Thursday, June 27, 2024

Thursday Book Recommendation



 These are books I’ve read and really enjoyed. Most of what I talk about will probably be paranormal/scifi but not always. Although it’s rare, I do read some contemporary.



This week is: The Necromancer's War (The Beacon Hill Sorcerer Book 7) by Sheena Jolie, SJ Himes



SJ Himes writing as Sheena Jolie brings the newest adventure in The Beacon Hill Sorcerer series... 


Angel Salvatore has been through one supernatural war, and it nearly took everything from him.

 Over a decade later, the High Council of Sorcery is coming for Angel and all he holds dear--his found family and friends, and the city he calls home. His beloved mate Simeon at his side, Angel confronts ghosts from his family's past, and a reawakening of memories of the worst day of his life. Nothing and no one is safe as the High Council moves against Angel and his loved ones. New allies and old friends join Angel on his side of the brewing conflict, all preparing for the battles to come, while a new enemy comes to Boston, bringing ancient magic and monsters in his wake. 

The rising potential of an international war is brewing in Boston, and the infamous necromancer of Beacon Hill will need all his allies, skills, and lessons learned to keep his mate, family, and his future safe.


The Necromancer's War is not a standalone title and should be read in series order for full understanding of plot and characters. Content Advisory on the Copyright Page which can be accessed by downloading a reading sample.


Written as SJ Himes:

The Necromancer's Dance Book #1

The Necromancer's Dilemma Book #2

The Necromancer's Reckoning Book #3

A History of Trouble: A Beacon Hill Sorcerer Collection Book #3.5

Mastering the Flames Book #4

Love Springs Eternal Book #5



(As Sheena Jolie)

Blood Omen Book #6

The Necromancer's War #7

The Edge of Fate #8 (Coming Soon)


*A Werewolves of Boston Novella.


Amazon link:

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Teaser Tuesday


Hudson disconnected the call. Thank the dragon gods he and Connie had been working from home that day and not one at his office in San DeLain.

Smoke trailed from his nostrils as he surged to his feet. If that was Don trailing Beckett and Kit, the asshole had better pray to whatever God he believed in for mercy because Hudson had none.

When he arrived at his garage, Sir Parker, Lady Audrey, Lord Nelson, and Lord Mitchell from his Inner Circle were waiting, along with two dragons from his court.

Hudson squeezed Connie shoulder briefly before addressing his dragons and explaining what was going on.

“Are we sure it’s Don?” Audrey asked.

“No, unfortunately, but Beckett is positive they are being followed, and he’s also reasonably sure it’s a white Chevy truck, which Don does drive. Regardless, we take no chances.”

Monday, June 24, 2024

Pucker Up Pride Style

 It's not what you think. Since Mondays do tend to suck, I thought I'd start the week off right for ya.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Thursday Book Recommendation


These are books I’ve read and really enjoyed. Most of what I talk about will probably be paranormal/scifi but not always. Although it’s rare, I do read some contemporary.

This week is:  Hunt the Wood: An MM Red Riding Hood Retelling (Beautiful Nightmares Book 1) by Anna Fury, Amy Pennza


I’m not a powerful witch, just a fortune teller making ends meet. But when my grandmother, the leader of the Rathmore Coven, summons me, I have no choice but to answer her call. To reach her, I must cross the Wood, the realm of Wotan, lord of the hunt. Rumors of his cruelty and brutality precede him, but nothing prepares me to meet the monster face to face. 

Because Wotan is more than a monster. He’s a predator, a bully, and now he’s claimed me as his pawn in his war against my grandmother. A master of torture, he’s determined to master me, stripping me bare of all my secrets. 

Yet as much as I fear him, I’m drawn to him. His rough edges conceal a softer side—and I find myself wondering if I can be the one to finally tame him. With my life hanging in the balance, I’ve got to fight to uncover the truth about Wotan, my grandmother…and maybe my own destiny.


Amazon link:

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Teaser Tuesday


“Tell your mates we’re coming up on our exit in about two minutes. It’ll be another twenty to thirty minutes before we reach Hudson’s territory after that.”

