Thursday, August 2, 2012

Dreamspinner Spins Me a Dream

That's right! Wheeeeee! Got the news last night lol. Perfect, the second book after Priceless, is under contract!

*Throws glitter*

I wasn't expecting to hear anything for awhile yet, so when the kiddo and I got back from McDonald's-yes, we were at Mickey-D's lol-imagine my shock to see a contract.

The release date is Jan/Feb of next year. What a way to start 2013! I'm kinda hoping it'll be released in Feb. It would fit, you know? February is Valentine's Day and Perfect is all about my little imp Cupid. ;)

And while I'm on this subject, I want to say a big thank you to everyone you bought Priceless. Guys, it's #7 on DSP Bestseller List. OMG, I'm awed just to be on the list, much less up that high! So... *big group  hug* thank you all. :)
