Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Tuesday Teaser


Is it me or does Axel seem tense still?

I’m picking up on that too.

I’m not sure why. But one thing I know for certain is that I’m about ready to kick both Denisha and Maia on the ankles. They’re taking the whole silent bodyguard role to ridiculous new heights. I know they have their reservations concerning Axel, but this is fast becoming awkward. Austin glared at both of them when Axel wasn’t looking.

Axel was practically vibrating with tension.

Should I ask him what’s going on? Screw it, I’m going to ask him what’s going on. “Hey, Axel, is everything okay? You’re as taut as a bowstring.”

Axel jerked in surprise then sheepishly looked around. “Yeah, sorry. The full moon is coming up.”

“Ahhhhh. I see.” Kage nodded slowly. “That explains why you seem so…. Yeah. It makes sense now.”

Austin looked from Axel to Kage. “I don’t get it.”

“There is some debate that a full moon can affect sleep patterns, the ability to concentrate, and emotions, which can cause anxiety.” Kage glanced around. “It can also affect animals both on land and in the sea.”

Kage glanced meaningfully at Axel.


It took a few seconds, but Kage saw when it finally dawned on Austin what Kage was trying not to say since they were still surrounded by humans.

Oh!  Wow, so there is some truth to that myth. How interesting.”

“It will be taken care of,” Kage reassured Austin quietly.

“Gotcha.” Apparently, Kage had picked up on some Austin’s worries through their bond. “How long until the full moon?”

Kage pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and started typing. “Tomorrow night. Damn. I’m sorry, Axel, I didn’t realize. You should have said something. Look, don’t worry. I’ll make arrangements.”