Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Teaser Tuesday


Hudson disconnected the call. Thank the dragon gods he and Connie had been working from home that day and not one at his office in San DeLain.

Smoke trailed from his nostrils as he surged to his feet. If that was Don trailing Beckett and Kit, the asshole had better pray to whatever God he believed in for mercy because Hudson had none.

When he arrived at his garage, Sir Parker, Lady Audrey, Lord Nelson, and Lord Mitchell from his Inner Circle were waiting, along with two dragons from his court.

Hudson squeezed Connie shoulder briefly before addressing his dragons and explaining what was going on.

“Are we sure it’s Don?” Audrey asked.

“No, unfortunately, but Beckett is positive they are being followed, and he’s also reasonably sure it’s a white Chevy truck, which Don does drive. Regardless, we take no chances.”