Welcome to the MM Veterans Day Scavenger Hunt
~Today I'm hosting Gigi from Gay Book Review~
My Favorite Vet by Gigi
My favorite veteran is my husband. He is strong and
brave and constantly thinks of others over himself. One of the many reasons I
feel in love with him!
When we met in 1994 he had already been in the Army
for 6 years. He served in the Iraqi war as a military police officer and was
overseas for 9 months. He and his until spent their time in the desert making
sure others were safe and enforcing the law, no matter who's side you were on.
He was miserable and hated every minute being away from his family, but he did
his duty and did it well. I didn't know him them, but I already loved him.
Yes, this is short, but my husband doesn't like to
talk about his time overseas. We've been married for 21 years and I've heard
more from friends from his unit then him. He is also very private so I'm not
going to name name here. I am sending one picture along, taken in 1991.
Support our veterans!
Gigi's Rapid Fire Q&A answers:
Chocolate/Vanilla Vanilla: I know it is strange, but I've never been a chocolate fanatic like most people. I think that's a good thing for my waistline!
Coke/Pepsi Coke: I just can't eat a burger without being able to wash it down with a real sugar-laced Coke.
Morning/Night Night: Getting up early is something I never did get used to after college. Hate morning.
Coffee/Tea Coffee: 2 cups a day (LARGE cups!) or I can't function.
Summer/Winter Summer: I live in Minnesota so our summers are disgustingly short. I crave it 9 months of the year!
More from Gigi and Gay Book Review:
Follow the Scavenger Hunt for more chances to win!
11/11 - Jessie G Books, N.R. Walker, Talon P.S. & Princess S.O., Two Chicks Obsessed with Books and Eye Candy
11/13 - Aria Grace, Chris McHart, Sassy Girl Books, Gay Book Reviews
11/14 - Carly's Book Reviews, Kai Tyler
11/15 - Lissa Kassey, Prism Book Alliance
11/16 - KathyMac Reviews, Stephen del Mar
11/17 - 2 Bibliophiles Guide, M.A. Church
11/18 - Charlie Cochet, Lexi Ander
11/19 - J.K. Hogan, Book Lovers 4Ever
11/20 - BFD Book Blog, Bike Book Reviews
11/21 - T. Strange, Book Lovers 4Ever