This is from Bound by Destiny and is Raiden and Dayo's book.
“Seriously?” Raiden stood at attention next to First Officer Ziffer and Weapons Chief Nair Ance.
“You heard me, Raiden.” Captain Munn sighed. “The Quai know you’re a royal and insist you attend this banquet they’ve planned. In fact, they want you there for the whole three days.”
“Can I point out Dayo is also considered part of the Royal Family? Not just me?”
“He is, but only through your mating. You, on the other hand, are a blood descendent of King Duran.”
“Um, they do know I’m not in direct line to assume kingship, right? I mean, that’s Hamza. He’s the young birthed to Duran and his mate, Jolak.” Raiden resisted the urge to run his finger around the collar of his uniform. Suddenly it was strangling him.
First Officer Lute snorted. “Notice how he calls him Hamza? Not Prince Hamza? And King Duran is just Duran?”