“Gotcha.” Kit quickly repeated what he was told as soon as Hudson answered the phone.

“Do exactly what Beckett tells you, babe,” Hudson demanded. “We’re on our way.”

Monday, June 17, 2024

Pucker Up Pride Style

 It's not what you think. Since Mondays do tend to suck, I thought I'd start the week off right for ya.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Teaser Tuesday


“Huh?” Beckett glanced quickly at Kit.

“Don’t give me that look. And how can you be as old as you are and manage to look so innocent?” Kit waved his hand like he was shooing away the question. “Anyway, you’re frowning. Is something going on?”

“Just keeping an eye on traffic.”


“Okay, okay, I thought I saw a white Chevy truck a ways back, but I couldn’t get a good look at it to see if it had front end damage.”

Recently he, Hudson, and Connie had been part of a wreck on the interstate. Kit had been pretty sure he’d seen Don, his ex-boyfriend, and possibly his vehicle, in the pileup, which had sustained damage. But Kit wasn’t sure.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Pucker Up Monday Pride Style

 It's not what you think. Since Mondays do tend to suck, I thought I'd start the week off right for ya.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Thursday Book Recommendation (on a Friday again lol)


These are books I’ve read and really enjoyed. Most of what I talk about will probably be paranormal/scifi but not always. Although it’s rare, I do read some contemporary.

This week is: How to Train Your Human Omega: An MM Alien SciFi Romance (Coveted Bonds Book 1) by Arden Fox


The tall alien’s eyes flashed. That was the only warning I got. He charged at me, throwing my crew mates aside as if they were nothing. 

In that moment, I was certain he would kill me. 

But no death blow came. Instead, he spoke, his deep voice heavily accented, each word like stone slabs falling into place.

 “You are mine.”



I don't ask for much from life; I get paid, and then I get laid. And piloting spaceships across the galaxy keeps my solo lifestyle well funded. I don't need a relationship or any of the baggage that comes with it. I like my men like I like my coffee; to go. 

That is, until the most boring job in the universe goes horribly wrong and I’m snatched from my ship by a seven-foot alien. He's huge, he's purple, and he's ripped as hell. I'm sure I'm a dead man. 

Only it turns out he doesn't want to kill me. What he wants is far worse.



 I am the Second; Aldar royalty, the right hand of our leader. I live a half life. On my planet, alphas and omegas are believed to be two halves of a soul. But Omegas are a rare treasure, all but extinct, and I have resigned myself to never knowing the joy of a soul bond. 

But that all changes the moment I step onto the human ship. By some miracle, their pilot is an unclaimed omega. It does not matter that he is a different species, I have to have him. 

That should be my happy ending; omegas are supposed to be meek, obedient, and willing. Clay is anything but. He resists me at every turn. I must bend him to my will before his potent pheromones draw every unmated alpha on the ship–my rank will only hold them back for so long.


How to Train Your Human Omega is a beauty and the beast retelling in the form of an action-packed, spicy, M/M sci-fi romance (with no mpreg) featuring an alien race of beefcakes, a stubborn human, and a very confused and grumpy alien trying to find his happily ever after in all the wrong ways. This book is the first in the Coveted Bonds series, with overarching storylines and recurring characters. Each story follows a different couple to their HEA.



Please check the TWs in the front matter before reading. This book contains some dark themes


Amazon link:

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Teaser Tuesday


Kit started to make a joke about dragons and their wealth when he noticed Beckett staring at the rearview mirror, frowning. “Okay, what?”

“Huh?” Beckett glanced quickly at Kit.

“Don’t give me that look. And how can you be as old as you are and manage to look so innocent?” Kit waved his hand like he was shooing away the question. “Anyway, you’re frowning. Is something going on?”

“Just keeping an eye on traffic.”

Kit huffed. They were not going to do this. “Beckett.”

Monday, June 3, 2024

Pucker Up Monday Pride Style

 It's not what you think. Since Mondays do tend to suck, I thought I'd start the week off right for ya.