adlar stroked Varo, his hand trembling with urgency. His fear, his anger, and his desperation threatened to overwhelm him. He needed Varo to come for him. He needed…. a sob broke from him. Horrified, he glanced at Varo.

“We’re okay.” Varo calmly wrapped a hand around Adlar’s. “Shh. It’s okay. I’m okay. You saved me. We have all the time in the world, Adlar.”

“Yes, okay. Yes. Gods.” Adlar dropped his head on Varo’s hip. “Crying all over you was not how I wanted this to go.”

Varo sat up and pulled Adlar up too. He hugged Adlar. “We’re together. That’s all that matters to me. So… this can go however you want. Or we can just… snuggle. As long as I can touch you, I’m fine.”

Adlar took a deep breath, calming down. The fear and anger bled out of him. “I… Sorry. Had no idea that was lurking around, just waiting to pop out. I’d…. Varo, I want you to make love to me.”

Varo cupped Adlar’s face. “I can so do that.”

Adlar kissed Varo’s palm, a grin playing around his lips. “Don’t think you’re getting it. I want you to top me.”

Varo’s mouth fell open, and he reared back. “Holy frack!”

Adlar laughed outright. “Picked up my favorite word, have you?”

“Holy frack!”

“I’ll take that as a yes.” Adlar snickered at the look on Varo’s face.

“Are you serious? You want me to top you?”

“Very much so. And you should know this is a first for me.”

“Oh, by the goddess, Adlar.” Varo repeated and fell back on the bed. “You… you… I’d be honored, Adlar. Thank you for such a gift. I’m… stars, I may cry all over you now.”

“No crying.” Adlar lay back on the bed too and wiggled his eyebrows at Varo. “Well? Come and get me.”

With a laugh, Varo lunged. They rolled around on the bed, wrestling for Adlar’s pants and shirt. Adlar didn’t fight too hard. He wanted skin-to-skin contact as much as Varo did. He did laugh when his shirt ended up thrown over a lamp, tossed there by a gleeful Varo who whooped and hollered about his prize.

The urgency had passed, and now they were much more relaxed. Adlar ended up on his back again, his hair spread out around him. Varo knelt at his side, his own long hair falling down his back. Had there ever been a more beautiful male? Adlar didn’t think so. And that male was his.

Varo grasped Adlar’s cock. Adlar held his breath as things turned from playful to serious. Varo licked the head, his tongue trailing through Adlar’s precome. Rubbing the wet tip against his lips, Varo met Adlar’s eyes.

Adlar stuffed some pillows under his head so he could watch. Even then he rose up on his elbows. As he stared at his mate, Varo tongued the tiny opening at the top of Adlar’s shaft. Adlar grunted. That felt incredible.

Adlar panted as Varo sucked and licked. The sensations drove Adlar crazy. His hips bucked, and he grinned when Varo held them down. Adlar was beyond happy Varo felt he could do that without worrying about punishment for stepping out of bounds.

There were no bounds now. Then Varo took Adlar’s cock all the way back into his throat. He swallowed, and Adlar’s mind went blank. He moaned, long and loud.

Adlar’s moan was echoed by Varo.

“I can feel your throat muscles constricting around my shaft. Best thing I’ve ever felt, princeling.”

Varo hiked an eyebrow at the name. He bobbed up and down on Adlar’s cock, staring into Adlar’s eyes.

Adlar’s moan quickly turned desperate. “Don’t make me come yet.”

Varo let Adlar’s cock fall from his mouth. He held it up so he could mouth Adlar’s sac.

Adlar’s body tensed. He threaded one hand through Varo’s hair, tugging gently until Varo moved away from his cock and balls. “It’s all too much. I… give me a unit second to calm down, or this is going to be over before it starts.”

Varo moved closer to Adlar’s chest. He circled one of Adlar’s nipples. “Wound tight, are you?”

Adlar’s hiss startled them both. “Gods, that feels good.”

Varo rolled one nipple then leaned down to kiss it. He quickly nipped the hard tip then sucked it into his mouth.

