Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Teaser Tuesday


“I’m sorry about ruining lunch,” Kit said quietly as they returned to the bookstore.

“You didn’t ruin anything, my friend.”

“Didn’t I? We didn’t see anyone threatening, and nothing happened,” Kit said. “It was just probably some homophone staring at me because of the way I look and dress.”

Beckett checked the rearview mirror, and then looked out the window as he made a right-hand turn. “Don’t ignore your instincts, Kit. Never do that. Someone followed us yesterday. Don’t ever ignore your instincts.”

Kit bit his lip. “You’re right. I did feel like I was being watched, even though I didn’t see anybody.”

“I didn’t smell hunters, but there were so many humans and other paranormals in there, along with the scent of cooking food and alcohol, it could’ve easily been covered up.”

“Do you think it could have been Don?” Kit asked, blurting out what he’d been thinking.