Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Tuesday Teaser


“Okay. I’m going to get on the road since it takes the better part of an hour to get home. Later!” Mick tossed over his shoulder as he left.

Mick should be glad Nicholas hadn’t traveled further. Narathon was indeed an hour away from Mystic Bay, which was nothing for someone who came all the way from Russia to take care of business. Nicholas finally heard the distant roar of Mick’s truck starting and shook his head. For someone who didn’t like attention, Mick certainly drove a loud vehicle.

Speaking of things demanding attention, he once more tugged his cell out, unlocked it, and pulled up the calendar. No wonder Mick’s reactions drew his attention… and that insidious need Nicholas despised. It had been six months since the last time.

Nicholas swallowed heavily. He’d hoped for a bit more time before he was forced to take care of the problem, but it didn’t look like time was on his side. His hand tightened, and he purposely relaxed his hold. No point crushing his cell, even if he was annoyed. Better to feed that need now than wait for to it became uncontrollable.