Adlar arched into the touch and his cock jumped on his belly. Varo’s hands were everywhere. On his nipples, feathering down his ribs, ghosting over his hips… the little touches built a fire in him. He fell back against the pillows, raised his knees, and spread his legs, offering himself to Varo.

“Oh,” Varo whispered. “That… takes my breath away.”

Adlar turned toward the nightstand, pulled open a drawer and found the lube. He held it out to Varo. “Here. Going to need that.”

“Oh yeah.” Varo moved between Adlar’s legs.

Varo squirted lube on his fingers and gently rubbed Adlar’s entrance. Adlar tensed, but Varo didn’t enter him, he just played there, getting Adlar used to a touch in a place he’d never been touch before. Need built.

“More,” he demanded.

Varo laughed softly. “I should’ve known you’d be a bossy bottom.”

Adlar was saved from replying when a slick finger worked into him. It felt odd, but not unpleasant. Varo moved his finger in and out, twisting and turning. Slowly Adlar’s body relaxed. He hadn’t noticed he tensed up.

Varo entered him with another finger, stretching him more.

Adlar moaned at the sensation. Now it burned a little, but not bad. Varo worked the two fingers in and out of him. There was something building, but… he needed something else. Something more. He grunted, legs moving restlessly. He didn’t know what to ask for.

“Easy, easy.” Varo scissored his fingers inside Adlar.

Adlar moaned again.

“I know, my sinfully sexy mate. I know.”

Adlar gasped when Varo turned his fingers and hit something inside him. “Frack!”

He knew it was his prostate. He knew that. What he hadn’t known was how good it felt.

“Again!” He pulled his legs up to his chest.

“Oh gods, you’re killing me.” Varo moaned. “If only you could see yourself. You are so sexy spread out like this.”

Adlar’s cock smeared precome over his belly. His head thrashed back and forth on the bed. “I... get in me. I need… Varo, take me. Hurry! I… oh, that feels good.”

“Not gonna hurt you.” Varo slid his fingers out and slathered more lube on his cock. On his knees, he leaned over Adlar. “I love you.”

“Mine!” Adlar snarled, fangs gleaming as he wrapped his legs around Varo’s hips. He reached up and grabbed a handful of Varo’s hair. His other hand grasped Varo’s throat. “Love you too. Only you. Now take my ass.”

Varo snorted. “Only you.”

Adlar tightened his legs around Varo’s waist as Varo pressed his cock inside. He felt his body opening up, letting Varo enter him. Nothing had ever felt like this. Varo filled him perfectly. Varo panted as he leaned over Adlar.

“Okay?” Varo asked as he bottomed out.

“Almost. Need you to move.”

Varo took a few deep breaths, and then gently thrust his hips.

Adlar moaned as Varo hit his hot spot immediately. “Good. So good.”

Varo quickly picked up the pace. “You hold me so tightly.”

Adlar kept a hold of Varo’s hair, making his mate look at him as Varo moved in his body. A light sweat covered them both. Adlar watched pleasure spread over Varo’s face as he drove into Adlar’s body. Pleasure flowed through Adlar. He drew closer to the edge, but didn’t break eye contact.

“Close.” Adlar warned as Varo stared back. “So close.”

Varo sped up, striking Adlar’s hot spot every thrust. His spine tingled, and desire exploded in his mind. His vision grayed, and his toes curled. He finally had to let go of Varo’s hair. This was the ‘more’ he needed. He writhed on Varo’s cock, gasping, undulate wildly under Varo.

Adlar’s body burned with pleasure; he was hot all over. Everything prickled and tingled. One last jab to his prostate, and Adlar yelled. He came, the essence spurting up his chest.

Varo’s yell followed. “Oh, oh… gods!”

Jets of Varo’s come filled Adlar. Shuddering, Varo eased his weight down on Adlar, trembling. Adlar held Varo close. Contentment spread through his body, and the throbbing inside him slowly stopped. Varo’s cock slipped out, and he rolled over onto his side.

“That was… An exploding star isn’t that magnificent.” Varo snuggled in and petted Adlar’s chest. “Um, you might want to take a shower too. Clean up, you know.”

“Now I see why you head to the shower so fast.” Adlar winked at Varo. “I’ll be right back.”

