Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Tuesday Teaser

Welcome to Tuesday Teaser! (Hudson's book.)

I can NOT stress this enough--if you have not read Of Love and Shadows, do not start these teasers because there are massive spoilers!

In fact, I'd go as far as to say read all the Daemon of San DeLain books first, otherwise you're gonna be kinda lost.

Daemons of San DeLain series:

Chasing Shadows #1

Shadows Embrace #2

Of Love and Shadows #3













Hudson could hear the anger but also the sadness in Kage’s voice.

“I’m so sorry,” Hudson finally said when Kage wound down. “Austin really is okay?”

“Yes. He’s being observed for forty-eight hours. Terry is looking after him.”

For several minutes neither Kage nor Hudson said anything. Finally, Hudson broke the silence, “I hate to say it, but at least it wasn’t you who ended Nox’s life.”

“I know.”

“How is Axel handling that?”

“Honestly? I think he’s having a lot of the same emotions I’m having—just minus the sadness, of course. Lots of anger for sure. Austin and I are keeping an eye on him.”

“That’s good. I’m not going to lie, that situation is a little weird, but I’m glad you and he have worked things out. It sounds like he needs a friend. Also? I hear you’re connect to a wolf pack too.” Hudson snickered. 

“Well, that didn’t take long. But yes.”

“Werewolves are just a bunch of old gossips. Anyhow, I never thought I’d be saying that. Not in a million years.”

“That I’m connected to a werewolf pack? Me either. Life’s a damn trip, is it not?”

“It is indeed, my friend. So, is Austin up to having visitors?”

“Of course.”

“Conrad and I will stop by, then. Any time good?”

“Yes, just call. I’m still feeling rather protective.”

“I bet.” Hudson wasn’t soul bound to anyone, which was the equivalent of a mate for dragons, but he could imagine how he would feel if he was in his friend’s shoes. “Hey, Kage?”


“I’m here for you. If you need anything, anything, let me know.”

“Thank you. I most definitely will. There’s a possibility I might be asking to borrow your jet to make a quick trip to Greece, but I’m not sure yet.”

“Anything you need.” Hudson didn’t ask why Kage was going to Greece because frankly, it wasn’t any of his business. If Kage wanted him to know, he’d tell him eventually. But Hudson had a sneaking suspicion—he knew were Kage was born. 

After the call ended, Hudson leaned back in his chair, staring at ceiling. His friend was hurting, and he hated that. Made him want to burn something to the ground. 

They’d met when Hudson had fished Kage out of the River Thames during the late eighteen hundreds. Ah, the Victorian era. What fun that had been. How Kage had stunk too. 

It still made him smile thinking about it. Kage had turned the air blue with his foul language. He was one of the few non-dragons Hudson trusted. The daemon was his best friend and sometimes partner-in-crime, so to speak. 

They had several joint ventures that paid nicely, and they shared similar tastes in both stocks and bonds… and at one time, in men and women. But those days were passed, for both of them. 

Strong hands began to massage his tight shoulders. Turning his head slightly, he nipped at the fingers working a particularly brutal knot.

“I certainly didn’t see that coming. He’s hurting. You can hear it in his voice. And stop biting at me before you start something right here in your office, again, you damn horny dragon.”

Hudson spun his desk chair around and yanked the biggest pain in his ass and love of his life into his lap. “If I remember correctly, Connie, it was you who started it last time.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Connie sniffed as he straddled Hudson’s lap. 
