Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Teaser Tuesday


 Dragons of San DeLain #3

KIT’S EYES flew open, his heart hammering. Dammit to hell and back, he’d had that stupid dream again, the one where he was about to be engulfed by fire, but not just any fire—dragon fire. 

There had been yelling, threats, and fear… then him staring into the maw of a red dragon. A huge red fireball grew in size at the back of the dragon’s throat, busting out of its mouth toward Kit. 

Just before the flames hit him, he woke up, as usual. 

He had no idea why he was dreaming of fire and dragons, but it didn’t bode well for any of them. Just like the last time, his terror had awakened Hudson and Connie, thanks to the bond. And just like last time, but there wasn’t really anything Hudson or Connie could do.