“Tell me where you keep the sheets and I’ll change them. There seems to be a wet spot.” Varo laughed at the look on Adlar’s face when he stood.

Adlar told Varo where he kept the clean sheets. Then a funny look crossed his face. “Oh, I can feel…. That feels very….”

“Yes, it does. Better hurry.”

“I most definitely I will.” Adlar did hurry to the shower.

He cleaned up quickly. There were things they needed to talk about, and he wanted to make sure Varo wasn’t hungry. When he returned to the bedroom, he found Varo lying on the clean sheets. For a moment he was tempted to dirty them again, but decide not to. Instead he sat on the bed.

Varo patted the space next to him. “I need you close.”

Adlar knew the feeling so he lay down. “Are you hungry?”

“No, I was eating with when I was suddenly beamed over here. My father isn’t going to be happy, you know. Thank the gods.”

“Your father can—” The beep of his comm stopped whatever he was going to say. Adlar read the incoming message out loud to Varo. “That was Omori. Your father tried to contact us shortly after we decloaked. Once we had you, Omori answered his hails and told him we’d removed you.”

“And he hasn’t opened fire yet?”

“Can’t. We disabled his weapons.” Adlar laughed as he continued reading. “King Drea demanded payment since we took you. We messed up his plans, it seems.”


“And my brother told him what you are to me, warned your father to leave us alone, then threatened to blow up his ship,” Adlar said. “Hate I missed that.”

“Me too. So now my father knows. Not sure that’s a good thing.”

“He’d figured it out at some point anyway.” Adlar shrugged. “Now. Tell me what Maylar did to you that morning.” 

Varo played with a hank of black hair near his arm. “You’re so sure I didn’t leave you, aren’t you?”

“Absolutely.” Adlar leaned down and lightly kissed Varo. “I trust you. You and Omori are the only two I fully trust. Now tell me what he did.”

With a sigh, Varo started talking.


“Stop jumping around,” Adlar complained. Varo glanced up at Adlar. His mate gave him a naughty wink and a smile.

“Easy for you to say. I got to piss. Again.” Varo just shook his head as Adlar snickered.

“There.” Adlar stepped back after closing the earring he’d had made from Black Phospolrock.

Adlar piercing him had been… entertaining. Hair-raising, but entertaining.

“If you need to go, better do it now,” Adlar said.

The palace was full of Helkans celebrating the joining of Adkar Mondur and Varo Kutchif. The newly mated couple was about to join everyone in the palace gardens.

“Be right back.”

Rumors had flown when the announcement was made, but the story of how the unemotional Adar had raced to save his lover won several hearts. Many raised an eyebrow about how Adlar’s lover was a Yesri prince, but those who had met the male stood by his side. His name was spoken with affection and honor by those who knew him.

It helped that the Helkan king also freely showed how much he liked his brother’s mate.

Other planets took note of the stories and the joining of Varo and Adlar. Some sent congratulations to the happy couple. Others not so much. The Yesri king was said to be beyond furious over the mating.

But the Yesri king had other things to worry about… like his heir trying to overthrow him.

Varo and Adlar spent the trip back to Helkan in Adlar’s quarters. He told Adlar how Maylar stunned him and of the secret passages. They discussed who Maylar’s helpers were and who he might have as a friend in Command.

Varo spoke of his fear, his helplessness… of how he could hear what was being said but couldn’t respond. Adlar shared his anger toward Maylar and how he came close to losing control; he talked about his fear too.

Adlar told of how Maylar was missing and what was being done to find him and the others who helped. Omori stopped by once to check on them, then stayed away the rest of the journey home. Once home, they started making plans to join their lives. Now it was time to celebrate that love.

On his way back to join Adlar, Varo stopped by a window in their chambers that overlooked the palace grounds. So many people were there. Some were accepting, but some weren’t. He didn’t care. He had his lover, and that’s all he needed. He might stick out with his blond hair and tanned skin, but he was well-loved.

Varo walked around the corner, and Adlar was there, waiting. Adlar held his hand out, and Varo took it. Never had he been so glad to be in enemy hands.

The End.