Did y'all know Riding the Tide was actually based off a commercial I saw (it's been several years ago now).
It’s about a guy sitting at a pool with a couple of friends. He’s saying he’s never going to get married. The next shot of him is him buying an engagement ring. Then this guy and his wife say they’re never having kids. The next shot is of him holding his wife’s hand while she’s in labor. And it goes on and on.
For everything he says he’s not going to do, he ends up doing. The commercial ends him with him saying he’s never going to let go. So basically, this is the premise behind Riding the Tide! For everything Marcus says he isn’t going to do, he does.
“There’s nothing out there. Maybe it was a trick of the
moonlight.” Blair nodded, as if that settled the whole matter. “Moonlight.
Nothing but the moonlight. Certainly no person.”
The band picked then to start playing. Blair flinched then glanced
back over his shoulder. The boat lurched, he stumbled, and then dropped his
drink into the water.
“Oh, come on.” Didn’t that just figure? He wished he never stepped
foot on this boat. Now that his breathing calmed somewhat, he began to question
his foolish reaction.
Of course there was nothing out there. He’d freaked himself out
for nothing. Jeez. Maybe the first thing he needed to do when he got home was
visit the eye doctor, because obviously he was seeing things.
As he turned away from the railing, he saw something out of the
corner of his eye. His heart rate spiked as he spun back. One of the dolphins
whistled. Out there in the distance something answered, a sharp trilling sound.
Only the answering trill didn’t sound like the dolphin.
And then even the dolphins disappeared.
As he glared out over the moonlit ocean, he swore he saw a huge
tail slap the surface of the water… right where he thought he saw somebody.
Exactly where he thought he saw that person. Unnerved, he turned away from the