Thursday, July 8, 2021

Thursday Book Recommendation


These are books I’ve read and really enjoyed. Most of what I talk about will probably be paranormal/scifi but not always. Although it’s rare, I do read some contemporary.


This week is: King & Queen: RELIC #3 Kindle Edition by Maz Maddox 


Blurb: Running into your one night stand is always awkward.


It’s especially awkward when said hunky hookup pulls you into a secret war over fossils and a kidnapped, newly awakened Albertosaurus shifter.


As if my life wasn’t already a mess (understatement), now I’m cruising through Canada hunting down an ancient monster who tried to kill us, attempting to get my social media career off the ground, and ignoring my feelings for my one time fling.


Royal is hot as fire, funny, brilliant and has a thing for dinosaurs almost as much as I do.


Probably because he is one.




Amazon link: